If My Domino's Voucher Expires Today, Can I Pre-Order for Pick up in Following Days

My free pizza voucher from Microsoft rewards is going to expire on 28th of Feb, can I pre-order a pick up with the voucher but pick up after that day?

Edit: I'm currently overseas, and will come back late that day, if I cannot pre-order it, I would go and get my pizza after the long-haul flight. If it would work, I'd go another day.

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  • don't recall you can select dates ?

    only hours ..

    • Just opened the app, and yes you can select both dates and time now

      • no problem then, since you already applied the code successfully a day before expiry; maybe pay online 1st as a paid order - ready for pickup

        edit : im just just guessing , prolly better advice from someone below that said won't work.

  • It won't work

  • Can you not order within the next week, to use the voucher before expiry?

  • you can't eat a pizza in the next 8 days?

  • Regular coupons cannot be applied after their expiry date by using the pre-order function, I would imagine that would also be the case here. You can just test it by setting the order date as tomorrow and putting in a mock order to see if it accepts the voucher, without actually confirming/paying for it.

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