I was just looking around for pixel plan and saw this.
Just wondering if this deserves to be a deal.
I was just looking around for pixel plan and saw this.
Just wondering if this deserves to be a deal.
It was before boxing day, so there is that. This deal is exactly the same, more Gb and minus the JB card.
This deal is exactly the same, more Gb and minus the JB card.
I see….$59/month = $79/month.
Depending if you value the extra 5GB/month at 20$
This deal is exactly the same
Depending if you value the extra 5GB/month at 20$
What are you on??
15GB vs 20GB is 125% more (1.25x) - $20 more. So by your logic, 10GB vs 15GB (1.25x less) - $20 less ($39)
$200 (+$100 gift card for some people) gift card at JB for $59/month with 15GB.
You are going to run into problems quite quickly with that statement. Assuming you shop at JB, this deal is almost $30 a month more for 5GB less. Exactly the same?
Going from 15 to 20 gb is actually a 1/3 increase, not 1/4. Also you should say is 33.3% increase, not 133% increase.
The first deal has 15gb which is increased to 20gb in the deal posted in this thread, therefor 5 is the increase.
15/5=3 hence 1/3 or 33%
33% increase, not 133% increase.
@Test Tickles: You don't know anything about me, so can't make sweeping statements like that. If you are going to get so anal about it -
3rd grade English, no excuse.
@Test Tickles: I revert back to my original statement. You don't know me, so don't know what triggers me.
But by all means, feel free to be an uncaring SOB.
Thanks, I will.
Pennypincher98 but can’t do maths, haha. Good luck with that.
And leave my mother out of this, not her fault you got bent out of shape.
Leave my mother out of this.
HAHAHA What are you on!?! You are either on drugs or you are drunk. Either way I never said anything about your mother so I'll leave it there.
You are seriously weird.
Yeh, call someone an SOB (son of a bitch) but claim to not mention their mother. Stop smoking meth, not good for you.
@Test Tickles: An SOB? Go back to class, your teacher is calling you. Don't take the literal meaning for everything in life, it is something drunks also do.
You are boring me now, so I'll leave it here.
Thanks for giving me a laugh though!