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[PC] Steam FREE - Revenge of Shinobi/Streets of Rage 2 - Sega (Make War Not Love)


Sign up for "Make War Not Love" and get two games directly sent to your Steam account (you sign up through Steam).

Nuff said. Get going!


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Make War Not Love
Make War Not Love

closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks. I received the email but couldnt figure out to redeem them!

    • +6

      No need to redeem. They are activated automatically once you sign up through Steam. Listed as SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics in your game library.

  • +1

    How long does it take for the games to be added?

    • +13

      Check for SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics in your game library.

      • This. They will be part of the classics collection

      • +2

        Ahh. I was searching the for the game titles. Thank you.

    • +1

      Almost immediately they will be added to your steam library under Sega Mega Drive & Genesis Classics

  • Those games were pretty fun as a kid.

    If Revenge of Shinobi is the one I think it is, I could never beat the game without using the unlimited shurikens cheat. Every time you do the somersault and throw knives down in a fan, you lose like 20, and I spammed that move (you could do it 3 times per jump).

    I might have to watch a pro youtuber player play it.

  • +4

    Freebies for the remaining days:

    Day 1:

    Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Grim and the Grave
    Total War: WARHAMMER - The Grim and the Grave
    Viking: Battle for Asgard

    Day 2:

    Company of Heroes 2 - Victory at Stalingrad Mission Pack
    Binary Domain

    Day 3:

    Total War: WARHAMMER - Blood for the Blood God
    Total War: WARHAMMER II - Blood for the Blood God II
    Alpha Protocol

    Day 4:

    Renegade Ops

    Day 5:

    Company of Heroes

    Courtesy of steamdb (https://steamdb.info/search/?a=sub&q=MWNL5)

    • +1

      So if I get this right, these games will be redeemable from the website starting tomorrow and the following 4 days?

      • -1

        Same question here.

      • Yes from Feb 14 (US time) onwards.

        • so would I need to do something or would they just appear in my steam library?

    • +1

      So every 24 hours (US time) you automatically get the games added to your library? Or do you need to redo the activation process?

      • I think you need to participate to get anything beyond the two Mega Drive games. The web site was showing a padlock next to "Day 1" until I let Company of Heroes 2 idle a bit. I wouldn't be surprised if the same is true for the other four days.

        • I think it is available for everybody who signed up. Unlocked now. Their website is not perfect - that's all.

  • what is "Make War Not Love"?

    • +1

      Just read the website.

      "How this/it works"

    • +1


      What is Make War Not Love?
      Make War Not Love is an annual celebration of our great strategy games and studios; it's an opportunity to have some fun and a chance to foster a bit of friendly rivalry/comradery amongst ourselves and our great communities!

      Time and Place?
      MWNL Sale – runs from 6pm GMT on the 12th Feb – 6pm GMT on the 19th Feb
      MWNL Event – runs from 9am GMT on the 14th Feb – 9am GMT on the 19th Feb

      How do I get involved?
      All you need to do is SIGN UP (and get two free SEGA Mega drive titles from the outset!) and then play any one (or more) of the MWNL feature titles. Your play hours throughout the MWNL event will then be added to the combined communities total play hours. If the communities combined efforts achieve the daily hour target**, a free prize bundle will be unlocked for everyone!
      For more details about entering the promotion, please ensure you read our terms and conditions.
      *Sign ups need to be over 18 and provide a valid Steam ID and email address to register
      **Daily hourly targets will be measured through a 24-hour period from 9am GMT - 9am GMT

      What are the prizes?
      For each day that the combined hourly target is met, we will release a bundle of content*, direct to your Steam library, that will contain a mixture of a free SEGA game, DLC and/or great discount coupons on select SEGA releases.
      *Content will be delivered within 24 hours of each day’s target being met

      Great promotions and discounts
      As part of MWNL we like to try and make our whole strategy catalogue as easy for anyone to jump in and try as possible. All the titles involved, and a wide selection of their associated franchises, are offered at great discounts over on Steam, so there's never been a better time to try them all out!

      I need help!
      If you have any issues with the sign up, prize redemption or anything else please contact our support team via http://support.sega.co.uk

      • Do you have to play any of the games to be able to receive bundles if combined hours equals the set amount or more?

        • If the communities combined efforts achieve the daily hour target**, a free prize bundle will be unlocked for everyone!

          I'm assuming you don't have to actually play any of the games from this line but I may be wrong.

