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Free: Australien Skies 2 - Exclusive Premiere (UFO Series) ($10.99 in iTunes) @ YouTube


Found this one .. free for limited time.. may be for a day or 2 in youtube. Enjoy.
I haven't watched this movie/documentary yet but would be interesting to see what they have got to show :)

This is paid on iTunes for $10.99

About the Movie

“Australien Skies 2: Contact Of Interest” is the second film in the critically acclaimed "Australien Skies" UFO series from documentary film maker Don Meers. In “Contact Of Interest” we accompany Don as he returns to Kiama in New South Wales to visit UFO contactee Liam Freaney, who appeared in the first Australien Skies film. With a collection of UFO footage, black helicopters and claims of government conspiracy, Liam’s appearance in the first film caused a great deal of excitement and controversy. However, as Don discovers, not all is well with Liam. In the time that has passed, his experiences have taken a decidedly darker turn. After listening to Liam’s concerns, both Don and Liam enlist the help of internationally recognized regression therapist Mary Rodwell. Having worked with over three thousand contactee cases previously, Mary steps in to help, only to uncover some startling revelations about Liam and why he is a “contact of interest". “The next time you think it might be fun to film a UFO, be careful what you wish for, as you might get more than what you bargained for”

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Flat earthers will love it

    • ha ha but how can ufo's exist beneath the dome

  • +3

    Not to be confused with this

  • +3

    You know it's "Straylien" when there's a boomerang-esque UFO flipping through the sky at 0:44.

  • +1

    Thanks for this, I enjoyed the first one, even if it didn't reveal a hell of alot.

  • -2

    UFOs and alleged alien encounters are usually real phenomena. But it's just something in the spiritual dimension. Been happening for centuries. Liam in this film even says that he experienced migraines every Sunday morning for 3 years, funny that's when church is on.

    At the end of The Conjuring, there’s a quote from Ed Warren:

    “Diabolical forces are formidable. These forces are eternal, and they exist today. The fairy tale is true. The devil exists. God exists. And for us, as people, our very destiny hinges upon which one we elect to follow.”

    • +1

      Ah yes, and the tooth fairy is actually an alien demon cat-horse from Uranus who steals discarded teeth in order to glue them to the surface of the sun to make a giant smiley face for his mother's refrigerator.

      Makes just as much sense as your comment - i.e none - unless of course you have this thing called 'evidence' for your crazy claims.

      • -1

        Apparently you don't like Ed Warren's evidence.

        Anyway here's just a little more evidence for you… there's an empty tomb in Jerusalem and even your car is counting the years since he came.

        • -1

          So, no actual evidence then. Ed Warren, btw was a well known scam artist who was proven to be lying on numerous occasions and who made his money and fame by preying on the desperate and vulnerable. As far as an 'empty tomb' being evidence of something, prove it. Provide some real historical or scientific data that provides even reasonable evidence of anything supernatural, anything.

          Even the gospels you probably believe are, well, the gospel truth, were not written by people who were actually present for the events they describe and nor do the events they describe correspond to each other, there being many discrepancies between them. Also there was no world-wide flood, nor is there a place on the Earth you can see the 'four corners', and the moon is not a light source, nor are bats actually birds, demons don't cause mental illness and so on. Bronze age mythologies are not history or science.

        • -1

          If they had the body then the church would not exist.

          Please feel free to private message me if you are genuinely open to evidence or might be interested to continue this discussion. I would also love to find out about evidence for your perspective but I don't think we should hijack this thread.

        • -1

          @inherentchoice: So, no evidence then? I repeat: your claims have no validity except as mythology. If you have some real evidence of the supernatural then you have more than any church or religious body in history. Why not present it and claim your Nobel or other equivalent prize for changing fundamentally what we know about science, reality and history? Seriously your 'evidence' is no better than anecdote (at best). You have myths and legends on your side, nothing more. Otherwise you would take up my offer and prove it to the world - but you can't. I guess you think all the worlds scientists who don't agree with you (the vast majority of experts in relevant fields) are part of some grand conspiracy to hide the 'TRUTH'?

          You don't have real evidence or you would be world famous - you have word salads and legends - that does not prove anything.

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