Do You Buy Discounted/Reduced Flowers for Valentine's Day?

Hey Ozbargain,

Just wanted to know your stance on this. Is it considered too tight (if possible) to buy discounted flowers from Coles/Woolies for Valentine's Day?

I didn't think so but wanted to know if I am just being overly frugal.
For reference, the box is normally $15 and the roses are normally $10.

Poll Options expired

  • 3
    Yes, at any % discount.
  • 0
    Only if they are at least 25%
  • 0
    Only if they are 50% or greater
  • 2
    Only if they are 75% or more
  • 7
    No, not ever.
  • 20
    I pick flowers out of the garden.


  • +3

    I wouldn't be bothered, and would actually like it better if I received them. But my partner would feel it showed a cheapening of our relationship.
    Hence, nobody gets any flowers on valentine's day anymore.

    • But my partner would feel it showed a cheapening of our relationship.

      Because you chose to participate in the commercially driven obligatory single day of the year to feel impelled to prove your love for someone via a discretionary consumer purchase?

      Or because you found a cost effective way to procure said purchase?

  • +2

    Flowers for Valentine's Day

    why would i need to even want flowers?

    • +1

      Lol, it's normally a sign of gratitude and love. That's like getting a present with no card..

      • +2

        you sound brainwashed.

        normally a sign of gratitude and love.


        • Cause they smell nice.

        • It's a thought of love and caring, $2-$3 is not much to spend!
          Wouldn't pay much for them though unless she really expected them..

        • +1


          Cause[sic] they smell nice.

          Not after a few days.

    • +3

      Flowers are the biggest con game there is. I hate receiving flowers, they are expensive and you are constantly having to attend to them as the slowly die over a number of days leaving petals everywhere and, eventually, the smell of rot. Much prefer an experience like a meal, show, etc.

      • +2

        you're the type of female i like to date

        • +3

          Been with the same guy for 38 years and he has NEVER bought me flowers, not once. I find the saddest part is where people buy you flowers because you have lost someone. Our vet did that when we had to put our cat down. Not only had my cat died, but now I had a bunch of dying flowers to remind me of this.

        • +1

          @try2bhelpful: Will you marry me? <3

        • +1

          @John Kimble: I won't even marry my current guy; expensive out of date ceremony. Meant we could pour money into our house loan instead. We've been mortgage free since 2001.

        • @try2bhelpful: Enough already!!! If you love watching sports and play video games you could possibly be the perfect woman :p

        • +1

          @John Kimble: Watch some sport, but not my favourite pastime. We do, regularly, watch the American NFL though (old Joe Montana fan), including the Superbowl (great game this year). Mainly play games on my iPad but I used to play Dungeons and Dragons and Runequest when I was younger. I'm not much of a girly girl, don't wear make up or crazy heels. Needless to say, a card carrying feminist, for quite sometime, and I work in IT.

        • @try2bhelpful:
          The cost of a wedding is almost purely according to choice. (I could get you married for free.)
          So that's not the money keeping you unmarried… must be something else lurking!!?? :)

          (It's not out of date either. Some things are timeless.)

        • +1

          @SlickMick: Don't actually think you can get married for free. You at least need to pay for the Civil Celebrant.

          Marriage is not something missing from my life and it comes with a whole lot of "traditional" baggage I don't need. After 30 odd years it is becoming more and more redundant.

  • +1

    I usually just get video games for v day. They usually last much more than a week.

    • Haha yeah, but I don't only get flowers, a present there is always good.
      Its almost there just as way of buttering her up to enjoy the present more and put me in the good books :P

  • -8

    Giving a woman flowers can be considered as sexual harassment in these #metoo times.

    • You sound like an incel.

      • I've never encountered that term before, so thanks for educating me.
        "involuntarily celibate", a person (usually male) who has a horrible personality and treats women like sexual objects and thinks his lack of a sex life comes from being "ugly" when its really just his blatant sexism and terrible attitude.

        • I thought getting married made me involuntary celibate :/

    • As could offering to help a woman change a tyre on the side of the road.

  • -1

    diamonds are forever

    get her diamonds every valentines day

    • +6

      If they are forever, can't you just give the last lot again?

  • +1

    plastic flowers - "because like my love for you, they will never die"

    • +2

      plastic flowers - "because like my love for you, they are fake"


  • +2

    Generally no. Half dead flowers are depressing.

    But those ones in the pic look better than the full-price ones we get at our local Woolies, so I'd be happy to receive them…especially knowing my hubby hadn't paid a stupid amount of our money for them.

    • Half dead are depressing indeed, so I don't get any if they look like that but these Coles one actually looked alright at 80% off! (Despite the roses having a few stems with no buds)

  • +2

    Go to the local cemetery and you can get them for nothing

  • +2

    Give someone a living plant, not somthing to wither and rot.

  • +1

    Does this count? Bought one of these for $0.50 few years back as a joke and we now use it to tie back the curtain :P

    We don't even have a vase at home but I think the flowers could make a lovely gift if it comes with a small box of chocolate, or something that you know she would enjoy (maybe even a few krispy kreme donuts).

  • It all depends on your girl's expectations.
    If you've set the bar high in the past, then those discount flowers won't do.

    If it's a new girl you're chasing, I'd spend a little more.

    By the way, for $15, you can probably find a single rose - which I think says more than a bunch.

  • +1

    I once bought a girl I was dating (and worked with in the same company) a Groupon bunch of roses. When she went to reception to pick them up, they were wilted and half dying in black (garbage bag like) wrapping. The note was also illegible scrawl.

    The receptionist and the delivery guy were apparently visibly embarrassed for her. She brought them over to my desk, too embarrassed to keep them on her desk and asked me to explain, which I did.

    We called the florist and they apologised profusely, saying they just didn't expect that many takers of the Groupon voucher and some bouquets might have not been of the best quality. They offered a free bouquet but we had to pick it up ourselves another day…we didn't bother.

    Probably should have asked for a refund/done a chargeback in hindsight.

    Ended up marrying her though…despite her loving flowers and me hating buying them.

    I think she has a photo of them that she uses against me during fights.

    • I'm laughing my head off at this story (but only because it didn't happen to me!)!

      What was going through your mind when she came over and asked you to explain?

      I think I would've stood there hoping a hole would open up beneath my feet and just swallowed me up!

      It'll be such a cool story to share with your kids! haha

      • +3

        I was initially thinking oh, she's coming over to thank me in person? That's a bit odd, not like her to show PDAs, especially at work?

        Then as she explained how embarrassed she was and asked me essentially "what's with the half dead flowers?" I was like "oh crap, I'm sorry! Maybe I shouldn't have bought half price flowers"

    • 😂 great story, a cautionary tale for others

      • Haha thanks. Surprised she married me! I didn't even pay for our first date dinner. She knew what she was signing up for, that's for sure!

    • I once bought a big heart made of roses online and delivered to my wife's office. It arrived in 2 boxes, and even when assembled looked nothing like a heart.

      I'm the worst gift giver - I've given some awesomely bad gifts. Don't know why I keep trying.

  • Kevin Bloody Wilson once sang, wank wank money in the bank.

  • +1

    Think of flowers as an Insurance policy

  • It all depends. Priority is that the flowers look good, and are not 'old'. Sometimes flowers which are starting to open look nicer than the ones which are completely closed still (and which may never open because WA summers kill anything which lives). But generally the discounted ones look like crap, so 'no'.

    • Just an update, the roses look like crap but the boxed flowers actually look as good as the day I bought them! $3 and I am very happy :)

      Was worried they wouldn't keep but I'll accept the $2 loss on the roses!

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