I got penalty notice of $257 to park my car on wrong direction parelar parking on my street. Can any buddy help me out how to wave this penalty ? Any solution what to do? Its my first time in my life since i been in australia.
Parking Fine Help (NSW)

Like there aren’t already 9000+ threads already on here about this same thing…
Should add it to the wiki.
"Have you been driving/parking like a complete dick and finally been caught? Instead of creating yet another post, pay your fine and STFU."
Can any buddy help me out how to wave this penalty ?
Any solution what to do?
ps, thanks for becoming a member and asking this question
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Can any buddy help me out how to wave this penalty ? Any solution what to do?
No. Pay the fine and follow the road rules like most of us. If you don't understand the rules, read it up if they have your language.
You can take it to court but most likely you'll lose, pay court fees and possibly a higher fine.
Move to Tasmania. They don't have extradition laws with NSW yet.
Or expensive parking fines.
you f*d up OP
write in saying you normally drives your car in "racing" mode.
Say that you were feeling dizzy and thought you parked facing the correct position, but because you were dizzy you didn't actually
Get a free trip to the psychiatric ward as well.
Hahaha… "I pulled over for my mate who was feeling dizzy.."
how to wave this penalty ?
Hold the fine, ideally in one hand not both.
Raise it above your head. Move the raised hand back and forth, to and fro, from left to right.FFS, all the negative comments! OP may not have been aware of this rule - give him a break.
Best option is to pay the fine and include a letter with the payment explaining that you were unaware of this particular rule and admit your wrong, requesting that perhaps they could waive the fine in this instance. Explain how long you have been in the country and that you have never had a parking fine before.
It's not guaranteed to work (probably a low chance), but I got out of a toll fine in Melbourne once by explaining I was from the country and didn't understand the workings of the toll system. They processed my payment and then sent me a refund.
OP may not have been aware of this rule
True, then they shouldn't be driving if they don't know all the rules!
Not knowing the rules isn't a reason to get out of a 'fine' when you break one.
Sure it is. Show me one judge, solicitor or accountant who is conversant with every detail of the mega-tomes of government rules people think are 'law'. You wont find one.
Besides, he wasn't driving, he was parking.
And you are au fait with every single part of the road traffic act and associated regulations?
As is often shown in testing, virtually every driver is unaware of some of the complexities of road laws sure we all know enough, some of us know more than others, but just about everyone is lacking in some knowlege.
For instance, are you aware standing more than 3m from your unlocked car is an offence in NSW?
Tooting hello or goodbye? $325 fine
Splashing mud on passengers waiting at a bus stop $180
There is a lot of obscurity in the act.FWIW, Yeah, I think I'm the best f##king driver on the road too.
@singlemalt72 I don't know every rule, but driving parking the wrong facing direction is a pretty common one around the world.
@JimmyF: Not in many parts of the world.
I suppose we will beg to differ on this point. People make mistakes, people from non-english speaking backgrounds and countries with different road laws more so, and often the powers that be will elect to be lenient - It is worth trying.
@singlemalt72: wouldn't surprise me if it is a rule in many parts of the world, but not policed in many i suspect.
@singlemalt72: So if I don't speak the local lang, and don't know COMMON road rules, you think I should get off?
Gee mate, try heading to France or Germany or any part of Europe using that reasoning or chew chewing gum in Singapore and see how you get on!
I have driven in over 20 countries, and I can tell you now, I did not sit down with a copy of their local traffic code and memorise it. I simply use my own knowledge of my home road rules and look at what others are doing. Som other thinks. like Singapore, such things as chewing gum and spitting are well publicised. Do you see signs at Sydney airports saying "do not park facing the wrong way on a street?" Of course not, yet at Changi airport you will see lots of signage instructing foreigners as to unacceptable social behaviours, you will see it on every second t-shirt in every shop too!FFS, I am not saying the guy is innocent, I am saying he made a mistake, one that he probably wouldn't have done had he known that specific law.
Jesus Christ, whet happened to giving some decent advise on this forum, it is just a place for trolls and arseholes to wave their dicks around these days.
FFS, I am not saying the guy is innocent, I am saying he made a mistake, one that he probably wouldn't have done had he known that specific law.
and unfortunately, the advice in this instance is to cop it. Ignorance of this type of thing wont get you off - in most countries.
Jesus Christ, whet happened to giving some decent advise on this forum, it is just a place for trolls and arseholes to wave their dicks around these days.
You seem to be waiving yours around a lot!
You assume this person is visiting, I'm guessing they arrived to live here 10+ years ago.
As Euphemistic said above he asked for advice and that advice is for that FINE, cop it and move on.
I simply use my own knowledge of my home road rules and look at what others are doing
Oh really, so when you look around Australia Mate, do you see cars parked facing the wrong direction on the road like what the OP did?
No you don't.
So YOU seem to be the one waiving your dick around saying otherwise, on some claim that ignorance is a get out of anything card. Its not.
I gave you a thumbs up for the common sense practical advice but the usual "It's duh-law so pay up" mob out voted me.
There's an unknown 5 year rule regarding fines, where you can plead your case of no laws/tickets in the last 5 years, and they waive the fine
For real?
hmm a quick google says 10year,
I definitely recalled 5 years, I requested it to be reversed based on my clean record and added a link… you can look for that yourself…
Thanks I did have a quick google, maybe too quick. :)
Can any buddy help me out how to wave this penalty ?
Not a chance.
Its my first time in my life since i been in australia.
Oh I missed that part. OK cool, if you are just visiting then ignore the fine and simply return home with the peace of mind that not even the sticky fingers of our big government would not bother chasing you for a $250 fine. Would be different if you lived here. Might be different if it was a hire-car the might be able to charge your credit card for that kind of thing?
who are you talking to? Appears to be random dribble.
The OP and/or whoever cares.
I got penalty notice of $257 to park my car on wrong direction parelar parking on my street.
could you please provide an image of the alleged offence and the offence code? remove the number plate for your privacy.
Its my first time in my life since i been in australia.
one of the great things about australia is that the judicial system allows the drivers to dispute penalty notices like the one you received. first a review by revenue nsw, and if that fails request that the penalty notice be decided in a court. go for the review first. good luck.
there is no solution. pay the fine.