This was posted 7 years 1 month 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

McDonald's 3 for $3: 1x Cheeseburger, 1x Small Drink & 1x Small Fries


It's back once again! McDonald's 3 for $3. You receive a Cheeseburger, a small fries and a small soft drink. I believe it is Nationwide but not confirmed. it is also unknown when it finishes

*Available from 10:30 am-midnight at participating restaurants for a limited time. Cannot be used with any other offer. Excludes McDelivery® and mobile ordering.

Mod: Available in the app (last row of the McClassics category - Three for $3)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Can you substitute out the drink for a water and save 5c like the McFeast deal?

    • +1

      Yes, but I don't believe you save 5 cents.

      • +1

        How many small drinks/chips make a large one? Also will mcdoubles end now?

        • buy a small fries and a larger fries, take some scales and weight them ……. share your wisdom.

          i did this at coles where they have small medium and large salad …. not,sold by weight.

        • +1

          @garage sale: and the results were?

        • This is a trick question…. it depends on the store and how high they have been told to fill the chips. Has anyone seen the sign at McDonald’s showing them not to fill the chips up too much?

        • @SlipperySlide: don't think we have a sign but it does come down to how many fries are in the thing and how busy they are. If they are busy it's more likely to vary (over or underfilled) but if it's quiet then they will fill it up most of the way but just under. If the fries are getting old then they will also serve you more. If your gonna do a experiment do it all at the same time when it isn't busy.

        • +4

          Have been informed, Today is the last day for McDoubles. Moment of silence for our fallen ones.

        • +2

          @Juzzy96: it's the reason I've had macas lately :( U gota get the bun steamed though or it's dry as f…

        • +2

          As a general rule, you can look at the KJ count on the menu and just divide the small chips amount by the large chips

        • @SlipperySlide:

          They tend to pinch the bottom of the box so that the bottom is empty but the top looks overfilled.

          When they happens, I shake it a few times and ask them to fill it properly.

        • @Juzzy96:

          They appear to have disappeared from the app and main site already. ;( Sadface.

        • @Juzzy96:

          The fallen ones being those that have had McDouble bypass surgery for eating too many of said burger.

        • Mate… it's pretty darn simple. Take the KJ's of a large serve and divide by the KJ's of a small serve. There is your answer!

          A small coke = 428kj
          A large coke = 937kj
          =2.18 smalls make a large

          A small fries = 860kj
          A large fries = 1530kj
          =1.77 smalls make a large

          Also, the McDouble is still $2 on my app

        • @dAsh01: saw McDoubles are $3 now

        • @alphonts: I'll let them go, with a salute!

        • @Juzzy96: :'(

        • -2

          @ronnknee: you must be one of those difficult customers everyone looks at and feels sorry for the poor girl at the counter dealing with you.

        • +1


          I hope not. I am very civilised and polite when I make those requests. I'm just pursuing what I've paid for ie. large size. If I only wanted any less than the large size, I would order a small or a medium.

          In a similar scenario, if someone short changes you, do you point it out or do you wimpishly let them because you feel bad for standing up for what's rightfully yours?

        • +3

          @ronnknee: Well said. Consider all previous shady comments revoked

        • @Juzzy96:

          so no more mcdoubles ? or increased to $3 ?

      • can swap for small coffee ?

    • +3

      But water is always free?

      • Bottled water

        • +8

          I don't think any OzBargainer would pollute the environment with fossil fuel emissions and landfill for something that's normally free?

        • +4

          Does it come in a Voss bottle? Those are nice bottles :)

        • +7

          @auna: pfft amateur

        • +4

          @Savas: Well said Savas.

        • yep … why pollute the environment with plastic when paper cup has a lower carbon foot print ……….

          if everybody thought like ozbargainers we could save the barrier reef.

          wow to convince the greenies i use shopping bags as garbage bags and if banned i need to pay for garbage bags instead of re- using the shopping bag as a bargage for free.

        • +2

          Australian tap water is safe to drink. Nothing disgusting about it.

        • +3

          @auna: what country do you originate? Because Australian tap water is pure class.

        • +1

          @Matslurpee: Australia. It’s definitely NOT pure class. I’d rate it as one if the worst things about Sydney - taste wise at least. I cannot stomach it and have since switched from tap water for years now. It’s so bad that only Malaysian Tap Water and cruiseline poteable water are worse so far.

        • @gummibear:

          Just the taste half the time.
          I'm lucky to live in an area now with great tap water, after living in an area where it was questionable whether I'd get out of the shower dirtier than I got in.
          Is definitely a case of 'results may vary'.

        • @garage sale: I knew a guy who would buy bottled water and pour it into a paper cup.

        • @auna: it tends to taste like a swimming pool. Yuk.

      • +1

        Can you get free tap water at McDonald's? I didn't know that.

        • I have done it before, I'm not sure if they expect you to be ordering something though.

        • Of course you can, just go to the toilet. Free refills always~~

  • +8

    (profanity) yeah!

    I went on a diet a month and a half before Last Jedi came out, I lost nearly 20 kilos just not eating junk food but still eating a lot, then Last Jedi came out and I ended up going back to eating junk because what is the point of anything if Luke Skywalker can get pissed all over by Ruin Johson and long story short, I'm gonna go from George Lucas' figure in the 70s to his current frame with this deal by my side.

    • Are you wanting to audition for the next episode as Jabba Desilijic Tiure?

