Currently 23 years old, and been working in the construction industry for over a year now after completing university in 2016. Studied a Bachelor of Health Sciences but midway through my degree I lost motivation to focus on studies as I didn't know what to do with the degree so it became a matter of just passing my subjects in order to graduate.
After graduating I decided to give a trade a go, and ended up working with a relative who is a self-employed tradesman.
Initial reason I got into my degree was to study a postgraduate in physiotherapy as I was really interested in the rehabilitation/hydrotherapy aspect of the job. Having experienced university and the trades, I feel like I can see positives and negatives of pursuing a career in either industries.
I've applied for postgraduate physiotherapy at Macquarie University and the University of Canberra but am not so sure of being offered a place since my GPA was just over the minimum requirement.
Given the high numbers of physio graduates, is it worth pursuing given that there are alot of graduates as compared to jobs available? Or am I better off just continuing doing a trade? Despite the good $$$ in the trade I struggle to find meaning in the work I do - hence the question of whether to go back to uni or work to be financially stable.
… Any bargains?