Hi ozbargainers,
I deposited into Caresuper my $1000 because I am in the elligible braket for the maixmum co-contribution. I only found out today that the $500 co-contribution that the government paid is in a different super account, AMP, that I haven't touched for 10 years.
After speaking to the ATO, they said that the government only transfers the co-contribution to the super account that contacts them first. I told them that isn't fair because it should be the account that I self contributed and how did AMP even know that I self contributed $1000 into Care super in the first place? (still questions to unanswered)
I only found out today and the AMP funds balance of $500 are eaten up to nearly $0, since November 2017. Dam these super company's are soo ruthless.
Who has experience this also?
Whilst the ATO has many far reaching powers, mind reading is not one of them.