ABN and Invoicing needed for casual job?

A friend has just gotten a job as a casual cleaner at a backpackers and has been asked to create an ABN and to invoice them or not be paid.

They are here on a working holiday visa and have already had other jobs without this being requested. It seems like an unnecessary lot of ongoing admin for what is a low wage job. We are a bit overwhelmed reading the ATO and ABN websites too!

I was hoping some folks here could explain why this may be needed?


  • +33

    Sham contracting - used to avoid paying super largely along with removing any rights the "contractor/employee" may have.


    • +3

      I wish I could upvote this a lot more. Now I know why this felt really wrong. Thank you so much for your help!

    • +1

      To make a point, there's no real use of the Super payment anyway for backpackers. They won't be here long enough to retire and if they draw it out on leaving, 65% of it is taxed on an already measly sum. Basically means the employer is throwing away money all to jump a legal hoop.

      • Agreed - It’s also a common misconception that you don’t need to pay super for contractors. If they earn most of their income from one source then they become entitled to super contributions.

        • -1

          Yes fair work/ tax will have different definitions of contractors.

  • The first question is, is your friend a casual employee or a contractor?
    If the former, then no need for an ABN. If the latter, she will.

  • Also, with ABN / Invoice, they are liable to pay tax from the income earned rather and it being deducted for you via PAYG.

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