Water Bill went down to next to nothing. Should I advise utility?

Hi ,

Got my latest water bill, and my usage went from 306L/Day down to 33L/Day. Something is majorly wrong, as we are a family of 4, and we range from 300 to 600L/Day depending on the months.

Should I advise the utility of the faulty reading or just wait for the next bill and see if they corrected it?


  • +8

    I say take photos of the meter now, wait for the next bill and see what that says then make a decision.

  • +8

    Probably someone made a typo when punching the reading in. It will be corrected at the next reading. They always get you eventually. :)

    • Yeah, this happened to me. Prepare for a big bill next time (well, it averages out anyway!) In my case they didn't do a meter read for whatever reason and we had only just moved in to our house so we hadn't used any water the previous billing period.

  • +1

    I would prefer they over estimate readings so you pay less per kilolitre.

    By the time of the next reading the price per kilolitre may be much higher and you could have saved money by telling them the right reading now.

  • Check to see that your meter is actually working. We had a lower than expected bill and the following one was 0 as the meter was not turning. They sent out an estimate based on our previous usage.

  • Yes, check you reading vs last bill. My usage went from 300L a day to 43,500L per day due to a missread.

  • What is figure is on your meter; and what figure have they put on your bill? Are they remotely close?

  • Do you want to even out your bills or will you be better off with the money in your account for a few more months? You’ll get hit with a big one next time unless you ask for them to fix it this time.

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