JB Hi-Fi have the Xbox One X with PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds + Forza 7 on sale.
JB Hi-Fi have the Xbox One X with PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds + Forza 7 on sale.
don't be a plaHATER
I don't know, what's the price of Tia Maria?
I don’t like Tia Maria, how about price of a Bailey’s?
Dude… the title is about an Xbox 1X price, has nothing to do with PS4.
you can't ask anything here people get hurt very easily
To play PUBG, you will need XBox Live Gold. XB1X comes with free 30 day trial codes for both XB Live Gold and Game Pass.
To play PUBG you need a PC…
To play PUBG you need time.
XBox One X still over priced I see… (btw I am an XBox One S 2TB owner and can't see why I should move to the XBox One X)
As an owner of both XB1X and XB1S, I agree with you. Maybe because I have lousy eyes, I really cannot see a big difference even in 4K. I am actually a bit disappointed that navigating XB1X dashboard can still be a bit laggy at times. The downloads are also bigger (due to the need to download 4K assets for some of the games). XB1S runs cooler. Also, when I played part of a 4K enhanced game on XB1X and then switched to XB1S, I still enjoyed the game just as much on XB1S (didn't really notice any dramatic difference).
This deal is quite good though. Even if you got the $100 AMEX cashback and bought the console from Harvey Norman and managed to get PUBG included, that would still cost $540 (after cashback). $59 for Forza 7 is pretty good.
My guess is that JB is simply clearing their current XB1X stock (and they still have some left over PUBG vouchers from Microsoft). My local JB doesn't really have that many XB1X consoles in stock, so if you like both games and want XB1X, better get one fast - one day only.
If you can't see s substantial difference maybe it's your TV, the distance you sit from your TV, or your eyes.
I think it is mainly my eyes and also the games. For example, Rise of the tomb raider doesn't really wow me on XB1X despite Digital Foundry indicated it is the best version. Gears 4 is pretty decent on XB1S to be honest. Forza Horizon 3 just got patched (that was one of the games I really wished it was patched earlier). There are some games where the differences are more obvious, but it is not that substantial.
I think we need to wait for newer XB1X games. For example, Rise of the tomb raider, no matter how you patch it, it won't come close to Uncharted 4 in PS4/PS4 Pro in terms of graphics. Uncharted 4 resolution is lower than rise of tomb raider (4K) so resolution isn't everything. Also, I am not going to replay those old games with only slightly improved graphics. PS4 Pro isn't really a 4K console, but XB1X isn't a true 4K 60fps console either - Forza H 3 patch only gives 4K 30fps. I had high expectation of XB1X, but it hasn't impress me so far to be honest.
XB1X gives true 4K resolution in HDR on Forza 7.
Enhanced titles are still coming out, and except for a handful most weren't originally designed for the Xbox One X.
The XB1X doesn't have a substantial CPU boost over the XB1S… it's really a just a GPU bump. So games that are restricted by the CPU on the XB1S will probably face similar challenges on the XB1X (for example, asset streaming on Forza Horizon 3 is probably limiting it to 30fps).
@guidedlight: Forza 7 is an interesting one for me. I have GT Sport (it was cheap - $29). Looking at the graphics comparison, I don't know whether I actually want to buy Forza 7. I actually enjoy playing Forza Horizon 3 more than GT sport (even prior to the 4K 30fps patch). Again, it is not all about resolution. GT sport simply has more details on the cars. I also found that it is easier to get PS4 exclusives at a discounted earlier on (pretty soon after launch). Forza 7 RRP is still over priced.
Yeah, the CPU, that is a bit disappointing. I experience lag with XB1X dashboard (I reckon Microsoft should at least fix it in software). And, PUBG struggles on XB1X due to CPU issue. For me, XB1S for $199 ($299 - $100 AMEX cashback) is still the best buy (compared to PS4 Pro and XB1X - XB1X I essentially got it for $515 after the AMEX cashback and selling PUBG last year).
I also bought an Xbox One X this week. I have a 43" 4K TV and sit about 2.5m away. I agree with you. The difference isn't as huge. It's sharper and the textures are better, but it's not so noticeable unless I sit closer to the TV. The improvements are there but I'm just not really able to appreciate them. Like what you said, going back to my One S, I don't feel like I'm having an inferior experience. It's not that drastic from where I'm sitting. I'm currently undecided on which to keep. I'm not sure if I can justify keeping the X considering how much it cost when the S holds up perfectly well.
I'm hoping that this year will see more releases that really show why the X is worth keeping. PUBG looks noticeably better on the X, and the higher resolution actually helps gameplay. FH3 and Gears4 already look good on the S, so the jump to X wasn't as noticeable to me.