        • @DuckKnight: Thanks, but just in case I will start the idler and get some cards from the 2 free games

        • @Superninja418:

          You should idle one of the games that counts towards the target such as Total War: Warhammer or CoH2 if you have an eligible game.

  • Thanks Op got revenge of shinobi since I already got bare knuckles 2.

    Joe fighting spiderman must be a strange encounter.

  • -1

    this Wont process - nothing to click after i entered my birthdate …….

    • Did you click on the "I consent to cookies" field/button?

  • Anyone else getting no response on the final step with confirming the email. Shows a 500 server error.

    • Try a different browser. It worked for me in Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer without any problems.

      • Didnt work for me, nothing happens when you click confirm your email. Tried IE FF and Opera

        • Clear your cache?
          Try a different PC?
          Try doing it with a VPN in the US?

        • @Lysander:

          I had enough to be honest, I know this is not the OZB spirit but I installed Opera and vivaldi (Chrome based browser) both didnt work. Do I need to sign up after I link my steam account? I did all the steps yesterday and still didnt get any games FFS.

        • @lancedefrance:

          For me it was:

          1. Connect with Steam
          2. Allow Sega to redeem and activate games
          3. Put in e-mail
          4. Confirm e-mail

          Games were in there immediately, even before I confirmed the e-mail.

          To me it seems some function such as Java etc. is not working properly with the website on your PC.

        • @Lysander:

          thanks, will try again from work tomorrow if this doesnt work. Just downloaded chrome so will try this for the last time and call it quits for tonight if it doesnt work.

        • @lancedefrance:

          Trying from work is a good idea. Should be still in time - I am not sure if the day 1 games will only be sent on that day or also afterwards but given the time difference that does not really matter.

        • @Lysander:
          tried from 2 more computers, using firefox, and edge both computers running latest windows 10 and no luck on the email verification. It never progresses. Did a google search apparently its a known issue and Sega said that you would still get your games even if you dont receive your confirmation email.

        • @lancedefrance:

          I thought that would be the case and I am happy that it is like that. So your efforts were not futile - you will still get some great games for free as a reward for your efforts.

  • Anyone got Warhammer bundle yet?

    • +1

      It is DLC, not the base game. Also, it will commence in 30 minutes and the games will be sent once the target of 500000 hours playtime has been reached - this will probably happen when it is evening in the US and people start playing en masse.

      • At the rate people are playing the games, I don't think it's going to unlock. In 3 hours 33k hours. We need half a million in 24 hours.

        It's supposed to be 9AM start, so maybe it will pick up later but it will also die off in the wee hours of the night. I'd say we're on track to reach 250k which is half the target. I'd love to be wrong though. But 500k is a big target.

        • Keep in mind this is for worldwide. There are many, many players. Plus the game a lot of those games away previously so it is not as if they need to ensure not too many are given out. In fact, other than CoH and Alpha Protocol the only new things are the DLC packages. All the other games were given away previously.

          All it need is 100000 players playing it for 5 hours - worldwide. Should not be too hard.
          Also, I am not sure if the hours are cumulative over the whole event time.

        • @Lysander:

          Looks like I was way off then. The first 3 hours were dead, but we're at 430k now after 17 hours. It's a lock unless people start going to bed soon.

        • @lostn:

          I think the target will be reached. Aussies will pick up the baton if the US goes to bed.

        • @Lysander: It's hit the target now, and the website reads "BUNDLE WILL BE IN YOUR STEAM LIBRARY WITHIN 24HRS"

        • @James Henstridge: Is that automatic or do you have to request it?

          I already have Viking, and Warhammer is DLC for which I don't own the base game.. so I don't think I'll get anything from the first day.

        • @lostn: This is what it says on the promotion's website for me. Click on the "Competition Stats" link at the top to scroll down to the appropriate place. Presumably it will be delivered in the same way the Mega Drive games were: they'll just appear in my library at some point.

          I doubt they're going to hand out activation keys, so if you already own one of the games you likely won't get a second copy to give away/sell.

        • @James Henstridge:

          You are right - they won't. They did last time and some idiots used them to profit from them by selling the keys and in fact that is still happening - people selling and trading the MWNL 4 keys.
          They ruined it for the rest of us which is why SEGA now requires access to Steam accounts.

  • Did anyone else only receive one game in the megadrive collection? I seem to have only Streets of rage 2 in my catalogue.

    • +1

      No, got both.

  • my bad, I just noticed the shelf in the background! I was looking at the already selected game and thought that was the game list.

  • +1

    Can confirm. I didn't play or idle anything but still received voucher and Viking

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