Hey everyone, I saw this article today and it reminded me of some experiences I've had with shopping on Kogan.com https://www.arnnet.com.au/article/632728/kogan-debuts-top-ns…
Shopping on Kogan - Your Experiences?

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I bought a watch from Kogan. Great price and received it as expected.
I have bought electronics from Kogan/DSE.
I have had 3 out of 4 items arrive broken.They are happy to return, but I have been told to be available between 9am to 5pm on the day of return & the day the item is (re)delivered, which is difficult when I work during the day.
Their items are good when they get here though, I have a 55" 4k tv that works great (did have to return the first 1 though).
Variable. Things to watch out for:
Kogan use "Choose carefully" (no refunds if you make a mistake) unless it's a Kogan branded product *1 http://www.kogan.com/au/returns-policy/
They seem to run "Anchor Pricing" with an inflated "RRP" or "was" price a lot now and "discount" these. Usually discount prices aren't great. (but sometimes you luck a steal)
The support part of the website is atrociously made and broken.
Calling support half the time fails after you choose the option, their phone system must be some offshore VoIP system.
Kogan branded products are sourced from Asian OEM's, hit and miss.
No care is taken with posting/packing stuff by their warehouse. I've had missing items, extra items (two instead of one) and of course broken stuff, SD cards were thrown in a parcel bag loose with TV remotes recently.
Every time you buy something, they automatically opt you back in to their spam.*1 Kogan.com Exclusive Brands, which are - Kogan, Komodo, Bubbli, Certa, Ovela, Scharfen, Cookmaster, Trafalgar, Fortis, Vostok, Shangri-La, Bella Vitta, Pestill, Ergolux, Orbis, Estelle, Kromo, Pawever Pets.
http://assets.kogan.com/files/pages/brands_V2.jpgMy experience is that they don't attempt very hard to cancel orders that you have requested a cancellation, even if it was five minutes after your order was placed. Also, once they displayed a misleading photo of the product which was one model higher than what they were selling. Just make sure when you are buying from Kogan you absolutely are certain that is what you want to buy.
I have no complains so far.