So I’m interested in getting a used car. However, moving overseas before the end of the year so really only need one for 6-7 months. Leasing and rental options are pretty pricey. My budget is about $3k excluding maintenance, fuel, etc.
Was wondering if anyone has thought about/has experience with doing this:
Buying a car for under $8K.
Selling it off before I have to leave for around $5k.
Hoping for suggestions as to the best car to get for this price range with the lowest depreciation over those 6-7 months. Eg. VW Golf Series VI for approx $8k driveway, or 2006/7 BMW 116i for the same. Really which car would have the best resale value?
Thanks heaps!
For such a short length of time wouldn’t Japanese reliability be more of a priority? Depending on your kilometres and how clean you keep the car, the value wouldn’t drop too much (buy with log book servicing and keep it up)
Any problem with a German (or any euro) car is going to absolutely demolish your budget!
Eg: $1000 fuel pump on Mondeo