Got our Mazda 3 2017 back from repairs for minor hail damage. Read on another forum that you can check for the roof's hail damage from the inside roof liner. Seems like the liner has a large bump that curves away from the roof. Found a picture on the net of a Mazda 6 and it seems like that's how they are. Picture here Bump is above the front seats. Can someone please confirm? Seems like it is where the sunroof would go in.
Mazda 3 2017 roof liner - does it have a bump in it or lies flat?

Last edited 01/02/2018 - 20:37
going to call tomorrow. Has a similar bump to the picture, so 80% sure, however, there is a slight crease mark on it as well? The car is almost a year in Australia.
What a load of dogs bollocks. You can't tell from looking at the head lining if a car had "minor" hail damage. If you removed the head lining and looked at the bottom side of the roof panel, maybe.
Basically there are roof stiffeners that go across the roof and there would be a good inch gap between the roof itself and the head lining. Not to mention the head lining has a hard backing to it and a 1/4 inch of foam as well. Not real prone to show hail dents from the roof skin.
If anything, if it has had hail damage repaired, it may have had the roof lining pulled out and the lining was damaged coming out or going back in. They are quite floppy and bend easy out of the car, so it may have the crease due to that.
Go to a dealer and compare to a new one.
Source: I have removed more headlinings from cars than I've had hot breakfasts. And I love a hot breakfast…
Yep, basically checked for "diagnose hail damage" and that's what came up. Think the bump was just something we didn't notice. Still wierd that there is a crease though, so will check up on that.
What does yours look like?
Go have a look at the 'dealer' at another mazda like yours and compare.