Just wondering if there is anyone else who is still just on prepaid for their mobile/smartphone without data?
Anyone Else Surviving on Prepaid Mobile with No Data?

yes, its called being an OzBargainer. also i don't have any friends so i don't even use calls.
You have the best type of friends, Ozbargain friends :D.
what country are you in Wystri, i don't recognise that flag.
Looks like a blurry UN flag…
I've been abducted and I am being held me against my better judgment.
They have done things to me, horrible things…
I want my first interrogator back, she's nice, she liked playing with my toes, I think she likes me… The current interrogator doesn't like me, she's mean, she plays rough… Hehe lol.Good evening Savas.
It's opera mini I always use it to compress web traffic, strangely thought it sometimes connects me to a foreign server.
Ozbargainers still need pawn.
hardcore pawn? pawn stars? lizard lick?
Until a week ago, yes. Then I got the Kogan yearly plan which worked out pretty well. 6gb data, unlimited calls, unlimited text, it was in sale then I got $10 referral, $20 voucher, $30 voucher. Around $150 in the end I think for a whole year. We have good reception here with Kogan (trialed it first with one of their 30 day trails before doing it). Hubby has also just gotten it.
Yes. I use the internet at home on my laptop. I really don't want my life ruled by my phone.
You have your life back…
I have a mobile device but have no credit. I can't make calls.
I have it to receive calls and use the internet at home or when out on free wi-fi hotspots.
I have some credit in Skype and can make some calls through the internet if I ever need to.
It's free to send/receive messages through the internet so have no need for SMS.
How do you text?
Messenger, Whatsapp, Skype…depends on what the other person has. Email if they check it frequently.
If they don't have any of those apps…I may call if it's urgent.
I haven't sent an SMS text message in years.
That's too much effort, i'm just switching prepaid to prepaid deals. Works out to be about $5 a month and worst case I have 2gb of data per month to use. The best would be the Kogan 23gb deals for $4.90.
Switching every month sounds like more of a hassle than just finding out what someone's Messenger name is.
I do have a Aldi SIM which cost $5 and lasts 365 days but doesn't last long if I were to actually make calls and send SMS text messages on it.
Do you ever have a conversation half way on free wifi and then have to leave and you miss the last message that says that your earlier plans to meet up at a certain location has been cancelled?
But then you don't realise and rock up to the meeting location wondering where everyone is.. Only after waiting forever and moving on to somewhere where there's free wi-fi would that final message pop-up to tell you that the plans were cancelled earlier? haha
I don't and have never used my mobile whilst driving so if plans have changed after I've left and started driving then that's too bad.
I have no idea how people can read text messages and drive. I don't have that ability.
I don't and have never used my mobile whilst driving
I wasn't actually talking about texting while driving.
I was referring to the situation where you could be on free Wi-Fi in a coffee shop and then not having the ability to receive messages after leaving (until you find the next place that has free Wi-Fi) and hence not knowing about changed plans.
What do you mean then? Texting whilst walking? That's quite difficult too. I hate it when people are trying to walk and text at the same time. It reminds me of the Belong advertisement on the TV at the moment when people are trying to navigate a course whilst texting.
haha, I mean the situation where:
You're in a coffee shop that has free wifi, messaging and organising a meetup.
You leave the coffee shop and start walking in the direction of the planned meetup location (which means no more free wifi)
The people you've organised to meet with send another message to change the meetup location (but you can't receive the message because you no longer have data or free Wi-Fi)
You arrive and wait at the agreed location to find no-one there
After waiting an eternity, you leave the location and walk to another place with free-wifi and the last messages arrive in your phone. That's when you realise that the plans changed.
Meanwhile, the others are at the new location wondering where you are.
@bobbified: i feel like once you hit point 3, the friends would await confirmation from all parties before changing the location. Or they would call. My friends would at least. Especially if they knew I worked on wifi only.
the friends would await confirmation from all parties before changing the location
You're probably right. It was just the first scenario that came to my mind given that free wifi in australia isn't as common as other countries, relatively.
@bobbified: Oh don't get me wrong, I go a few days a month without data. I use prepaid and have wifi at home and work, so I don't recharge if I know I won't need it. But I will always recharge if I have plans with people because I don't want the situation you described to happen!
Yep, using Aldi Pay As You Go.
I just use Wifi at Home or free Wifi places when I'm outI have 1gb data but extremely rarely switch it on. I just use my home WiFi if I need to. I rarely browse the net when I'm out (prefer to interact with people)
How do you search Ozbargain in a shop before you buy something?
