So this happened about two weeks ago, I had finished my squats and was unloading the weights off the bar. I wasn't thinking and unloaded all the weights off the one side, before going to unload the weights off the other side. When I took all the weights off one side, the bar with the weights on the other side tipped over, hitting some glass and cracking it. Normally when I did this at the other gym with the same weight, the rack would hold the bar in place, however this gyms rack was different and tipped over.
At the time, the staff said that the insurance will cover it. Today one of the managers called me in saying that I would need to pay the excess on the insurance, and gave me an estimate of $1000 for the cost. She mentioned that they would get their own glazier in for a quote, but if I could find a cheaper quote then that would work too.
What should I do in this situation? I'm an 18 yo, so it's gonna be pretty bad for me to fork out a grand. Does anyone know of any good glaziers in the south/east suburbs. Thanks everyone.
pretty sure you don't have to pay for it. what does your contract say?