Parked Car Got Hit by a Car Backing in The Car Park, Driver Declined to Exchange Details

Hello Everyone

Thanks in advance and sorry for any mistakes.

Today afternoon whilst I was waiting in the car park of a medical centre a woman whilst reversing out of the car park backed into my car which left the bumper slightly out on the driver side and also scratched and dented the bumper. Now I was sitting in the car as was waiting for my appointment time and got out straight away and advised the driver of the other car who was trying to just speed off. I told had what had happened and how she has backed into my car. She kept on declining that it happened but eventually came out of the car and i showed her my car paint on her rear bumper to which she started swearing. I politely asked her to give me her details and will go from there. She then said “I’ll take the photos as well" I said " Please do" She then went in the car got a rag and cleaned the spots which had my car paint marks and kept on saying it’s just Chalk and started swearing, to which I started swearing back at her as well and advised her again to give me her details s this is an accident. After this she got in the car saying she’s getting them and drove off , now we were on the corner of a busy street and I dint want to cling to her door so I just kept shouting that I will be calling the cops but she just sped off.

My appointment time was due by the time all this had happened. I advised the doctor of what happened to which they advised that she is their patient and she will message her details and ask her to do the right thing and exchange the details. The doctor advised to wait until 2 days and then let them know if she hasn’t replied with the details.

Now I wanted to go to the police straight away and advise them of a hit and run but due to good banter I share with the doctor I told them I will wait until I hear back.

At this stage all I have is her rego #. I explained the situation to the insurance who advised they need her Full name, Address and rego to consider getting the excess to zero as its no fault.

Just wanted to know what my options are at this stage if I am unable to get all her details?

Thank you once again

UPDATE: Thanks everyone, I went to the Police station today and advised them of the issue and how the other driver fled the scene almost running me over. Gave them the rego and all the other details. They traced her and tried to call her to give her the opportunity come out clean , admit the fault and do the right thing by voluntarily give her details to me so I can file the insurance claim. However, the calls just keep going to Voicemail So now the officer has advised they will try again and if still no contact will write a report which can be submitted to the insurance. Hope fully it will have all her details to I dont have to pay any excess and save my rating as well.

UPDATE 20/02: The cops are still trying to get in touch with her as they are saying that its proving difficult and in situations like this its very likely the other party will refuse that there was any collision of any sort though they will keep trying
For insurance even though I have got the incident report they still want the Full name , Add, and Rego and have advised that I will need to pay the excess and loose my NCD rating until they find other parties details which they will try to get through there systems
The doctor never contacted to give the details. For anyone who is involved in situation like this should just call 000 straight away is was I was advised by the cop.


  • +1

    Have you asked the medical centre if there is CCTV coverage in the parking lot? That will help…this same situation happened to me about 4 months ago.

    • Yes, this is the first thing I asked them. Unfortunately, they only have one which is angled down on the porch. No cameras face towards the parking

      • Oh…sorry about that.

  • -5

    Can we start a petition to change the URL of this site to Every second post these days is an indignant post of someone involved in an accident. Police and/or your insurance agency should be the places you contact. Not bargain professionals on the internet. The only crashes we care about are those of a website being ozbargained.

    • +1

      But internet advice is the best advice!

      Yahoo answers, facebook and reddit told me so.

      Now I have cancer of the selfie-repost!

  • The same thing happened to me few months back, the lady reversed her car and hit rear bumper of my car. I clicked couple of Pics and noted down the rego of the car. Though she was very apologetic and said she had a bad day. I told her to take it easy.
    Once home I called my Insurance and explained them what happened and gave them the rego of the other car.(No police report needed though, Police only need to be informed if the damage in more than $3000 (I think this is a WA law)).
    My Insurance sorted it all out and my entire rear bumper was re-painted as new. Also got drop and pick taxi without a single cent from my pocket.

    • I`ve got her rego and photo as well , but my insurance (Budget Direct) wants Rego, Full name and Home address for a no fault no excess claim.

      • Get real insurance. It's not cheap if they won't cover you because of technicalitys…

  • I'd take 2 photos - one of the driver and one of the car and then head straight to the local cop shop to file a report.

    • I accidentally clicked her full length pic with the gesture settings on my phone

  • +1

    You don't even need to engage in discussion with other parties in fender benders like this outside of "Insurance details please". Either way, take photos of their car and license plate immediately, then take photos of the damage on your care & then go and fill in a police report straight away and advise them it was a hit & run that you witnessed. The police will track down their details and pass it on to you for insurance purposes if needed. Once you have done the police report, get the report number and then call up your insurer to lodge a claim.

    I hope you made sure to advise your doctor of any neck / back / other problems that the person who crashed into you may have caused, you know, also for insurance and legal purposes.

    • Well I thought she would just come out and apologize , we exchange the details and off we both go different directions.
      But no straight away Denial, swearing then telling me that she will go and get the details from her car comes back with a hand full of what looked like hand sanitizer then spat on her palm and proceeded to rub and removed the paint marks of her car.
      Then drove off with her driver door open luckily I moved out of way otherwise I would have been in the news ..

  • +1

    Wait, why don't you have bikies on speed dial? They would have chased her down.

  • +1

    Should of pulled your phone out and started filming straight away after the first denial. Hope it all works out for you OP.

  • I experienced something similar in the past but didn't take a video of the aggresive exchange..regrettably. I do wonder though, wouldn't the at-fault party see the video as a threat and try to prevent the recording by taking the phone from the owner or slap it out of his hands? Then it'll be a broken/lost phone in addition to the scratched car bumper for OP..

    • -1

      grow a pair

    • They can replace my phone and face battery assault charges.

      Good luck erasing the video that's already being saved live on cloud.

  • Dashcam for the hundredth time.
    Bout $50, saves alot of headaches.

    • This one was hit while parked. $50 dash cams without a park mode wouldn't have captured anything.

      But yeah, dashcam. Battery pack parking mode dashcams.

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