Currently on a contract with Virgin and looking to switch? Any suggestions about the coverage around this area?
Best Operators with Coverage on Western Line (Campbelltown to Central) [Sydney Trains]

Last edited 09/01/2018 - 00:09 by 1 other user
Poll Options
- 11Telstra
- 1Optus
- 0Vodafone
Yeah! Am aware of that. That's why there is no Virgin in the poll :)
Haha I'm implying you'll get similar coverage with Optus to what you have at the moment with Virgin (I presume you're not happy with it and looking for an alternative)
All good mate! You are right in assuming I am looking for an alternative. However, the Optus Sport and free music streaming offers are hard to beat!
So by Campbelltown to Central, did you mean via Granville or via East Hills? If you want to be pedantic, Western Line doesn't go to Campbelltown …
I think its the South Western Line whichever one is from Campbelltown to Central. Also username checks out ;)
My point is that there are two lines that go from Campbelltown to Central - one via Granville and one via East Hills. Obviously reception will be different on the two lines …
East Hills to be more exact. Not the Granville one. However am happy to see the reception on Granville line in the polls as well :)
@brokeunistudent: I took this line for 3 years from Ingleburn to Mascot via Easthill.
Telstra didn't have any signal at all from wollie creek to Riverwood, nor did Voda. Signal was lost again around east hill to Holsworthy to Glenfield.
Only Virgin mobile had some patchy signal between the areas stated above. So I assume will be the same as Optus.
I go from about East Hills to Central and find that Telstra covers more than Optus but obviously neither is complete coverage. Let me know if there is something you specifically want me to look out for next time I go Central.
Virgin is the same coverage as Optus