Unregistered Car Parked in Visitor, Common Property


I have an unregistered car that's parked in one of the 6 visitor slots within our Apartment Building.
I checked online at RMS and it seems like it expired in Jan 2017 (over 1 year ago).

What can we do?

Apparently council & police have nothing to do with it, and it's illegal to clamp or tow it, WTF?


  • -2

    Pay their rego so they can legally drive it away

  • +2

    if there was a puddle of oil under the car, then that would be a good excuse to get it removed ?

    • -5

      there isn't

      • +45

        are you sure? ;)

  • +2

    no rego?
    call one of those "we buy cars" people and let them pay you to take it

    • LOL - keys?

    • Lol that’s pretty good sell it to the wreckers 😂

  • +7

    I would push/tow the car out onto the road and then report it.
    Ideally park in a restricted time or no standing zone.

    • Unfortunately "make it someone else's problem" is the only real solution.

      Police & council don't care because it's on private property, and you can't touch it because it's not yours.

      Strata can get rid of it but it's tedious: http://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/ftw/Tenants_and_home_owner…

    • I can't as it's not in neutral.

      If I tow it and it sustains damage, it will be my fault.

      • If it's unregistered, and noone wants it, who cares if it gets damaged. It just needs to be gone.

        The unreg car that was parked outside our house looked fine and AFAIK was driveable. When we notified council, the ranger came and put a sticker on it. A week later the owner had organised the car to be removed, a crane truck came an picked it up with a chain through the windows, dropped it down on top of some other cars and then proceeded to hold it in place by lowering the crane boom onto the bonnet crushing it and pulling the doors down with tie down chains.

        If it is worth little, the scrappies will probably take it and not care wether it's broken or not.

      • +2

        You can buy dollys that go under wheels to move cars.

  • +5

    Report to strata and let them sort it out.

    • Yeah the body corporate will put a removal notice and then get it towed (unfortunately at your expense - along with the other apartment owners).

  • +1

    what car is it?

    • Some M BMW, quad exhaust

      • Is it in good condition?

        • seems good yeah

        • @frostman: if only there was a lost and found unclaimed owner process for cars. It’s probably not abandoned, I would hazard a guess and say someone ran out of money for their other car and decided to store it in your complex visitor parking.

  • +1

    Contact strata management and they will try to find the owner and give notice. It is on private property and they will have the right to remove it from their property. You, as a renter/resident do not have the right to even touch it.

    There are steps to have the vehicle declared abandoned that have to be followed before it can be removed. This will take time and paperwork on behalf of the land owner or the representative in the case of apartments.

    • Contact strata management and they will try to find the owner and give notice.

      How does the Strata have any idea what REGO belongs to which owner, hell they hardly have our email addresses.

      They sent me some legal excerpt around the challenge at doing anything. it goes like this:

      • If it's on common property and obstructs exit/entry, you can tow away after 5 days notice - Honestly 5 fkn days?
      • If it's on common property and the owner is not from the building, you MAY be able to do something
      • If it's on common property and the owner is a tenant/resident, good luck

      Our STRATA laws r fkd

      • Yeah, strata is a total abstraction designed to impose an authority (similar to a landlord) over owner-occupiers. Rules but no enforcement, collect the fees = great scam.

        Go to a higher authority.
        If you see something suspicious—or something that just doesn't feel right—flag it anonymously with Border Watch

        You believe the car is suspicious. Hell, it might be housing illegals!

        • Yeah, strata is a total abstraction designed to impose an authority (similar to a landlord) over owner-occupiers. Rules but no enforcement, collect the fees = great scam.

          Very useless body to be honest,
          they're like a token body to enforce rules with ZERO power, bit like a toothless tiger.

      • +7

        Woah there, you're in a flat spin, you need to cool your jets… You asked what could be done and this is the "legal" way to do it. Sorry that the info I gave you can't get it moved in 2 hours…

        The only way to get it moved "legally" is to go through the right channels. Unfortunately this is a time consuming thing, but 5 days is really a pittance when compared to how long it has already been there for.