I think the One X will be a more noticeable upgrade for those with bigger TVs or who sit closer to their TV.
Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner
I'm really looking at buying an X this year but when they bundle it with a game I bought at launch and a game that I have no interest in… meh
You can do what I did. Sell the games on feeBay. I am not a fan of PUBG (coz. I am hopeless with that type of game) so I sold the PUBG voucher. Forza 7 should be quite popular too.
That's true, but what am I looking at.. $20-25ish for PUBG and maybe $35 for Forza 7?
Only $35 for Forza 7? Wow, that's cheap. You should be able to get more for Forza 7. But, it needs a bit more effort since it is a physical game so you need to post it, whereas for PUBG, just send the code.
…and then you’re effectively paying $540, better than any deal I’ve seen so far?
Yeah, but the X1S was $200 after selling stuff off. You could buy nearly 3 of the X1S for the price of the X1X. Big difference.
@justtoreply: yeah no denying that, doesn’t mean there’s no place for the X though… just not for everyone. More choice is better for consumers, and the architecture of the X is far closer to PC than previous consoles, which is a step in the right direction
feeBay. Gold.
Any Switch deals?
Don't ask about Sony but Nintendo is fine, lol
That's how it is everywhere. Nintendo is a cult.
I think it is more like everyone finds Sony fanboys to be the most annoying of the bunch.
@stow5920: That maybe the case however it's undeniable now much 'special treatment' Nintendo gets everywhere.
How much are the 2nd hand XB1 S resell for?
I am guessing it would be a costly upgrade?
I dunno but brand new xb1s is like $240 now? So maybe $150-180 I suppose I would guess.
OK, not worth selling it.
Yeah only if you are upgrading obviously but yeah $150-200 isn't that much if you have sentimental value for it.
Does anyone know if this is a physical bundle which could be price matched by say Big W or JB Hifi? (Gift cards!)
It's a JB Hi-Fi 1 day deal (so doesn't make sense to ask JB Hi-Fi to price match itself).
Big W, my local Big W hardly price match. The biggest problem is the PUBG voucher. It will be hard for other retailers to price match it. They will most likely use not having PUBG in stock instead of telling you flat out no price match. I reckon JB have a few PUBG vouchers left over from Xmas specials (provided by Microsoft).
I was thinking this too… the voucher may be a difficult thing to match. I figured I already have PUBG on PC (and Forza 7 too) so planning to sell both if I can get this deal online.
I'd hit you up on the sell offer for forza!
Only reason I look at these bundles is to get forza 7 cheap hahah.
They don’t match bundle offer
This $599 pay to win loot box for PUBG is over the top. ;)
Who wants a Shitbox with no games? Just saw god of war trailer and the quality makes xbone look empty and lifeless. Resolution is not everything, it's supposed to be about the games
I enjoy Forza Horizon 3 (XB1/XB1X) more than GT Sport (PS4/PS4Pro). Like you indicated, resolution is not everything.
Uncharted 4 (single player) is great, but Gears of War 4 is also quite enjoyable. Besides, you could argue Uncharted 2 is a better game than Uncharted 4. Multi-player games, XB1 have more choices.
Planet Earth II Ultra Blu-Ray on XB1S/XB1X is fantastic. Yes, PS4 suppose to have some good exclusives coming out, but they are yet to be released. God of war is yet another game where the son is introduced to a series. I am not that excited about god of war to be honest.
XB1 and PS4 are both good. Just enjoy exclusives from both camps.
I plan to buy Planet Earth II tonight if I can find it with JB sale!
Grabbed a ps4 pro recently based on price alone as was $350 delivered from amazon au, but would have much preferred an xbox 1 x for the better graphics and HD bluray player.
Loved HZD on ps4 but apart from that most games I want to play are multiplat or only on xbox. i.e. Forza Horizon 3 is much better than GT sport.
PS4 generally have more quality single player titles, and the fact that you don't have to have the latest version of the game to play single player mode right away is a plus.
XB1 have more quality multiple player titles. Sony isn't really open to the idea to allow multiplayer across platform for games. Microsoft is more open to it. Either wait for the price to drop for XB1X or get XB1S for a dirt cheap price is an option.
I went for the XB1 because it has backwards compatibility and I felt Gold was better than the PS equivalent.
I still play the occasional Xbox360 game.
Well I best look up ebgames return policy. Paid $649 a few days ago and was told there’d be no bundle deals for a few months!
First mistake was going to EB games, second mistake was believing what ebgames told you, third and ultimate mistake was buying from ebgames.
