This was posted 7 years 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Battlefront II Standard Edition - $35.99 @ Origin / $30.77 AUD @ Amazon


Good price for this game. It gets a lot of hate but it's fun.

Even cheaper at Amazon

Part of EA Publisher sale - original deal post here

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Micro transactions have been brought back no deal

    • -2

      They have not yet been brought back, I read maybe in a few months.

      I've been playing Battlefront 2 pretty much since release. You do not have to pay to win.

  • Looking for an angry mob.

  • +3

    No deal. It was at a lower price point last year..not to mention the shady microtransactions and botched progression system which is designed to make you pay more..

    • +1

      Agreed. Pay a small amount now and pay more in micro transactions later

    • +1

      There are currently no microtransactions and EA mentioned there may be in a few months.

      I've been playing since November and I can confidently say you're both uninformed. Seems like you just felt like jumping on a hate bandwagon with no experience or even basic facts?

      You don't (and can't…) pay to win. The progression system is fine for a casual normie gamer like myself. The game is just heaps of fun mates give it a go if you're into star wars.

      • Found the fanboy

        • +1

          Username checks out. Was anything I said biased or misleading, besides my last sentence?

        • @R-Man:
          Biased, yes
          Misleading, I don't know

          I haven't played the game so I don't know if what you're saying is misleading, but replying to every negative comment about how they're wrong (whether they're wrong or not) seems pretty biased to me.

        • +1


          Ah okay, not what I meant by biased but i get your point and now understand how it looks.

          What I meant was the comments I have made are objective, and an honest recount of my experience as unbiased as anyone can be. I even mentioned the difficulty to find a match and the amount of cheaters.

          Sure, I have commented a few times and shown I'm definitely a fan boi of this game. It's cos Im a little annoyed at the broken record of misleading "pay to win micro transactions" comments, when the game literally accepts no micro transactions.

  • I heard MP was dead.

    • Galactic Assault (20 v 20) is doing fine. Heroes vs Villains (4 v 4) is sometimes a struggle to find a game, it's true.

  • +1

    Cheaper elsewhere….. $23.99 USD ($30.76 AUD) on Amazon -…

    • +1

      Thanks I've updated the deal so that people can choose where they want to buy from.

  • Pay to play, pay extra to win……

    • This is not true

    • +2

      I never paid a cent and win. Micri sucks its evil but by no measure does it stop you winning. The upgrades mostly suck anyway and the ones that dont are easy to craft yourself.

  • +1

    Buy Bf1 revolution from origin instead of this for $29.

    • +1

      It's $us20 on amazon at the moment.

  • Be aware it is P2W. The game has algorithms to match with players with the gear you need (to buy).

    Metacritic from players is 1/10.

    • +1

      There are no micro transactions so far. I've been playing since release, it is definitely not pay to win.

      Typical match has 40 players, I can tell ya not all 39 players have better gear or abilities.

      • Agreed. Played since launch and despite what EA probably wanted its not actually play to win at all. The odd hacker is a million times a bigger irritant.

        • omg im so with you there!!!! If you guys want a legitimate reason to neg, go for that - poor hacker/cheater prevention :)

        • There is no anti cheat whatsoever in the game. It's hacker heaven on PC, or would be if even they could be bothered to still play it.

    • +1

      I invite you all to read the feedbacks from players on Metacritic.

      • Link me bro

  • The micro and loot system sucks hardcore… however.. it is relatively easy to ignore and to pick a class and upgrade it without a heap of effort. I have. A lot of the upgrades actually dont make a much difference and there is almost no benefit upgrading to the highest levels for most either. It is hugely flawed game BUT the flaws limit potential rather than make it hard to play or break stuff. Once you get the style of gameplay that suits you in it it is quite fun especially if you play the objective to win.

  • I haven't played the multiplayer yet but I've started the campaign 2 days ago and OMGGGGG it's so freaking good

    Tie fighter and Xwing battles, nerdgasm

  • Played the trial of the campaign and it's a bit simplistic but I did enjoy it. Been waiting for the price to come down enough so I could finish the campaign.

    Also played the beta of the multiplayer and hated it, but if it's there then I'll give it another go.

  • If just playing the single player campaign (and a Star Wars fan) is this game still worthwhile?

    • +2

      The single player is only 3-4 hours long and really dull. Save your money if that's all you're after and watch a playthrough on youtube. It's completely linear, lots of defend missions that are just waves of enemies, lots of bugs and horrible story elements.

      This game's level of hate is very justified IMO.

    • I dont want to spoil the story, but it is a very disney story….Extremely underwhelming "imperial special forces".

      • Thanks guys, might give it a miss then.

  • I have never got why everyone hates this game so much because of the microtransactions but FIFA's Ultimate team packs are far worse IMO but not much is said about them.

  • So what's the verdict? Worth $25?

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