Looking to extend the storage on my new Macbook Pro.
I was thinking of buying a G-Technology 1TB USB-C HDD from Apple. The alternative is to buy an SSD and an enclosure but I am worried about its reliability in that case. Or maybe a Samsung T3 for around $130ish for 250GB?
Absolute max I can spend is around $150 and I am leaning towards the G-Technology drive as its $99. Thoughts OzBers?
Have you considered using pCloud? You can extend the space of your HDD by an additional 1 TB. They have lifetime options.
I have purchased it for a month now and it has been awesome so far.
https://sridharkatakam.com/go/pcloud (ref. link)
https://www.pcloud.com (non ref. link)
Not quite the same, but similar.