Switch to powershop for a free 1 year Museums Victoria (Household or Adult) Membership. Normally at $89 (Household) or $59(Adult).
Of course as a professional you shouldn't stop switching once you got your membership confirmed.
Switch to powershop for a free 1 year Museums Victoria (Household or Adult) Membership. Normally at $89 (Household) or $59(Adult).
Of course as a professional you shouldn't stop switching once you got your membership confirmed.
Referrer receives $75 credit and referee receives $75 credit on first bill.
Yeah, I'm in the process of switching away after their 22% price hike this year and their issues with displaying usage after the smart meter firmware update
Who are you switching to?
Victorian Energy Compare had Pacific Hydro as having the best market offer for me
gee lame offer
Rather use referral for immediate $75 credit.
Lame offer from a lame company.
They were really good for a while but that ship has well and truly sailed.
Whats wrong with powershop?
Apart from the massive rate rise, their inability to fix the usage data 3 months later and their lame sign up incentive?
They were overcharging me and knew it.
After switching,I lodged a complaint with the Ombudsman and got a few hundred dollars back.
Simply not to be trusted.
Who did you switch to?
How were they overcharging?
I was purportedly purchasing @ less 34%,however on checking the billing,and it seems many do not,the discount given was only 18%.
Made a few 'phone calls pointing it out to them.They did nothing.
Switched to PacificHydro and put the case in the hands of the Ombudsman's Office.
Was going to switch to them last year, then they massively put their prices up which turned me away.
Yeah their service is good, but their power pricing is terrible. For me it'd be cheaper to buy the membership & stick with Pacific for 3-4mths