Apart from believing what they said, they had the same price as every other shop in the country.
We got the PS4 Pro 1TB with 5 games for $499 during the black friday sales (Nov last year)… not sure why you wouldn't want to go to EBGames when they have good deals like this. During there normal price sales I wouldn't bother going to them.
Get it and return the unopened new box. Worse case you can return back to JB Hi Fi.
I personally still buy games from EB games as they have a very friendly return policy which has saved me a bit of coin for some bad games
Thanks op, just bought this online using gift cards from Woolies (bought using egiftcards). Click & Collect tomorrow! Time to prep my old Xbox One for the transfer.
Side note, PayPal kept failing to process.. using AMEX or Visa. Ended up having to use Visa checkout.
For anyone who has bought this - how does the purchase appear on the receipt?
Does it just list the Xbox One X as the console for $599 with Forza as $0? I want to buy and put it on my Coles Credit Card, then claim price protection when it drops over the next 24 months - but it's hard to claim the price protection on bundles as they change so frequently. Does it mention bundle anywhere on the invoice?
Forza 7 as $18 on my receipt.
$72 as additional 2 years warranty - Stuff kindly throws in.
$509 for the console itself
Can you share the receipt by any chance ? PM would be good as well. Thx in advance :D
That’s if price protection exists in 24 months… you realise it’s moving from latitude finance to Citibank right?
I do yeah thanks hero.
There's been zero thus far to indicate it's changing and if it does I'll deal but I'm not going to not purchase it on that card just on the off chance something MIGHT change.
Mine shows $o on tax invoice.
After Forza code.
Its physical copy not digital.
Oh daam, thanks for letting me know! Appreciate it!
I recently bought PUBG on Xb1 and believe me, you're better off on PC. Have both and can say stay clear of XB1 for now.
Stupid but serious question can you build an equivalent pc for $550 AUD maybe?
If not I might actually jump on this. I like Xbox a lot from nostalgia days but value for me wins all.. I know you can play other games and etc but if it costs me $1100 AUD to build an equivalent desktop tower no monitor included in costs and prices then the console variant is very tempting.
You cannot, and that's probably the main reason for people wanting XB1X, especially if you have a 4K TV.
However, you do need to have realistic expectation. It is essentially an optimised AMD RX580 with a relatively weak CPU (compared to a PC). It has an Ultra Blu Ray disc drive, 1TB hard disk. However, you can build a much powerful PC if you are willing to spend money. HDR support is generally better on consoles at the moment (this is due to lack of true HDR 10-bit monitors for PC at the moment). You can do more with PC though and you don't need XBox Live Gold to play multi-player games on PC. Oddly, there are games available on PC and PS4, but not on XB1 (i.e. Nioh). Do bear in mind, there are already some XB1 games which use dynamic resolution (they will try to push for 4K, but to ensure at least 30fps, the game may drop the resolution a bit from time to time - still, compared to PS4 Pro, XB1X is much better at achieving 4K in games).
If you only have a 1080p TV, you might be better off with XB1S.
Did anyone receive Player Unknown? I got Forza 7 but not the other game. Any idea if it's a code in the box I'm not seeing?
The code is printed out like a receipt.
Limit 1 code per customer. Xbox Live Gold membership required for game access.
ONLINE ORDERS: PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS download code will be emailed 1-2 business days once your order has completed / shipped.
IN-STORE: PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS download code will print on receipt at time of purchase.
Thanks. I guess I'll just wait for the email..
THanks. Staff were most confused when I asked about this as I did C&C.
I received the email this morning containing the code.
Mine still hasn't come. For everyone else who ordered online, have you received your PUBG codes in an email yet?
huge graphic improvement over S on Tomb raider and witcher 3, almost like playing remastered versions.motion picture grade.
Noticable improvement on skyrim and much more smooth.
I would say it is xbox one point five.
Tested using Sony 2014 model non HDR UHD 65 inch TV. Recomend to every xbox player
Hi, Picked up this great deal yesterday in-store. I used one code for PUBG which I am playing. There was a second receipt (looked a bit different, on said PUBG PREVIEW DOWNLOAD and the other PUBG DOWNLOAD TOKEN) but when I put the second code in the redeem it said it was also just for PUBG. Does anyone know if the second code (on second receipt) is for DLC or ingame currency or something or am I just lucky and have 2 full game codes? Not sure what the person at JB at the counter said (not sure they knew either) but I think they said it was for DLC of some sort. Just hoping someone else out there picked it up in store and got 2 receipts (and what the second one actually is).
I hope platers unknown is better than players unknown