This was posted 7 years 1 month 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Humble Rockstar Bundle - $1/ $7.83 (BTA) / $15US ($1.24/ $9.68/ $18.54AUD) - Humble Bundle


It is here! Three tiers as always.

Tier 1: $1US:

  • Manhunt - NOT available in our region so we cannot get it (I assume using a VPN could do it if HB allows it)
  • Grand Theft Auto Vice City
  • Grand Theft Auto III
  • Max Payne

Tier 2: $7.83US (BTA):

  • Max Payne 2
  • L.A. Noire
  • Bully Scholarship Edition
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Tier 3: $15US:

  • Max Payne 3
  • L.A. Noire DLC Bundle
  • Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City
  • Grand Theft Auto IV


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closed Comments

  • +5

    Use a vpn to get manhunt, once you have the key you can use it on steam even if its registered to australia.

    • Well, which country is it NOT banned in? US?

      • +5

        I dont think any games are banned in the usa, its mostly here and germany that ban and restrict games.

        They list the restrictions :

        Manhunt is not available in the following countries:



        New Zealand






        • Great. Thanks for the info. I am sure this will be very useful for some people who really want Manhunt.

        • +17


          Was thinking of moving there but not now.

        • +1

          @Lysander: It's a pretty awesome game.

        • +2

          @Scab: I was gonna move to Sudan. No more for me too!

        • +11

          @Munki: You don't move to Sudan, Sudan moves to you…..

        • +16

          @EightImmortals: Only if you're in Melbourne.

        • +1

          You could have started, lost opportunity

        • +8

          @Hellman109: Forget about Yemen. Where's Yewomen?

        • +1

          @Munki: Yewomen? Where's ye Buccaneers?

        • @Lysander: It's the only one on the list I don't already have!

        • @Munki: OK, I'll set 'em up, you keep knocking them down. :)

        • @EightImmortals: On the side of me buccan' head!

        • -1

          @Zak: Too late son……

    • You god.

  • +4

    I've already got everyone, great bundle if a
    Ittle old now.

    I'm a Max Payne fan myself.

    • So am I - have played MP3 on console. A little bit annoyed that there is one game in each tier, especially MP3 being in tier 3.

      • +1

        Its smart by them really, you want the best games in the top tier.

        • +2


          I bought MP3 retail and for $15 it's still a steal (plus all the other loot you get with it).

  • Is this single keys for each item or is it a key per tier?

    I have LA Noire plus DLC already but nothing else. Would be a shame to have to claim it again.

    • +2

      It's single keys (i only bought tier one)

      • Cheers mate. That works well for me then.

    • LA Noire on PC isn't a great port apparently, i played it on XB when first released was a dope game though

      • Yep. I've got a reasonably powerful laptop (considering how old the game is, i5, 1050Ti 2GB, 16GB RAM, SSD) and I had to spend a bunch of time looking for hacks to improve performance from unplayable to barely playable.

  • +3

    Max payne 3 is top tier and very underrated

    • +1

      Rockstar is the Rare games of this generation (bit of last gen too). Everything they do is solid gold.

    • +2

      Underrated? It's got an 87 metascore which is very high.

      • +1

        It reviewed well, but relatively few people actually played it.

    • To many cut scenes for me

  • If this is through Rockstar Social Club, no thanks. Had my copy of GTA V stolen and customer service is pitiful, still haven’t got it back and am out $50 this is a year on

    • +2

      they are all steam keys, but also, it's not gta v in the bundle, it's gta iv

      • I believe Max Payne 3 and LA Noire uses it.

        • +1

          Yeah, even though it’s Steam, some games in this bundle install a SecuROM rootkit and require Social Club.

          Also, Bully is unplayable on Windows 10 without a third-party patch.

          Also, you’ll want to patch San Andreas to get the music back.

          Basically, prepare to spend a few hours online researching how to get the games to work.

  • +9

    Bully: 0V82T-2C8AA-WB7I2

    comment when used

    • Bah! On the bus so no chance to grab.

    • +6

      Redeemed mate, thanks for that, much appreciated! 👍

  • +9

    GTA San Andreas: 0QYMT-03TXW-Z0IEF

    comment when used

    • +5

      Redeemed thank you!

  • must not buy… too many unredeemed keys already.

    • You should get them to make your collection larger

    • I've been subscribed to the monthly bundle for a while. Hardly played any of them, even the ones that I have redeemed.

