• expired

[SA] OriginEnergy 19% off Electricity and 16% off Gas + $50 Bill Credit


Hi everyone,

Origin are doing 19% off electricity and 16% off gas for 12 months (discount on usage only) plus $50 bill credit (for each fuel) on their maximiser plan (online only and direct debit only) . Seems like a good deal to me considering their rates are lower than most if not all of their competitors (especially Alinta in SA who try to sucker you in with a big discount but don't mention how their daily supply charge is over 15c more expensive than origin and their rates after discount are worse than origin at this deal). No clue how long it will last for, ad just says limited time only.

Available for new and existing customers. If you're an existing customer just hit sign up, tick the options that state that you're an existing customer and just looking to update your plan. Deal does not apply to solar.

Edit- copying my response to another post about why Alinta's 25% is deceiving.

Origin's daily supply charge is 91.245c, Alinta's is 106.898c. No discounts from either party on these.

In terms of usage rates.

Origin below ~11kw is 40.425c/kwh and above is 43.153c/kwh. After 19% discount, origin is 32.744c/kwh for the first 11kw,then goes to 34.954c/kwh Thereafter.

Alinta below ~3.28kw is 42.933c/kwh and 44.682c/kwh for the next ~7.67kw, then 49.148c/kwh for the next ~16.44kw and steadily increases up to a max of 53.284c/kwh. After their 25% discount, alinta below 3.28kw is 32.19975/kwh, then goes up to 33.5115c/kwh for the next 7.67kw, then goes to 36.861c/kwh and a max of 39.936c/kwh.

As you can see from the difference alone after discount, you save around 0.55c/kw for the first 3.28 kW, but that is more than offset by the higher usage rates with Alinta thereafter, and then factor in their crazy high daily supply charge and you're not saving anything with their discounts.

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (44)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (582)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy

closed Comments

  • If you update your plan would you then loose your higher solar feedin tarrif?

    • Your best bet would be to call them. I don't have solar at the moment but if you have solar and you're not at home often, it ends up being better to have their higher feed in tariff (I think 20c/kwh last time I checked).

      From my usage, I worked out that if I had a 5kw solar system, using their higher feed in tariff deals I would never have to pay a bill again.

    • Your solar feed-in tariff should remain the same as before.

  • +2

    In SA, Origin offers the Solar Boost plan. Smaller discount (10%, from memory) but you get an 18c/kWh solar FIT instead of 11c. May be worth foregoing the larger discount if you have a large solar PV system.

  • +1

    The 20c/kwh is only on the Solar Boost Plus plan when you purchase your PV system from Origin.

  • +2

    I have found the Simply Energy 21% off RAA offer with no exit fees for both electricity and gas to be also a good deal when comparing rates and then factoring in the higher discount offered by Simply. Simply Energy also offer a 17c FIT but you need to call to get this on the 21% off plan. No exit fees either for the RAA offer.

    • Plus $25 credit each if joining both electricity and gas.

    • Simply energy are fairly decent but at the moment their usage rates are higher.

      Origins daily supply charge including gst is 91.245c compared 89.84c from simply energy, so simply gets a win here.

      However, when you compare usage rates below 11kw per day, origin is 40.425c/kwh compared to 42.0090c/kwh from simply (nearly 5% higher).

      After 11kw per day, origin is 43.153c/kwh compared to 47.1130c/kwh from simply (nearly 10% higher).

      Without solar, origin ends up being quite good. But if simply are willing to offer you a 17c/kwh feed in tariff with the 21% discount, then this would be a better deal.

    • +2

      I'm on that 21% off plan at the moment but looking to get off (was going to go to Alinta, but this Origin offer comes out even cheaper). This is my numbers for my most recent bill on Alinta 25% off, Simply 21% off RAA, Origin 19% off.

      For electricity only:

      Alinta $471.77
      Simply $512.73
      Origin $450.79

      I have off peak hot water (Ancillary/Controlled load), which makes Simply Energy even worse for me because they increased their rates from 20.7c/kw to 27.69/kw ex gst (increase of 26%) at the end of August.

      For electricity only (no off peak hot water):

      Alinta $311.11
      Simply $299.88
      Origin $299.16

      So Origin still wins but there is nothing in it, if you don't have off peak/controlled load meter then Simply is pretty much just as good.

