Deal's back.
Choose from 9 different flavours
Only 1 request per email account.
Just ordered 1, will comment whether it arrives.
Don't enjoy.
Deal's back.
Choose from 9 different flavours
Only 1 request per email account.
Just ordered 1, will comment whether it arrives.
Don't enjoy.
20 times the health benefits in each serve
Still not enough, I need more health.
Only 1 request per email account & IP address it seems.
Bugger, cause I totally have at least 9 email address's
Use a vpn.
Passion-fruit or peach or tropical?
tropical it is.
Thanks OP.
Do you get 50X samples, or is that just their name?
If you upvote you will get 100 samples.
It's gone down to 100 now?
Direct link without needing email confirmation:
If address has been used, spell your number in letters.
I drink this on the daily.
It's nice, taste like you would expect it to taste like, green tea + flavour. It states recommended serving is 2 x per day, morning and noon.
But the "With 20 times the strength of normal green tea in polyphenols, you are assured of receiving 20 times the health benefits in each serve.", Don't believe it for some reason….