Hi everyone
I was thinking about buying a Wii U but I cannot find any brand new without them being AU$600+… So I guess the only place to go was EB.
They are pre-owned and the only time I have purchased pre owned games was a game that had scratches all over the disc and forced me to buy a new copy of the game… Since then I have never bought Pre owned games from them.
Other things I am wondering -
With the 'Basic' wii u https://ebgames.com.au/wiiu-159923-Wii-U-White-Basic-Pack-Re… is the memory upgradable?
How pre-owned is the product? - is it grimy, does everything work properly, are there a lot of scratches?
Also if you know anywhere that sells a brand new AUS wii u at RRP please let me know!
Edit - I found a new wii u at target but its a bit pricey. Not sure if they will sell it at a local store though
That's because the Wii U was discontinued a year ago now. There hasn't been new stock for a very long time.
Your best bet is either eBay or Gumtree for this sort of stuff. If you want to buy from EB, go in store and ask to check the console before you buy. Usually they will be fine with this.
No, but you can use an external hard drive. I do strongly recommend the Premium version though.