The Crew Unlock Cars for The Crew 2

i am looking for people that can help me complete one of the challenges needed to unlock the cars

Road trip drive to all 5 states as a crew in one session

Uplay ID Mysticalus

Complete Crew 2 Rewards List Unlock Conditions

Test-driving the most expensive car in The Crew.

Complete the “Scrap Salvager” award by building a Hidden Car from Wreck parts.

Complete 10 awards in the Rewards Program.

Complete five awards – out of the 15 in the Rewards Program

Complete the Ghost Bustin award by beating any platinum skill ghost.

Complete the V6 award by beating the cops in the mountain states.

Complete the “Breadwinner” award by increasing your daily salary to 10,000 Bucks.

Complete the “V8” award by conquering the West Coast, winning the Face-off and taking the V8.

Complete the “Stay out of Trouble” award by escaping the Police at least once in every zone.

Complete the “Made to Spec” award by owning a car with all 5 specs unlocked.

Earn a Platinum medal in a Story Mission in a Street Spec car.

Reestablish 5-10 control in The South and earn your V4.

Customise every visual part of a single vehicle

Progress to level 50

500,000 dollars in your wallet

Road trip drive to all 5 states as a crew in one session

Perform a 1 minute long stunt combo…………


  • Wrong website?

    • +1

      i was hoping to get some of the people who received the Crew for free last year and join them to complete the challenges, at least their will not be any timezones issues and i did post in the gaming section

  • Maybe look at something like Whirlpool of you get no luck here.

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