Ok so my internet stops working and I do the usual reset etc but with no luck. Time to call my provider but have to use my mobile as no NBN and no phone. Well after some time on hold and then checking by the support operator it turns out someone has requested my connection be switched to another provider. What the… No we didn't.
Here is the kicker, the provider apologises that they can only put in a awhile support ticket to NBNco because it's outside their normal Monday-Friday business hours there is noone at NBNco to contact. That's right, you heard it, according to my provider, the ones in charge or Australia's internet only work standard hours 5 days per week. They authorised the change over to who the hell knows without proper checks and nothing can be done about it.
Is this correct?
Anyone else our there had their connection terminated so some other provider can claim their business, or a port grab, or someone simply screwing with them.
How can it just be changed without checking with the owner?
Great detailed post, don't make us wait 11 years for the next:^