• expired

[NSW] 26% off Electricity - 17% off Gas - Origin Energy


I received this link on Facebook via advert. Seems to have been targeted to me. The link is public and works for everyone


NSW - 26% off Elec/17% off Natural Gas + $50 credit
QLD - 18% off Elec/8% off Natural Gas + $50 credit
SA - 19% off Elec/16% off Natural Gas + $50 credit
VIC - 33% off Elec/20% off Natural Gas + $50 credit

Data Thanks to spikiii

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (35)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (575)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy

closed Comments

  • +6

    It says 18% off electricity usage for QLD.
    The deal below is/was for 21% off both which is probably still cheaper if still available?

  • Thanks OP. Just note discount listed in the title is for NSW. Other states have diff discounts.

  • +9

    Might want to add that it varies per state:

    NSW - 26% off Elec/17% off Natural Gas + $50 credit
    QLD - 18% off Elec/8% off Natural Gas + $50 credit
    SA - 19% off Elec/16% off Natural Gas + $50 credit
    VIC - 33% off Elec/20% off Natural Gas + $50 credit

  • +1

    Even after discount (VIC) it is still more than I pay now…

    • +10

      Comment would be more helpful to others with details. e.g. alternate provider or extension lead from Neighbour’s back shed.

      • Could be a hydro setup and he doesn't want to give details.

    • +3

      Sorry was in a rush and didn't have chance to post details….

      Like this deal, the above rates could also be cheaper/more based on distributor.
      Im under AUSNet so:
      Service Charge - $1.056 a day
      First 11.18kWh of peak consumption per day - 20.24 cents per kWh
      Balance of peak consumption - 22.99 cents per kWh
      GST included.

      • +5

        Yeah, I'm with Pacific Hydro too… couldn't find anyone cheaper and so sick of the % off bullshit

      • Is there a NSW equivalent of this?

      • It only provides service in Victoria and SA.

  • +1

    it’s to get people onto direct debit …. in victoria they give you 26% off if you pay on time without direct debit .

    the $50 welcome credit is appealing and discount is slightly higher than their std rates eg 26% pay on time vs 33 % for electricity direct debit.

    • it’s to get people onto direct debit

      why? Prevent defaults on bills or discourage churn?

      • +1

        Both. Direct debit lowers churn significantly when paired with online only bills because people don't get as much "bill angst" when the payments can "just happen".

        Also helps to curb late payments. Utilities are often the last bills people pay and have a significantly larger portion of unpaid time than other industries. Using the carrot over the stick to get on time payments is always going to be a winner, and it's way more cost effective than offloading debt to a collector.

        Source: Contracted analytics services to a NSW energy retailer a few years back looking at retention and attrition.

        • Also, direct debit doesn't get taken up as often by people that are struggling financially, whereas its convenient for those of us that know we will always have enough money in the account to cover debits. Having experienced both sides of the coin, it's unfortunate, but reality, that those that can best afford utilities get the best deals compared with people that are struggling.

        • Correct. It's better for business (in every way) and worse for the consumer (zero control). Yet marketed as a feature to the "busy consumer".

          Analogous to giving someone permanent access to your wallet, and letting them help themselves.

  • You can negotiate a better deal simply by calling them.

    I'm getting 32% off electricity (don't have gas) in NSW with AGL.

    Didn't try hard to get that, could probably do even better.

    • +2

      Not saying this is a bad deal, but have you compared the tariffs and supply charges of AGL with other companies? Sometimes those that offer really high discounts actually charge much higher tariffs or supply charges (and supply charges normally aren't included in the percentage discount). So the 32% saving with AGL may not be as good as the 26% with Origin.

      It very well could be, I didn't try to find the rates to check :)

      • I'm aware of the variances, but when I search for the best price I work out the daily cost and take into account all the differences.

        • Then you're set :)

        • +3


          I think they intentionally do that to make it difficult to compare, there should be uniform rates across all of them to make it easy.

          Some have a discount off the usage charge while others have it off the total bill, all with different rates.

          Absolute pain in the arse to have to work it out.

        • +2

          @Scab: I work in a sector researching exactly that. And yeah, it's confusing. Even for us! There's work being done on this though, so we can only hope for a better future!

        • @Lockdude:

          Maybe NSW is simplier, it not that complex.
          The table I made is pretty simple to compare the 5 brands I looked at

          Just need to alter certain parameters now and then like solar cash back..

          I notice there isn't different pricing bands for volume anymore, so that makes it even simplier

    • What are your rates…

      I've done a spreadsheet in the past, NSW being still early in deregulation are all pretty similar.

      Except AGL, usually one of the highest rates.

      Having read about their financial fk ups in other areas… its not hard to see why they're charging so much.

  • Electricity, gas and ozbargain altogether…. LOL

  • -2

    Havent done the latest calculation but guess Powershop still comes out cheaper than all these

    • +1

      You'd be surprised, I left Powershop since they weren't for my area.