      I don't have solar so haven't taken that into account.

  • I've been with AGL for approx. 7 yrs & the best discount rate they could do for me was 20% off Electricity & 15% off Gas if paid before the due date. Energy Australia rang me 1 week ago & offered to sign me up for 25% off Electricity & 20% off Gas. So I said bugger it, sign me up. They said that for a smooth transition they would need to get in touch with AGL so everything was above board. 3 days later AGL rang me & asked why I was changing & I said 'Because Energy Australia offered me a better deal' The AGL representative then said AGL would counter offer with 32% off Electricity & 25% off Gas as long as I pay before the due date & no lock in contract. I said was this short term & would the rate come down. They said the discount rate will never come down & I could leave anytime I wanted with no exit fee. I also asked why they didn't offer this when I asked them for their best deal & they said that when I asked was different circumstances i.e. I wasn't going to a different service provider.
    So here's me advise, change your service provider & see what happens. Maybe you can also get a better deal.

    • +1

      I take it your not in South Australia as other states usually can get these sort of higher discounts ie. into the mid 20s to 30s.

    • As per Spizz, are you in another state.

      The thing with energy Australia is that their rates are ridiculously high in SA, to the point where 30% discount with energy Australia would still cost more than 15% off with some providers.

      • Hi DangerNoodle & Spizz. I live in Dundas (Parramatta)

  • Call them instead, they gave me 26% off electricity and 23% on gas. Cheaper rates too than energy australia and AGL!! I live in NSW, Blacktown 2148

    Thats why I switched

    • +2

      that's a NSW deal. each state has different discount.

      • Yeah, I understand that. I suggested if anyone wants this deal, to call them instead because over the phone they do better deals than online.

  • +1

    They aren't printing rates because the rates change depending on who visits. Keep visiting the website daily without signing up to any provider.

    (profanity) the politicians who delivered this disaster of an electricity system.

    That's Liberal and Labour.

    • +1

      (profanity) the politicians who delivered this disaster of an electricity system.

      That's Liberal and Labour.

      yep, agree

    • Usage rates are printed for SA, including when we had the price hike in July-September.

      Origin's rates are:
      Usage rate below 11kw is 40.425c/kwh.
      Usage rate above 11kw is 43.153c/kwh.
      Daily supply charge is 91.245c per day.

      They don't vary depending on who visits. However, long term customers may have lower rates depending on their negotiations.

  • Looks like NSW is 25% too now

    Since Origin contracts are not locked in, you can just renew, should change topic to Origin has updated/improved their offer from last year for NSW as well, 25% Maximiser

    I contracted at 22% in August

  • Alinta has 25% off electricity and 12% off gas. Dont know their daily rates.


    • +2

      Their rates are stupidly high.

      Origin's daily supply charge is 91.245c, Alinta's is 106.898c. No discounts from either party on these.

      In terms of usage rates.

      Origin below 11kw is 40.425c/kwh and above is 43.153c/kwh. After 19% discount, origin is 32.744c/kwh for the first 11kw,then goes to 34.954c/kwh Thereafter.

      Alinta below ~3.28kw is 42.933c/kwh and 44.682c/kwh for the next 7.67kw, then 49.148c/kwh for the next 16.44kw and steadily increases up to a max of 53.284c/kwh. After their 25% discount, alinta below 3.28kw is 32.19975/kwh, then goes up to 33.5115c/kwh for the next 7.67kw, then goes to 36.861c/kwh and a max of 39.936c/kwh.

      As you can see from the difference alone after discount, you save around 0.55c/kw for the first 3.28 kW, but that is more than offset by the higher usage rates with Alinta thereafter, and then factor in their crazy high daily supply charge and you're not saving anything with their discounts.

      The way I see it is all these companies are just reselling the same service, why pay more for the same service.

      • Whoa.thats bad. thanks for the tip mate! Will stick to origin.

  • I'm with Origon and I'm getting 28% of entire bill. Have so for last 2 years

    • What state?

      • Victoria

        • +6

          As mentioned, this is a deal for South Australia. SA power networks rates are different from other states.

          Comparing discount rates from different states is like comparing the discount on bacon vs the discount on eggs, whilst both may be food items, they both have their own price ranges.

    • When you say 28% of entire bill, is that off usage AND supply rates?

      • Entire bill means exactly that, the discount applies to usage charges, supply charges and the associated GST too.

