$2 Sandwiches and Sushi is back for Wednesdays until the 21st of Feb.
Only valid for the $5 sandwiches and sushi.
Limit of 5 per customer.
$2 Sandwiches and Sushi is back for Wednesdays until the 21st of Feb.
Only valid for the $5 sandwiches and sushi.
Limit of 5 per customer.
According to the Facebook post it's the $2 ones only. That might be the problem?
ahh i see they;'ve changed it. before the $7 ones were also $2 lol
$5 ones*
Lol yeah thanks
The bacon & egg one is ok for cheap breakfast, doubt will worry about the rest though this time.
Yo shouldn't have to worry about sandwiches as your user name is far better than any of the sandwiches could ever be (https://www.google.com.au/search?q=dabeli&oq=dabeli&aqs=chro…)
Is the sushi good?
No, it's horrible. Dry and no flavour.
Agree.. Don't eat this 7-11 Sushi or you may hate Sushi for rest of life.
pfft, thats cos ur supposed to use it to stir the coffee melt. amateurs
Not to mention after stirring, you're supposed to suck up the coffee through the sushi like a Tim Tam slam.
Stay away from the sushi, I've tried once and never again!
I feel like everyone is being more critical of it because of how cheap it is.
If that was the case then the sandwiches would be receiving similar hate. I can concur that the sushi is terrible - dry, chewy with tasteless fillings.
The sandwiches on the other hand aren't too bad for $2, the bacon and egg in particular is alright.
I'm no sushi expert but 7-11 sushi is disgusting, taste like it was made at least 2 months ago, the chicken just doesn't taste like chicken and the rest doesn't taste like anything. Go to your local sushi place even if the deals on.
The sushi is good if you are looking for a quick ticket to either the bathroom or the ER, depending on how much you eat.
Seriously though, it tastes disgusting and I swear a piece of chicken in there was only half cooked.
Not AU 7-11.
7-11 in countries like Japan/Taiwan has pretty good sushi including hot food
Yes..had tried the foods in both Japan and Taiwan 7-11, AMAZING. Comparing to them our 7-11 shouldn't be called 'convenient' store…lol
Its not bad… if you got your own bottle of soy sauce to drown out the bad taste with :D
Tuna Yes, Teriyaki Chicken No.
It is good enough for your pocket.
No its disgusting….
Surprisingly chicken sushis were all gone, heaps of tuna left.
Ugh was getting psyched until I saw the sushi was bad
just get it man, it aint so bad.
These posters forget themselves
just think about the price when you're eating it
Nothing gets me salivating quite like discount sushi from a convenience store
Unfortunately it ends up being the uncontrollable kind of salivation
I'm not sure when it's running from that end that they still call it salivation
The only good sandwichs is the 7 dollar ones, which is now excluded from this deal…….
7/11 sushi….? what could possibly go wrong
wish it was more like the 7/11 sushi in Japan!
i can make a sandwich for less than $2 in the morning and it takes about 30 seconds.
Took me less time to screech up to the parking spot outside 7-11, walk in and grab one of these deals and fifty Krispy Kreme donuts to go with it
Do you have ~630 homes nationwide?
plus when you make your own food you can make it exactly how you like it
Not in 30 seconds.
Go ahead and make a video.
I guess it's good for those of us who crave a good egg salad sandwich occasionally, but simply cannot get through a whole loaf of bread or carton of eggs, so never buy said ingredients :)
well at least you don't waste food. People like that should be put down
including shopping for ingredients?
Where on earth are you buying chicken, avacado and bread that could make $2 practical?
You can't exactly go and buy bulk and make 10 sandwiches for one morning either…
Sandwiches and Sushi
I prefer Miso soup with my sushi, but to each their own…
miso is so great
Any self respecting ozbagainer would mindlessly purchase the $7 sandwich for $2 as it represents the best value. (I know they have been excluded on this occasion). Watch out for the bacon & egg contains egg shell
$7 sandwich for $2 as it represents the best value.
"best value" implies there is some quality for the price.
$7 ones are excluded…. So NO
Thanks, breakfast sorted
Don't forget to grab the $1 coffee.
or $2 coffee
or $3 coffee
My app is also showing an offer for a $3 7-Eleven New York Deli Sandwich Normally $5
I haven't tried one, but the picture looks alright.