      • I could have lived the rest of my life not knowing Jabba the Hutt wasn't his full name.

        God damn expanded universe stuff, always getting in the way. I'm real glad Disney got rid of it, Kyle Katarn stealing the Death Star plans and slowly growing to be one of Luke's most trusted friends and fellow Jedi over the course of three games totally wasn't as engaging as a two hour movie about some nobodies taking the plans and dying.

        • Life is hard.
          May the force (whichever chosen) be with you.
          Jabba, on the other hand, may not.

        • +1

          @whodidthat: tbh Rogue One was actually a decent movie, and I never got into the EU too much anyway, but Kyle was my boy. Him and Mara, I hope they both make the jump to Disney's canon.

  • +15

    Oh yes starts Valentine's Day! Perfect lunch out with the beloved :D

    • +8

      Don't forget to take a candle.

    • +18

      If you want to make it extra special, get a free Medium drink with the StudentEdge deal. Nothing is more romantic than giving them the medium drink and taking the small one.

      • how selfless … don’t forget to say they can have one of your kidneys in case they need one ….. and hope they don’t.

      • +1

        What about giving the happy meal. It's in a box with a pre-wrapped toy to boot! What more could a girl ask for?

    • +4

      Last year my wife got me the 20 nuggets for $9.95 deal for valentines.

      • +2

        She's a catch :)

      • What a nugget.

    • Username checks out.

    • would this guarantee you sex?

      • +1

        with yourself or somebody else ? if somebody else maybe if you floss to get the remnants of maccas out of your mouth.

      • Depends if you got the freebie condoms or a bulk deal. Quality or quantity.

  • I love this deal combo

  • 14 Feb? Valentine's Dinner sorted!

    • -3

      Exactly what I thought when I saw the date LOL

  • Diet starting in 15 dayS

  • +3

    I think the Mc Feast is still better value

    • +1

      yep … hard deal to beat …. a meal with chips and drink for $5 with 1/4 lb of meat.

  • ask for large drink size water add the coke = free large coke upsize!

  • Anyone know when maccas bringing back the 24 nugs for $9.95? :) Because the KFC ones just don't make the cut.

    • They never left, you can get them on the Kiosk in VIC, just not on the App, as well as the boxes.

      • Can't get them here.

  • Is this deal the secret one they don't advertise?

    • +1

      The deal that starts in 15 days? Maccas won't advertise it 2 weeks in advance because of all the dimwits that will drive to Maccas to try and get it early..

      • No last time they had no signage up in store, and no ads for it (in the CBD anyway) it was like they were trying to avoid promoting a cheap deal!

        • +1

          Haha yeah that's also likely. Who would pay $9 for a small Big Mac meal when you can get 3 cheeseburger meals for that then?

  • 3 for 3!!!!!! Now to go visit Maccas for Valentine's day!

  • has this started yet? so lazy to walk in to maccas would prefer it to be available via app so that i could just pick it up via drive thru

    • +1

      I can see it in the app, on the law row in the McClassics category

      • thanks man

  • 2 3for3's or 3 mcdoubles hmmm 🤔

    • +1

      Why not both?

    • +1

      They don't do mcdoubles anymore :(

      • It's $3 in the app.

        • Doesn't seem to show in my app, I'm in Brisbane.

        • +3


          there's an update for the app. probably shouldn't have done it

        • @ozhunter:

          I haven't updated hehe #mcdoublesforlife

  • +1

    Can this be purchased over the counter/drive-thru by asking or do you need to use the app?

    Thanks, asking for a friend.

    • +1

      Should it hurt when I pee? Asking for a friend.

      • +2


        1: What type of pain is your friend experiencing?
        On a level of 1 to 10, with 1 representing the least painful and 10 representing the most painful.

        2: Is the pain like a stubbed toe type of a pain or a 'brain' freeze type?

        We value your feedback and hope you can take a minute to answer two simple questions that will allow us to gauge how we're doing.

        3: How likely are you to recommend OzBargain to a friend or colleague?
        (With 0 being not at all likely to 10 Extremely likely)

        4: What is the most important reason for your score?

        Thank you.

        • +2


          1. 8-9. He was using the urinal next to me at work yesterday(I was in the stall) and was groaning excessively, although I knew he was relieving himself by the sound of the stream.
          2. Near the end he said, "F*#)!" and then went to wash his hands, saying, "Smashed it!" I don't think he knew I was there and I didn't recognise his particularly moaning.
          3. 10
          4. I come for the bargains, stay for the social brouhaha and funny comments.
        • +2


          We appreciate your time in helping us to improve and grow.

          Thank you,
          The Internet.

    • +3

      I got it without app at drive through today but I had to ask why they were charging me full price then took them 5 minutes to figure it out. Blocked up drive through to save $2.85 AMA

      • +1

        Nice. You're a Professional.

        Love it.

        • +1

          I hate all of you professionals.

          Gerry Harvey

  • +1

    Cheeseburger, garden salad and a 600ml bottle of water. 320 calories, 30g carbs, 18g protein and 12g fat. For $3.

    This and a multivitamin is my diet now.

    • how many calories if u took out the patty

  • 3 for $3! 2548kj for the naughty option… or 1342kj for the salad/bottled water! Even less if you rip the bun off it

    • Or better yet, order it without the bun (and meat, cheese, mustard and sauce)
      Get a box with onion, pickle, salt and pepper.

      • Why the hell would you do that?

        • Why the hell would you believe anyone would do that?

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