This was posted 7 years 1 month 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS Vita] Chaos;Child (PAL) £15.02 (AUD ~$26.50) Delivered @


Back in stock and $4 cheaper.

VAT gets removed at checkout if delivered to Australia. This is the cheapest I can find for a physical copy at the moment. Currently $42.29 AUD at ozgameshop but was $24.95 AUD digitally during the last PSN sale.

The [PS4 Version] is available for the same price, too.

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closed Comments

  • Shame cant get a new vita in stores anymore.

    • +1

      Luckily you can still buy brand new vitas from japan off ebay. Japan Exclusive colours too.
      I bought a metallic red one off ebay… for 228 AUD delivered with EMS shipping. I think there was a 10% off ebay promo at the time.

      The only thing other than the adapter coming with a japan cord (which you can replace with your run of the mill figure 8 australia cord) is that when on the vita menu home screen X and O will be swapped as "x" in western speaking countries is select but in Asian countries "O" is for some reason. Other than that though you'll be just fine. Once you put in your western cartridge games the X and O swap won't exist they'll play as you expect. You can also just put your Australian or any countries psn account on it and use it as normal PS vita is region free so you can buy games from wherever but switching psn accounts is a huge drag. Memory cards will also cost you an arm and a leg so consider that as well if you want to go digital.

      • Cheers for that. What firmware version did your vita come with out of the box?

        • +1

          3.61 Any new release (ie Metallic) vitas will have 3.61 and above. Older models may have sub 3.61 but its a gamble as other colours have been in production for too long. Honestly your best bet for that is buying a sealed borderlands 2 bundle (if I remember correctly) or buying used. You can also find used 1000's easily enough and if you have some technical ability you can buy sub 3.61 firmware board on aliexpress for ~$40 AUD delivered for the 1000.
          My plan is a to buy this red one than buy a used model for a board swap.

          Although I have to say I'm digging the Japanese firmware. They don't have that stupid volume warning block that comes up even when you don't have headphones plugged in.
          I know you can disable that but it's only for 24 hours play time which is very annoying.

      • +1

        but in Asian countries "O" is for some reason.

        That's because in Japan, an O means "no", "cancel" or "fail". X means "yes", "confirm" or "correct".

        But since that notation isn't used in the west, they had a problem, and decided to reverse it. This is a controversial move. And it all happened because Sony decided to instead of using A, B, X, Y like everyone else, make up their own symbols which so happen to also include O and X which coincidentally happen to mean something in Japanese.

        Once you put in your western cartridge games the X and O swap won't exist they'll play as you expect.

        Actually, it depends on the game. Some games X and O functions are hard coded and it doesn't matter what hardware you play it on, it will do the same. Other games have their function depend on the system region.

        • +1

          Damn, playing the Tales games on my Japanese PS3 was a nightmare… the O and X were swapped but the visual prompts were not!

          P.S O is select yes in Japanese PS and X is no/cancel

        • oh well thats a minor bummer but still worth having the new cool colour option.
          Thanks for correcting me so I won't repeat that.

        • That's because in Japan, an O means "no", "cancel" or "fail". X means "yes", "confirm" or "correct".

          CORRECTION. I meant it the other way around, lol. Can't believe no one corrected me.

          In Japan, if your get an O for a question on your test, it means you got it correct. X means incorrect (Which makes sense). HEre in the west we use a tick instead of O. On an user interface, O would mean confirm or yes, and X would mean no or cancel. I think this is unique to Japan. As far as I know, China uses ticks instead of O.

          I thought it was a cluster of a situation that Sony could have avoided if they used different shapes. Now even in the 4th generation of Playstation we still have differences between regions in O and X. And since their devices are import friendly, you can run into this, as one of my Vitas and both of my PSPs are from JP.

        • @coxjon:

          This is a thing for the Vita also.

          The prompts may be wrong. It doesn't take long to get used to though.

        • @lostn:

          I corrected you if that makes you feel better :)

      • oh nice, i was meaning to get a vita

  • +1

    This is a really good VN, if you like reading. I ordered mine from Amazon US. Kept me at the edge of my seat.

    • Since you've played it already do you have any opinion on whether you should play the previous game in the series (PC only Fan Patch I think) or watch the anime based off it?

      • No to the anime. Hell no. As a rule of thumb, if you're into VNs, stay off the anime adaptations. They are never as good as the VN in telling the complete story, and they will ruin the VN. You can watch it after the VN but you likely won't enjoy it because it inevitably has to chop a lot of important bits out due to time constraints. You won't get to explore all routes. It's a neutered experience. You're not going to like it if you see it after reading the VN, and if you see it before the VN it will spoil the VN.. It's only good for people who have no interest in VNs.

        Chaos;head is optional. It's not as good, and the true route is not available in english. You can safely skip it if you want. C;C is a separate story and doesn't require knowledge of the C;H. C;H is not a bad game VN its own right. But like I said, the definitive edition with the true route is not available in english anyway. If you can't be bothered, don't worry about it.

        Chaos;child is super good though. Provided you're a VN person, and it does seem that you are.

  • Thanks OP was waiting for a $30 ish dollar price on this one!

  • Anyone know how it compares to Steins;Gate?

    • They're both good. But I was never a fan of S;G's art style.

  • Now do I add this to my collection on Vita that I don't really use now but still love or wait for it on Switch?

    • I would expect it to be the same experience, except Switch has a bigger screen and slightly higher res. If you're not going to play it any time soon, may as well wait till it's on the Switch. If you want to play it now, don't wait.

  • Some older games from Base say dispatched and sold by BaseCH. What is BaseCH?
    And is Paypal a payment option? Never bought from here before

    • BASECH does not take off the VAT. I have bought alot from BASE. They are great

      • Oh ok. And will Aus DLC work for these games?
        And what about included DLC codes, do they work on AUS PSN accounts?

        • Yes I believe so. All PAL format. If they are from Japan or US than you would need US or Japanese accounts

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