It should be $2 as this deal covers all $5 sandwhiches.
True. I guess the app deal is only useful if you don't go to 7-Eleven tomorrow.
Don't need no app, they just scan cheap on wednesdays while the deal is running.
Just a heads up…their sushi taste like absolute trash !!
Sushi as hard as rock , yesterday sushi’s rice broken apart , , no deal for me
I agree, pretty crap but you get what you pay for.
The chicken and avo sandwiches are indeed nice. Can't go wrong with $2 each.
they shouldnt even call it sushi. just call it tuna wrapped in rice and seaweed.
but that's what sushi is?
Judging from the comments, their sushi should be renamed soshit ! LOL !
Free stomach pump with every 3rd pack of sushi purchased.
Should be $1 considering their quality.
The Sushi is $1 each, each box has 2 Sushi in it for $2.
Just a quick tip. If you get the 2$ sandwich voucher that says come back another time you can use that on 7$ sandwich and $6 wraps. They should all scan at $2. If your lucky head to the store just past 12 see if you can get the wraps or $7 sandwiches they should still scan at $2.
Interesting, just received an email regarding this promotion and it says any sandwich or sushi with no mention of the $5 range. Do they just pull the more expensive ones off the shelves for the Wednesday?
Yea loool. Pretty dodgy but 7 11 can't meet the demands of the 7$ ones so we take them of the shelves
Where are the 2$ sandwich vouchers"? Do they put them in the sandwich displays when they run out?
Where would I find this voucher?
Never 7-11
What an insightful comment.
Some stores do have $7 ones but it always leftovers from yesterday.
I'm having hard time deciding whether to have the sandwiches for lunch tomorrow or the bogof McChicken.
The BOGOF McChicken was Tuesday and has expired.
Checked at 1am on the App and no new deal yet, normally they load at Midnight.
Reminds me, how good are 7-11 sushi in Japan!
how good is the karage chicken from the 7-11's there?
remember kids sushi should be eaten within 2 hours of it being made
No way José, bad advice. Fresh sushi should be eaten within 3.5 minutes, with no more than 13 seconds extra time if you dunk the sushi into the soy sauce/wasabi bowl.
And also, you eat sushi (not carlifornia roll) upsidedown. Don't ask why, just do it!
So you taste the fish etc on your tongue and not be overwhelmed by the rice.
Bingo! The art of sushi eating you will master.
When I stock up on a few of these, I usually chuck them in the sandwich maker at work and heat/toast them. The Ham/Cheese/Tomato is especially nice.
they should include a free taxi to the doctors afterwards.
good luck to anyone eating this crap
What are you on about? Same as every other fast food.
Grabbed mine this morning along with the cheap coke and cookie from the app.
Was yelled at by the cashier and told that I can't use more than one coupon per day. I tried telling her that's not correct, but she wouldn't listen so I put back the cookie.
Did you tell her that you will be back for the cookie tomorrow?
You email 7-eleven, they ask for store and attendant details, pass them on, come back a few days later and claim multiple vouchers from same clerk who denied you a few days earlier.
I did just this. I'll head back tomorrow morning ;)
no sushi here ,but huge mount of sandwiches
got 2
Hi everyone, last time I had 7-11 sandwiches, I had diarrhea going on afterwards, I don't know what is going on, maybe it is my problem.
Sadly it could be just you :-(. Been enjoying them whenever they put it up and had no issues.
Hate to see this when I bring MOF.
Bag of Bread:$1
Cheaper than five sandwiches, you can make more than that with a loaf of bread and those ingredients.
Ok now do Chicken and Avacado keeping in mind that you can't make 10 sandwiches for a morning breakfast and have it taste good more then a day later.
Kill pet chicken
Pick an avacado from neighbor's tree.
I am sure packaging, refrigeration, factory rental, labour, management, food safety inspection/ compliance, plant, transport costs etc are not a factor at all.
To think they still make profit at $2 😱
Maybe they dont?
last time they had this my local 7/11 took away all the good sandwiches like those tripple ones on tue night and only put out the egg,ham cheese and chicken avacado for the deal. I checked tuesday night and they have all the varieties but wed morning… only the 3 crappy ones.