        How does the Strata have any idea what REGO belongs to which owner

        They don’t, but there are mechanisms in place to find out or to let the owner know. ie: ask the tenants if anyone knows who owns it, if not, then they can put notice on the car that it is to be moved. After a set period of time has elapsed, ("5 fkn days") then the vehicle can be moved off the property.

        Honestly 5 fkn days?

        It's been there for ages already, possibly a year? and you're complaining about waiting another 5 days to get 1 visitor car parking spot back.

        you MAY be able to do something

        Not "MAY" but "CAN". You personally, no, but strata management certainly can. Keep the pressure on them to get it sorted. Get other residents to put pressure on strata to get it sorted.

        owner is a tenant/resident, good luck

        No, if it is owned by someone in the complex, then strata management still have the right to ask them what they are planning on doing with it and can still issue them with a notice to move. The visitor car park is for that, not for storing old cars.

        Our STRATA laws r fkd

        I get that you're frustrated, but carrying on like a pork chop on a bargains forum because you didn’t get the advice you wanted to hear isn’t going to help. What IS going to help is contacting other residents and getting some momentum to get the car moved. Take that momentum and shove it in the strata managements face. A lot of pissed off residents has the ability to speed up their decisions to get it sorted out.

        Or, you know, just drag it out onto the street…

        • Peg, my response wasnt aimed at you, it was aimed at the lax laws concerning STRATA and common property.
          The legal system here works in a way where it's useless until something big happens and then they go and amend it.

          In terms of the 5 day limit, I meant that it's pretty useless to give a law to forcefully move a car if it's obstructing entry/exit or any other common area by 5 days.

        • @frostman:

          No problem. I feel your frustration though. I have had to deal with strata managers most of my life. They are the worst. Everything moves at a snails pace until you are on the receiving end and then it seems to be a dragster race.

          But there are different rules for obstruction than there is for dumping. If the car was in the driveway and causing access issues, there is no 5 day wait. If it is on the property, but not in the way or just taking up a space, it has to be handled like this. It's bullshit.. BUT! it has been a year and no one gave a shit about it in that time, so don’t expect over night results.

          And an old saying… "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." Be that squeaky wheel and keep on the strata's back about it. It wont happen overnight, but if you keep on it, it will get done.

          And seriously, who dumps a BMW M class? Even a shitty M "styled"… Sounds like it broke down and they got a quote to fix it.

  • +2

    What’s the problem?

  • +6

    Place a "Death to the infidels" sticker on there and call ASIO.

    • +3

      ISIS flag would probably be a better option.

      • +6

        Can be bought from allahexpress.

    • ASIO: "Yeah nah it's just some (profanity) tryna stir shit dard"

  • +2

    This is the post that needs the reply "bikies"….

    There is an abandoned fancy trailer on a small street that I use to park in… that need bikies too

    • +4


      is that better?

  • -5

    The thing is, the car could belong to someone in your building or a family member of someone in your building who’s parked it there and has permission to.

    Are the visitor parks time restricted ? Is it parked at a angle that makes it hard for others ?

    It’s on private property and legally parked. I’m struggling to understand the issue?

    • +6

      Visitor parking spots are not usually designated for parking unregistered cars for over 12 months though are they?

      • Not even for a few hours. It is abandoned.

      • Look I don’t live in an apartment so I don’t know the rules. (Thanks those who negged me)…

        As your strata has said they can’t do much.

        If it’s a M BMW, it’s either been stolen or it’s someone’s hobby car which they’ve parked there. If the cops weren’t able to help that means it’s not stolen so the most likely situation is, that the owner has run out of money to pay for the rego or they are overseas or something like that.

    • Are the visitor parks time restricted ? Is it parked at a angle that makes it hard for others ?

      Nope, just taking up a visitor slot for over a year, not to mentioned it's unregistered for 13 months

  • yeh you can't do much if its on private property. Need to get it off private property for action to commence.

  • Check the strata rules about the visitor parking spaces. There might be something you can use.

    How long has it actually been parked there?

    • Check the strata rules about the visitor parking spaces. There might be something you can use.