  • -1

    If anyone has a GTA San Andreas key they dont need i would love to take it off your hands :) Thanks in advance

  • +9

    GTA3: 2V3A3-KLFIB-4WTQ6
    Vice: 2N2HN-QHDV4-V7FYG

    • +5

      these are taken (but not by me…)

      hopefully they come back and thank you!

  • +1

    Much appreciated filled in some big holes in my library, also confirmed that manhunt redeems fine through VPN.

    I have two dupes if anyone wants to trade GTAIV and Liberty City Stories haven't redeemed so can gift them if need be …

    Decent FPS or good multiplayer I can play with my kids…. thanks

    • pmed u

    • +1

      All gone thanks


    • +3

      Yep, i just used the built in opera browser VPN to get the key, worked fine and activated on Steam fine too.

      • Yup me too, used Opera VPN to get Manhunt

      • Did you have to create a new account based in a region that isn't banned?

        • +1

          No just logged in as my usual account, didnt have to do anything different.

        • @Grimoz: Thanks! That worked a treat :)

  • Anyone who has a spare san andreas key, PM me if u wanna trade for something :)

  • I have a couple of free guest passes for Killing Floor/Defence Alliance 2 if anyone wants me to gift them one, just sitting in my inventory at the moment.

    • pm sent….thanks mate

    • One more left

      • PM sent if not too late.

        • Replied mate

  • I only have a Chromebook, so it's useless to me, but this shit is worth a thumbs up nonetheless.

    Edit: Am I blind, or is LA Noire just the DLC for the game, and not even the game?

    • +1

      The base game is in the middle tier and the dlc is in the expensive tier.

    • I think a visit to the eye doctor is coming up for you very soon - if you can read this only of course. ;-)

      • I usually just skip to the final tier which shows everything in it. Forgive me, based lord.

        • -1

          You are of course forgiven. And I am not a lord, just a mere Spartan general. ;-)

  • which tier do people recommend?

    • If you like GTA the top tier. Otherwise middle tier provided you do not have most of the games already.

      • Loved the first GTA and no.2, but never played the rest although i kept hearing good reports on them.

        • I got the $1 tier, well worth it for GTA 3 and Vice City alone, i already had most of the other games in the other tiers other than San Andreas and GTA IV

  • -4

    Any kind soul want to donate their GTA Vice City? I have a mac and only 1 game for each bundle is compatible :(

  • All great games. Thanks op

  • +1

    Where is GTA and GTA 2, the rest have been done to death in sales

    • People are less likely to want to pay for GTA and GTA 2 considering how old they are

    • +6

      Those are free to download (abandoned by Rockstar):

      GTA Mission Pack 1 London 1969
      GTA Mission Pack 2 London 1961
      GTA 2

      • Not sure how legal that is to be honest, who decides when an item becomes abandonware?

        • +1

          They were on the Rockstar Classics website for many years, free to download. Rockstar removed that page a couple of years ago though, I guess they cleaned out their webservers…

        • If you trust computer magazines, here is a link to the German CHIP.DE magazine download:


      • All day we go all day we go all day we go!

  • -6

    If anyone could kindly donate a copy of Vice City, that's would be amazing!! Thank you

    • +3

      We all wish someone could donate a game to one of us :D

    • DM me

      • You have to enable Direct Messaging/Private Messaging. Not currently enabled for you.

    • +1

      ….jesus. Its $1!

      • it's the OZbargain way haha

  • +7

    Here comes the beggers.

    • beggars*

      • +1

        Oh god, good spot.
        I feel dumb.

  • +1

    LA Noire : 2NKBK-5FHHZ-T7LGL (comment when used!)

    • +12

      Again, someone took it without saying thanks.
      Give keys away in classifieds to registered users only please. Posting them openly is useless as bots and non-users simply snap them up and they do not even say thank you.

  • -6

    I'd take a GTA SA key if anyone has giving away or have Vice City to trade

  • +2

    If anyone would be looking to trade other games for ones within the bundle, I have these from this bundle:

    Grand Theft Auto III
    Grand Theft Auto Vice City
    Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
    Bully Scholarship Edition
    Max Payne
    Max Payne 2
    Max Payne 3

    • Can I trade u something for bully?

      • Sure, what do you have? Feel free to message me :)

    • Hello, did you still have Max Payne 3 to trade?

      • Yes I do

        • If you still have keys to trade I would be interested too. Please let me know and I send you a PM with my extra keys.

        • @Lysander: Still have most :)

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