Taking out 2 Car Insurance at The Same Time

My wife and I have car insurance which will expire at the same time, does anyone know if i can negotiate a better deal by bringing across 2 vehicles at the same time to a car insurer? Or any advice at all?


  • Call them up and ask

  • Insurers like the nrma will provide a discount to policy holders when they purchase insurance under the same name.

  • +1

    AAMI do provide a discount for multiple policies, but always good to shop around
    Might need to explain about ownership of the two vehicles if registered in different names, but same household

  • -1

    Probably not
    If you want to save money, don’t insure them at all.

    • +1

      Ops next thread would be "help, i've crashed into a Ferrari and I don't have insurance. Any loopholes"

      • The biggest loophole for car insurance is don't drive.

  • Woolworths might throw in an extra Gift Card if you ask nicely.

  • I interpreted the title as taking out 2 insurance polices for the same car.

    Thinking the question would be "if i had 2 insurance policies will i be paid out twice if i make the claims?"

    • Me too, and I was interested to see the answer!

    • Probably not. But twice the excess too I suppose.

  • Maybe contact an insurance broker? I've been comntemplating this to see if its possible to combine all my insuracne into the one basket. One big premium, that is less than all the others I've collected. 2 cars (potentially 3-4 down the track), house, caravan etc.

  • RAVC offers multiple insurance policies 10% off each.
    Can always opt for monthly payments if annual premiums are too much upfront

  • progressive use to be cheap for us when we had 2 car insurance policies together…
    no idea if they still are as we moved to a different insurer the last couple of years

  • Suggest RACV.

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