      • +1

        Don’t think any companies give a discount off supply rate.

        • In SA, lumo energy do. However, based on their higher usage costs, you will only save money with their 10% market rate discount if you use less than 1.5kw per day or so. Generally not worth it.

          Red Energy do as well, but their rates went up massively mid 2017.

  • +2

    Currently there's an offer from Origin for SA Concessions Energy customers as follow:

    18% off Electricity usage and supply charges until at least 30 June 2019… their current tariff are :

    • Usage - 40.425 cents per kWh (first 10.9589 Kwh/day) —- 33.149 cents with the discount;
      43.153 cents per kWh for the balance —- 35.385 cents with discount

    • Supply - 91.245 cents per day (74.821 cents with discount)

    Info for those who qualify. cheers

  • Remember when Australian airlines used to offer $9* airfares? That was clickbait advertising as it didn't include maybe $50 in taxes and another several dollars in credit card surcharges.

    I would welcome intervention to supply truth in energy advertising. Instead of saying "20% off!", "15% off for paying on time!" or "32% off!", how about just stating the price? Energy companies are not stores that have hundreds, sometimes thousands of lines where "20% off!" advertising makes sense. An energy company has two products: Electricity. Gas. End the advertising nonsense.

    • +1

      ultimately our government allow this.

    • +2

      It is a bit like that. From digging into all the prices after market offer discounts last year, I've found origin to be one of the cheaper resellers.

      Alinta and energy Australia have stupidly high rates to the point where you need over 35% discount in SA to get reasonable rates.

      Lumo energy discount off their usage charges, but at their market offer of 10%, you'd have to use less than 2kw per day to be cheaper than origin.

      Red Energy seemed promising before the rate rise, but their rates are now too high.

      Agl have potential but you'd need to negotiate higher discounts than origin due to higher rates.

      Simply have similar rates but you will need a bigger discount to benefit from them.

      Diamond energy are quite good since they have low rates and discount off their daily supply charge. They also list their effective rates after discount. For this one, you would have to compare your bills to be sure of which one is cheaper in the long run.

    • $50 Bill Credit < Did not receive last time they offered this and I signed up. Need to chase them up again about this.
  • I am an existing OriginEnergy customer and signed up for both the electricity and gas plans early this morning, and as I am renting a unit in an apartment complex, this is the email I received from Origin this afternoon:

    Hello ********

    Thank you for using Origin's online services.

    We have successfully processed your electricity request for your property at **** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** SA

    In regards to your gas account:

    The hot water for your building is reticulated through the building to your apartment from a central system and each apartment has a dedicated hot water meter and is individually charged for their hot water usage.

    In some cases, apartments are also charged for gas used for operating the cooktop, so if applicable, charges for gas used by your cooktop will be shown as a separate charge on your account.

    Unfortunately there are no discounts for Bulk Hot Water and due to no Natural Gas at the property, we could only place a discount on your electricity account.

    This email address is not monitored for responses. Please do not reply to this email.

    So apparently I won't be getting the hot water discount, unfortunately. Does anyone know if it's the same with all other utility companies, or I have a chance to get a discount from another company, despite living in such an apartment complex with a central system for hot water?

    • In that particular case you would have to discuss this with your strata manager. Chances are you would have to discuss this with everyone else in the strata and they would all have to agree to the change.

      • It's a big apartment building and I don't know most of the people, so I might have to forget about this, I think. It's just my hot water that I get the gas bill for as my cooktop is electric, and I don't get a huge hot water bill anyway. Cheers

  • Thanks, we got our gas connected this morning so great timing!

    You can select other states now at the top right corner. I'm turning green seeing how big the discounts are elsewhere 😭

  • Great deal. Do you know if you are already with origin can you still sign up ?

    • +1

      Yes, i have.

    • Yes, as mentioned in my original post. I am currently an existing customer. Go to the deal link, click sign up, down the page there will be a section to tick if you are already a customer.

      Also, worst comes to worse, you can call and speak to account specialist. I had to do this for the gas deal as for reasons unbeknownst to me, their website seems to think origin cannot organise the gas billing in my area even though they are already organising the gas for this property.

      I got an email about 1 business day later stating the discounts that now apply. (keep your phone on silent, this email came through at 5am, might wake you up when you don't want it to).

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