Can anyone recommend me a good cooling pad that is quiet and is excellent at cooling down heat for my Dell Inspiron 13 7000 2in1? it's a 13.3inch laptop
What Is The Best Laptop Cooling Pad?

100% works
They aren't very popular and wont find much options in Aus and aren't very much proven.
Also you have to check with the fans at the bottom of your laptop, do they suck air in or push air out? cause if its the latter then a cooling pad wouldn't server you well, there are some that you can flip the fan on depending on your laptop.
I have a coolermaster U3, have had it for 4 years now, it can get very noise but a tap or 2 on it quiets it down, tbh I mostly just sit my laptop on it w/o actually hooking it up for the fans
frozen pizza
Lol don't even bother purchased a thermaltake cooler the one with the big led blue fan $39
didn't see any difference after reading high
reviews cant trust anything these days.
Basically, laptop coolers won't make any noticeable differences in performance. But any cooling is better than no cooling. Just don't expect it to save a laptop from overheating as that kind of problem is usually dictated by the design and specifications of the laptop itself.
got sufficient airflow? put it on a flat surface or stand with slight elevation? battery saver mode?
cut or drill holes in the bottom for more airflow :|
I've read of thermal transfer pad and copper plate mods for windows tablets while reading up on those chuwi tablets
I just put my glasses case under it to elevate it slightly from the ground. Mind you, I use an external keyboard and monitor.
So laptop coolers aren't worth using cause they don't dramatically decrease temperature? so I'm better off buying a laptop stand instead?
Try opening and cleaning the inside of your laptop, look for dust and clean the fans too, if you want to go further look into reapplying thermal paste
Try a laptop cooler (no need for a stand I reckon a laptop cooler would double as one, just raise your laptop slightly for some elevation)
I have an Omen gaming laptop and GPU + CPU gets to 85 degrees when under load, so I'm looking to get one too
excellent at cooling down heat
From all the garish contraptions I saw, realistically, being powered by USB I don't think any of them will cool it down significantly. IMO the best ones are those with clear ventilation grille and fans directly below your laptop's air intake. There is one from CM with movable 2x fans so I'll prob buy that