Hi Guys, I'm looking to buy a Mazda 3 for around 15k. I'm having trouble picking a reliable and cheap insurance provider. Can anyone recommend me anything?
I currently drive my parents car at least twice a week, have a few months left till I am on full license, never had a driving offence and accident. I am under the age of 25.
Is it possible for my car to be insured under my parents name to save some $? Would third party with theft be adequate or should I go for comp insurance?
Thanks all
Is it possible to commit insurance fraud? Sure, depends if you have the stomach and moral compass for it.
Given you're a P-Plater under 25 you're going to get reamed out on comprehensive premiums, but it comes down to your risk tolerance. What would feel worse, paying absurd premiums every year and never claiming, or writing off a 15k asset?