I was wondering if anyone else buys stuff they don’t need to enter a competition. 😀 and has it paid off.
Does Anyone Else Buy Crap They Don’t Need to Enter a Competition?

Last edited 05/02/2018 - 09:17 by 1 other user
I buy crap in general everyday
Maccas Monopoly comes to mind. Pretty much only time of the year I have Maccas.
Those competitions are worthless.
Usually results in SPAM and other annoying behavior.
Usually don't register warranties either,for the same reason.
Difficult to get rid of some firms ….. EA Games and Rio Sound and Vision spring to mind.Never.
I might buy more of a certain item than I currently need. But it gets stacked away and used over time.
Only time I think was the KitKat competition years ago to win the Google credit and Nexus 7. Never won the tablet but made hundreds in Gplay credit.
I bought 200 KitKats and managed to win 4 Nexus 7 and $400 worth of Google Play Credits.
IIRC you could actually see post codes or suburbs that won and there were a few with several tablet wins.
@akajin: Damn how many did they give out? When was this? KitKats were a dollar each? So $200 for 4 tablets and 400 dollars worth of googleplay. Did you manage the sell the tablets?
Around 10 tablets given out every day and $5 google play given every 4 minutes for 100 days.
If you know how the competition worked there was around 25% chance of winning something.
I gave away my winnings to friends at half price.
Same. I bout around $30 worth of Kit Kats and won a tablet. Still had it until recently. But in general, no, I won't buy crap to enter comps.
I don't need to buy crap. My spam box is full of competitions I've won
I never get those. Lots of Russian girls, though.
why isn't this a poll?
and No is the answer
i dont buy crap
why would i?
i poo alreadyNot since I was 10 or so.
Nah, I take that back. It was just an excuse to eat Paddle Pops.
Absolutely not.
No, I just straight up gamble instead.
Yep. Got to go to Rio with Coca Cola as a result. I sometimes will buy things I know I won’t eat (like Oreos) and donate them to foodbank etc. to me it is like getting a raffle ticket for $1 (current price of Oreos in woolworths).
I also change the brand I am buying if they are of similar price to my usual brand and have a competition attached.Yeah, I won a car.
How did you win that
heard about a lady who bought 100s of tim tams to win a years supply have bought certain products but only if its my brand that i buy to enter a competition no never won
if Yes, you shouldn't be on this site.
Yep, but meh my overall $$s won outweigh what I've bought
This is the difference between those who actively enter competitions, and those who don't, and I can see a bunch of names up above that don't touch the comp section of this site.
It can be a gamble, but some comps have so many instant wins that it's almost a sure thing.