Samsung Galaxy Note 8 screen replacement

My partner was given a new phone from work 3 weeks ago. Screen protector and case has been ordered, its on its way but today the phone slipped and was dropped now its got a crack on the top right hand corner.
Dont think work phone has an insurance.
I heard Samsung offer 1 screen replacement free of charge but it seems to be an offer thats expired?
What are options? other than spending $260 through Samsung for replacement?


  • +2

    maybe get the partner a 3310, those things were just about indestructible.. :p

  • Dont think work phone has an insurance.

    Are you sure? If they gave it to her and pay for it then it'll likely have insurance.

    Has she asked them what to do? It might be company policy that she has to have it replaced through Samsung?

  • Your partner is probably embarrassed this happened so quickly, but really I would just let her work deal with it.

    Anything not done by Samsung might affect the warranty. The business purchased it they would have all the details. They should be prepared for this if they are issuing phones (especially if they hand it over such expensive ones without a case)

    Businesses weren't eligible for the expired ScreenAssure offer so it wouldn't have helped anyway.

    • As a business owner, I would never pay for a phone repair from a workers direct damage from a item they have been supplied are required for their job. I would also expect immediate repair of the item.
      Downtime would also be costing the business while in repair,
      Cant believe people would think otherwise…

      • I can't believe a businesses owner would try and ask an employee to pay for accidental damage to something they made them use for work….

        If they tripped over walking over to their desk and broke the desk phone would you make them pay? Accidents happen.

        Perhaps this course would be useful

        • Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie, It someone elses problem.
          The Aussie way..

  • buy an iFixIt kit and replacement parts and get your geek on

  • +1

    You've come to OzBargain. Do nothing is cheapest option.

    • +1

      Well said

  • When I got my Note 8, I left it in the box until I got my Case. Dropped it on the 2nd day of use (on carpet at least) but definitely need a case ASAP, these days the phones are just so fragile.

    • Samsung does provide a case with it which is useless. someone learnt it the hard way

      • same for Huawei's case too. screen cracked from waist height.
        Message of the story, don't use manufacturer cases. Made to break so you spend more money. Although my Oppo hasn't had any issues with 2 years worth of drops. Can't say it won't though.

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