      I checked with STRATA, they sent me some legal Blur around the difficulty at doing anything as it's on common property and you can't touch it bla, bla bla.
      STRATA are useless.

      How long has it actually been parked there?
      About 1 year, we have 6 visitor slots, but it's only been 5 in the last year

      • Strata or you can propose change to the by law so that the Strata Manager can request a order form NCAT to remove the car.

        The change of by law will be need to pass with special resolution (75% +) on the AGM.

  • +1

    Just put a big sign on it. "If you own this car, it will be removed in two weeks unless you move it yourself." You could even put some legalese mumbo jumbo on it saying visitor spots are for short term parking.

    Then drag it out onto the street, damage or not.

    • Then drag it out onto the street, damage or not.

      While dragging it out into the street is an option after the notice period has expired, the "damaged or not" portion is incorrect. The vehicle must be moved in such a fashion as to cause the least amount of damage possible…

      but all care should be taken to ensure the vehicle is not unreasonably damaged if it is moved.

      but it also isn’t the case if you live somewhere that you can't park on the street. You cant just tow the car out the front and leave it if it's parked illegally.

      to the nearest place where it can lawfully be moved (for example, to a legal parking space immediately outside the strata scheme)

      For more info on what you can do to move the car, find it on the Office of Fair Trading website.

      • +1

        I wonder if you can hire wheel dollys for cheap.
        1. Jack it up, carefully of course.
        2. Place dolly under wheels.
        3. Lower, carefully
        4. push it out onto the street.

        If you push/drag it out onto the street and park it illegally, it will be removed more quickly.

        • The object of the game is to get the car moved as quickly and as legally as possible. There are a plethora of "illegal" options, but i figured OP could work them out on their own.

          Once the car is off the property and no longer taking up the visitor parking spot, the job is done. It doesn’t need to be "removed" any further than that. And the rules are that you can't drag it and park it illegally, because YOU become liable to any damage/towing/tickets arising from improper parking of the vehicle.

          And don’t give me that "Well, I would do it at 2am and no one would see me" malarkey. You may not get caught, but then again, you might. The owner may not live there, but their friend might.

          And for the record, we have a car that was dumped near our workshop 2 years ago and is parked illegally. Police come past, took the rego plates off it. Notified the council. The car is still sitting there, covered in weeds/grass and the council just mows around it. So, unless it's in a "clear way", then no, it may not be moved "more quickly." Happy to take photos for you.

        • @pegaxs: it’s fun to plan it though, and then get someone else to do the dirty work.

  • 1 place an add on gumtree
    2 profit

  • I just came across this for Sydney CBD


    If I were you I'd report it… after it mysteriously been dragged onto public land



    • Great site, didn't know it existed.
      How do I drag it to Public Land?

      Needs to be towed, that's $250 minimum.

      Owner can come back and hit me for this ;S

      • They are the one who parked in a space that doesn't belong to them, the owner should be hit for the towing fee.

        It's not illegal to have strata tow it out after a notice has been placed on the car for at least 5 days. http://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/ftw/Tenants_and_home_owner…?

      • Tow companies may not want to deal with a vehicle on private property due to legal liability, which is why towing is difficult.

        By moving it on to public land (the street) it becomes a council problem who are much easier able to arrange it to be towed.

  • How many units are there in the complex. Time to go door knocking to find out who owns it? Don't be a douche, be nice. They might have plans for it and decide it would be better in their own space (assumin there is an allocated parking space in the complex) and risk their other car on the street or clean out the crap in their garage to make space.

    • 50 units or so, mostly rented given it's high yield.

  • +1

    Get some animal blood and drop it on the car around drivers window perhaps and then call the police and report a suspicious vehicle with blood on it. They will tow it away for testing

  • That would explain that funny smell coming from unit 3

  • Have you checked with all of the other residents to see if they know who owns it?

    • They're useless, most are renters who dont give a toss.
      Owners live in lala land

      • +1

        Big sign on it then. 'Move it or lose it'. If noone claims it, it is abandoned and fair game for removal by an appropriate method.

  • Mind your own business, why do you care what happens to property that's not yours.

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