For those who have bought Moto G5 Plus(32 GB model) from DWI or Shopmonk, I want to confirm the features of the model sold by these websites.
Does it:
- Have 4GB RAM (I've read comments where people have received 4GB version although DWI page states 3GB)
- Have NFC
- Have Band 28 Support
- Model number is XT1685 (Shopmonk page states all possible models numbers of this phone XT1687 XT1685 XT1684, which one of the three would they ship?)
I've tried calling their support phone numbers, but I'm unable to get through to clarify this. Moto G5 Plus is on sale currently on both DWI and Shopmonk for A$265
How much extra would it be to buy locally through eBay with a 20% off promo? Local warranty is worth the extra I think.