Help Finding Accomodation for Bucks Night close to Sydney

Have been trying to find accomodation for a bucks weekend for the past 3 days and we found a couple of places however fully booked. Seems difficult to find something suitable and when we do it’s already booked.

Requirements are:

  • Friday, March 9th to 11th non negotiable
  • Only 4 People sleeping he first night (Friday)
  • Max 10 people sleeping the second night (Saturday)
  • 15 visitors on Saturday who will not stay (25 people will be at the party on Saturday but only 10 will stay the night)
  • Prefer late check out Sunday negotiable
  • Something large with open space entertaining area
  • Suitable for events / parties (we won’t trash the place and will be cleaning up)
  • Prefer secluded near water / mountain / bush area
  • Maximum $1500 all up


  • +2

    we won’t trash the place and will be cleaning up

    Oh riiiight! I'm sure many home owners have heard that before and then regret it a few days later! Who's really going to admit that their group will trash the place and leave it unclean??

    No home owner in their right mind would want to rent out their place for such a party. That'd just be asking for trouble!

    I'm not saying you should or shouldn't, but the only way would be to lie about the purpose and how many people will be attending - Although, you then run the risk of getting kicked out if the owners find out.

    • The bride and grooms parents will be there.

      We’re all 30+ professionals.

      • We’re all 30+ professionals

        Don't get me wrong haha! it's nothing personal.

        I'll admit that I've organised a few of these parties before and have had to lie through my teeth to secure places (not in Sydney CBD though).

        Most owners look at the application and sometimes will decline without reason (when they suspect a party is going to be happening). So we put down "couple's" names and make it appear as a "family holiday". Every party I've had, the property has been returned in a clean state without any damage.

        I can understand things from the owner's point of view though. It's just risky for homeowners. When there's a whole lot of people and alcohol, it's a recipe for disaster.

  • We stayed at a place in Blackheath a couple years ago and it was a collection of cabins, with a private grassy area… maybe could suit ya

  • +1


    • Checked Airbnb.

      Thank you for the helpful comments

      • Just party for 3 nights and 4 days. Your only option now

  • Probably going to be tuff, especially if you mention "Bucks Party" this might go close…

  • why are the bride and grooms parents going to the bucks party??, shouldn't the only females be the entertainment???

    • To be clear - the bride and groom’s dads will be there.

  • meriton?

  • Kangaroo Valley golf course, book some of the cabins next to the course. Golf, kayaking, decent enough pub in town for a meal.

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