Uber Increased Prices

Anyone noticed Uber prices are going up and up? My previous Ubers from Melb airport to Richmond (about 25km) was around $40, nowadays its $50, a 20% increase in 3 months.

Its almost worth taking Skybus at this rate….

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  • +8

    Ummmm yes, happened nearly 3 months ago. The price rise was ~15%


  • +1

    Sure, there was an increase in December…

  • +12

    Finger on the pulse, nothing gets past OP

  • +1

    I frequently have an issue where my request gets cancelled after a couple minutes then goes onto the rush hour rate. Load of BS most times.

  • damn i need to start driving uber

  • well uber will get you to your front door. Skybus, you'll need to walk, drag your luggage to another train/bus/tram,etc.

    • +2

      but uBer is getting very close to price of a taxi for the same distance, not to mention surge price would put them well above.

      • Well op was comparing uber and sky bus.

        Considering there is talk to provide more financial help for drivers, I'm not surprised prices will have to increase

      • +2

        At the same price, I would still take an Uber rather than a Melbourne taxi.

  • +1

    Few weeks ago I needed an uber from tullamarine airport to Brunswick. Uber estimate $40. Taxi $25

    • Pretty good price for taxi. According to google maps it is 24 minutes from airport to Brunswick. Not bad. Not bad.

    • +7

      I call bullshit that a taxi from the airport to Brunswick was $25

      Flagfall is $4.20
      Every Km is $1.62
      Every minute is $0.56
      Airport Surcharge is $3

      Airport to Brunswick is 17Km which would be $27.50 + 25 minutes which is another $14 plus the $4.20 flagfall… oh and the surcharge of $3

      So the fare would have been at least $48

      • should have specified. Me to Taxi driver - "how much to brunswick with no meter?"

        • Please use this strategy in Bangkok and report back.

      • Can confirm, costs more than $40. For a legit fare that is ;)

      • agreed, he is buxxshxxing

  • With so many options available now, is it worth having all the apps and comparing?

  • +1

    I've found uber pretty dissapointing lately. Booked a car to my house and said it was six minutes away. Got ready, check again, and it had jumped to 9 minutes. It took at least 15 minutes for him to get to my house. I would've grabbed a taxi instead.

    • Did you ask the driver why it took him so long and rate him accordingly? That's the way the system works.

      • I probably should have but it was more the fault of the app.

        • Was it the fault of the app though? Before you book a driver, it's only a rough estimate. There could be three drivers in your area with an average time to you of 6 minutes but if the furthest driver responds to the fare first, it might be 9 minutes. If the closest driver responded, it may have been 3. I'm not sure how a system could be devised that handled that better while ensuring that at least one driver picked it up in a timely fashion. Maybe it could make it more clearer that it's an estimate but you can see all the drivers in your area before you book. If there's a lot, the chances are greater that the estimate will be close. If there's only a couple, there could be a lot of variation.

          As for taking 15 minutes, the drivers' apps use Apple Maps on iOS and Google Maps on Android. If that's how long those apps calculated, they're usually pretty close but traffic conditions can change quickly. It could be that the driver missed a turn or stuffed up some other way - it's hard to say if you weren't following his progress on the map. Again, not sure how the app could be improved here.

        • @dazweeja: I think the problem with the app is managing expectations - I would've been fine if it said 9 minutes and it was 9 minutes, but when it said 6 and took 15 it was annoying. There was a lot of traffic but I think he was finishing a job first that took longer for some reason.

          Completely anecdotal but I feel like it's happened a few times recently.

    • Did he know where he was going? I have to give them directions lately because their GPS always tries to take them through Eltham which is a nightmare at the moment.

  • +1

    Well nothing cheaper than the train to Broady, then 901 to Tullamarine. Still, it takes almost 2 hours for that, compared to 45 mins on Uber.

    • +1

      Walking is free. But you might not make it through Broady.

  • +3

    Hi - I have been driving uber for 2 years part time the problem with the system is most drivers will log off and wait for the surge and then drive. Fares did go up a few months ago to compensate drivers, however lots of ex cabbies have joined the system whom are screening the pax and cancelling fares they don't like IE short trips ect.

    • how would they know the destination?

      • +1

        they call you and ask you. Epecially at the airport

        • Yep. Accept job and ask customer to confirm destination. Drivers don't know destination until we start trip after picking up customer.
          some drivers park down the road, start the trip and if they don't like the destination will cancel and drive off.

        • phew. I know this trick is usually used by the gojek/gocar in Indonesia. they will just pretend that they have started the trip.

  • +1

    They will soon need to reconsider the price rise as competition would heat up - http://www.news.com.au/finance/business/travel/indian-ridesh…

  • +1

    Depends what time you travel and number of uber drivers available.
    Suggest you try "Taxify"

    • Most uber drivers are working both platforms.

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