Has anyone flown with Jetstar lately and done an online check in with no checked luggage?
I have booked a domestic ticket for someone that was flying with us but has now pulled out and so was wondering if another friend could use the ticket?
Jetstar Online Check in - Does ID get checked?

Last edited 16/01/2018 - 11:21
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Is it an offence? Or just against their t&c's? (I have no idea).
It's illegal under Australian law
Yes under the Commonwealth Criminal Code, div 376.
I believe it's highly unlikely the AFP would bother to prosecute if you just did it to avoid an airline name change fee.
However the AFP did prosecute when some alleged terrorists under surveillance did it to avoid detection… https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/aug/06/junai…
The Chaser's actually booked tickets for "Al Kyder" and "Terry Wrist" and it was broadcast on primetime tv…
They don't check ID unless you check-in at a manned desk.
I know people who've done it before but it is a risk. I fly a lot and it's not uncommon for them to ask to check ID at the gate, I've even been checked on the plane (due to booking issues).
I was thinking the same thing - check ID at the gate.
I took over 100 flights last year, and similar in other years. I have never once been asked, or seen anyone else asked for ID on a domestic flight, so YMMV I guess
I did a search before I posted this and didn't hit on that thread.
A staff member will scan the boarding pass at the gate. You might get pulled up at this stage if sex is wrong.
This is the reason why Tigerair now asks you to specify "Dr (male)" or "Dr (female)", as the "Dr" title on its own is not gender specific.
With all of this gender neutrality crap going on I am surprised the PC'ers have not jumped on Tiger for asking the question.
Ah well maybe they're not at the level of Dr, nor at the level of the brodens out there who were gaming the system by buying up $10 sale fares for "Dr Smith" to on-sell.
I've flown with Jetstar, Tiger, and Virgin last year and none checked ID if there were no check in bags.
What if your ethnicity doesn't match the name on your boarding pass? Do you think the gate agents will get suspicious and ask for ID?
I was asked once for my ID in the Noosa airport. I didn't have any checked-in languages. Maybe it's because there's no many people in the airport.
Thanks to all. Had no problems with Melbourne-Cairns return.
Technically this is an offence, however, in practice you're very unlikely to have your ID checked if you're not checking any bags (and flying domestically of course).
If your friend is the same gender as the person who the ticket was bought for, I think you're likely to get away with it