Need Help Finding/Buying eBook Eink Reader Device Such as Amazon Kindle etc. to Read PDF Comic Books


Need some guidance on which device to buy. will be used primarily to read PDF comic books.

Requirements as follows:

-Thin, lightweight, long battery life (as I'll be travelling with time full time)
-Back-light on the display would be nice to read in dim lighting conditions
-Few GB (at least) of internal/built-in storage would be nice as so far just one set of PDF comic books I want to read are already ~400MB
-USB connectivity to transfer PDFs onto device from a computer (no need for 3G/4G or even wifi)
-Touchscreen or physical buttons input is fine to scroll through pages when reading

Also was wondering, is there such a e-ink device that would display colour as well or are they all just B&W?

I did some research online and leaning towards Amazon Kindle PaperWhite (pretty reasonable price for a used one on Gumtree/FB Marketplace).



    • Oh wow, yeah don't mind waiting. Been using my phone (5.5" screen) lately! Thanks for sharing, will hold off buying a Kindle PW then!

      • but no one really know if they will make out to the production stage.
        for me, i like comics and animes and pdfs. but i will look into upgrading my phone to 7", as i hate carrying 2 devices. i dont care about making call with 7" phone, my phone usage is like 78% entertainment, 20% text/sms, and 2% making phone calls

        • yeah true, I just found that the Kindle/e-ink displays put less strain on my eyes plus the device it self was super light and battery life was really good (of course since it can only serve one purpose)!

  • Aside from the B&W aspect, what's wrong with using an actual Kindle? Use Calibre to transfer the appropriate files and Robert's your father's brother.

    • Nothing wrong with the Kindle. I was looking to see if there are any other options out there by other companies such as Sony, HP etc.

      • Ah, got it…I've never really thought about outside of the Kindle range as I've always found them the best on the eyes.

  • I personally bought a cheap 7" android tablet for this, specifically the Teclast X89 Kindow from Gearbest. I has basically the same screen that goes into the iPad Minis and was around $130 from memory. It is great and serves me well for this.

  • +1

    I have a normal kindle, and a kindle DX, but haven't been that impressed with either for comics/graphic novels (although I am a big fan for reading text on the e-ink screens).
    Neither handle PDFs particularly well.
    My suggestion is to use a 9.7in active colour tablet. I have an ipad, but any cheap android would do.
    You can also easily support CBZ format with such a device, which is what a lot of online comics are distributed in.

  • agree. get cheap android. there are few posts by gearbest about this lenovo P8 something like that for $160? cant remember just watch out for it for get discounted again.

    edit this is the one i was talking about.

  • Thanks for the responses everyone, just tossing up between a Kindle PW, Lenovo P8 & Teclast X89 Kindow. Leaning towards the Kindle so far as I find it's display really easy on my eyes - trying to look through YouTube videos/online reviews to see how my comic book PDFs would look like on it!

    Example link to one of PDFs -…

    Just trying to see examples of how this PDF looks like on a device such as a Kindle PW for reading

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