You gotta spend money to save money.
true ozbargainers don't buy anything
Yes, but I decided it was too expensive. Too many opportunities when I need to look something up on the go
Amaysim Pay As You Go
plenty of Free WiFi Hotspots around SydneyThis thread has come just a the right time!
I have a $15.00 per month plan with IINet, and I also have my home phone plan with IINet, which includes unlimited calls to mobiles within Australia.
I hardly ever make calls when I'm out and about - only receive calls, and from home I use my home phone to call mobiles. I also never use the data on my mobile.
Because of this I've realised that in the last 6 months I've made zero calls on my mobile - and for this I'm paying $15.00 a month. Not very Ozbargainish!!
So I'm tempted by the Aldi and Amaysim PAYG plans mentioned above.
Which of these two would be the best in my situation? Is one any better than the other - reliability/coverage etc?
Are these 365 day plans on-going in the long term, or are they likely to be discontinued at any time?
Apologies for hijacking the thread somewhat - but it's simple question that really doesn't deserve a special thread!
I use my home phone to call mobiles
How much does your home phone cost you each month? Might be worth considering cutting that off to save some money instead?
There will always be 365 day deals around.
It's highly likely that by this time next year the best deals will be different, but at that point, you can switch providers and go with whoever meets your needs best at that time.
Alternatively, you could go with a large provider (Telstra, Optus, Virgin, Vodafone, etc) as they have had very similar 365 day prepaid plans for years. Just buy a recharge every year. For example, Optus would cost you minimum $5/month.
Normally use 1 month sim plans for $1 or free per month. Sometimes, I go without data. No problem.
I have a non smart phone and use prepaid. I use free wifi when I'm out of the house and home internet at home. Sometimes it's a little inconvenient but not so bad yet that I want to go on a plan or to pay for additional data on prepaid.
I try to not make outgoing calls but need the phone in case the kids school or vacation/before/after school care need to get hold of me. My $30 I recharge each time usually lasts around 4 or 5 months.
I'd rather not have a mobile phone at all.
I have a non smart phone and use prepaid. I use free wifi when I'm out of the house
How does a non-smartphone connect to wifi? :P
I carry a tablet with me for when i want to connect to the internet.
Wow, I'm actually really shocked at the number of people who don't use much data on their phones. 😲
Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I wonder if it's because some people really don't have the need or if it's because they don't realise the potential?
I wouldn't call myself an internet addict yet, but pretty much everything on my phone is connected via the internet and, dare I say, the internet-connected functions (such as chat, browsing and video calls) are used way more than the actual telephone function on my phone.
Australia is nothing like Asia yet. They have free wifi in almost every coffee shop.
It's not 1999. No
How else do you stalk people on public transport?
Yes. I use Wifi at home and know where to connect to free Wifi locally. I have been known to park myself on shopping centre benches outside shops (like Tarjay) to do what I need to do and check what I need to check.
False economy!
For $10 per 28 or 30 days there are quite a few offering unlimited calls/SMS and at least 1GB data.I'm the same as you JenPat, Emails, banking,bills, googling all done at home. I'm with amaysym 15 c a text, 15 c minute calls. Put in $10 and when that's gone put in another $10. $10 will probably last 6 weeks. If any free wifi around at someone else's house I'm on to it.
Whore family is on 15 Aldi plan.
Have wifi at home and work, but use email/work email and work citrix web apps.(and Horizon View - Win 10 on my phone!)
wife uses mainly wifi at home
Son also has Wifi at uni abd free wifi in southbank
daugher uses wifi at home and little streaming.
Overall, not huge mobile data users.
But, If I am working from home, son is gaming or someone is watching netflix, no one else is able to do anything. 6/.8 is the best we can getIf you don't use much mobile data then these plans are the way to go. But nowadays providers like amaysim, ovo, jeenee etc are offering plans around the $10 mark which give decent amounts of data (typically 1G) and unlimited calls. I made the switch and now don't have to worry about remembering how much credit I have left.
I know it's not zero data, but I know someone who only has 150mb. I used to be on 200mb for ages until I realised that voda was ripping me off my friend was on the same plan but had 8gb.
Plenty of older people who don't keep up to date with new mobile plans are stuck on the old grandfathered plans and getting ripped off.
Im on the virgin 32bux 15gb plan but i do carry an optus, voda and telstra prepaid sim in my wallet for free data if i ever need it like downloading big files or stream iptv.
With unlimited call and SMS deals from $10 per month including 1GB data you would be well behind with any pay as you go plan. If not you are not using your mobile phone. For those thinking its cheaper to use home WiFi you are paying at least $40 per month for your home phone. FALSE ECONOMY my friends as you get unlimited calls on your mobile.