    • +2

      Don't be complacent, check your rate and compare every few months or show. My experience sowed as soon as your initial contract term expires rates go up. Every time I check the Vic government switch on website the cheapest one falls off the top list. Was momentum last year, before that red energy and so on. Last few months was amaysim among the top, couple with their $250 credit made them really attractive.
      And you'd be surprised to find that some of the traditionally overpriced big players can be cheap at times.

  • I got offered 28% electricity by calling call centre, NSW customer should all be eligible. You may not get $50 though,but you could ask nicely.

    • +1

      I called them, they said 26% is the best they can do.

      • Not sure, maybe talk to another sales? 28% is the rate for the big switch, but they do offer it still.

    • Unless you're paying over $1666.67 in usage over a year.

      Just go with the Origin 25% and $50 off first bill. Works the same, better if you use less.

      I gave up on the big switch constant spam, after a year of comparing their so called deals.

      The big switch just made it easier for people who don't have the time or capability to compare.

  • I'm with AGL in NSW and this seems to be a bit cheaper, thanks

  • +1

    Am I wrong to not only rely on percentage but total discount? AFAIK, all energy provider have different charge, supply and kwh charge.

    • NSW small variance on average, other states like VIC are have been bent ov… I'll stopped there.

      But year, ignore discount. Do your own comparison or join the Big switch if you can't/don't want to compare

  • +6

    With electricity and gas you need to do the usage calculations to see which provider is best for you

    All of them offer % discounts, that widely vary and mean nothing if the rate is higher before the discount

    You can use a government backed comparison site to check the rates you get after all the fancy marketing spin


    • +8

      Disagree with your neg, though ur post is correct where discount % is only a partial factor but what OP posted is in fact a good deal, for people like me whom are already with origin (after calculating rates and discount, they were the lowest for me), this post informs me there is an even better rate I can apply for. So the neg is completely not deserved.

      • +3

        But how does a % discount indicate that the rate is better? Is this cheaper than other providers? Will origin give you a better rate if you call?

        A $1000 product with an amazing 20% off deal is a worse deal than the same product at $750 with a 0% discount. Electricity is electricity, the rate price is important, not the % discount

        • +2

          Haha he never stated that it was cheaper than other suppliers. As already mentioned in my posts after comparing different companies discount AND rates, Origin was the cheapest option for me in my area, as an existing Origin customer I had 31% discount on Electricity and 18% discount on Gas. But with this deal posted I was able to obtain a better discount as stated 33% and 20% (extra $50 bonus for both) with the same rate I had before.

          Your statement was useful as it is correct to compare both rates and discount, however I don't believe this deal posted deserved a neg as it helped people obtain a better deal which they otherwise would not know about.

        • @Serenixia:
          I understand the neg seems harsh but I just want people to be aware that this might not even be a deal. I recently re-did my electricity and every single provider has a % off that varies widely. Ozbargains is about the best possible price for an item/service, we have no idea if this is even a good price without checking the rates comparative to others (some other people have indicated they get cheaper). If you review your electricity, gas, insurances etc… you will always find a better deal as that's what they do, lock you in, raise your rates over time and hope you can't be bothered changing.

          If he listed out a range of providers, with comparison kw/h rates and this % off made it the best deal then it's a fantastic bargain post, but there is no evidence of that.

          If I post a Xiaomi robot vacuum and there is no evidence it's the best price I will get negged.

        • @smoothymcmellow:

          Thanks for the comment, however, It was a quick post to share with the community. I didn't have time when doing the post - I am sorry. Will you forgive?

    • +4

      Correct to point this out, but how does that rate a negative vote?

      Nothing to do specifically with this deal, its general advice on all deals, just like advice on buying a fridge, where you should look at ratings for use and reliability.

    • +2

      Correct and agree. It may well be an okay deal at the end of the day (who knows? People have already mentioned it is not), but “26% discount” is arbitrary, meaningless and is in place for literally no other reason than to bamboozle, confuse and mislead.

    • Exactly. Plus you have to factor in when you forget to pay on time. You end up paying x% more (pay on time discount percentage discount) instead when not been able to pay on time. The higher the discount percentage, the more expensive it gets when not paying on time.

      Also the rates are inflated much higher before the discount so paying on time discount is a marketing gimmick and a trap especially those that have very high percentage pay on time discounts.

  • +1

    Thanks Mate!! Already with Origin, and they were already the cheapest option after all my calculations (Victoria) was on a previous discount of 31% Electricity and 18% Gas, and this deal is even better!!! Plus $50 bonus off both!! :D Updated my plan!! Really appreciate it heaps!! :D Legend!

    • This deal is for 26%, how is that better than your current 31% off?
      Are the rates for this deal better? And by how much?

      • The discount I mentioned was for Victoria :) so with origin it's 33% Electricity and 20% Gas and extra $50 credit for both. (2% better than what I had before and the $50 credit is awesome, plus I don't even need to change company) :D

        The 26% is for NSW

        • OK, thanks.

    • +1

      how do you get the discount if you're already signed with origin? I signed up with them 2 weeks ago, can I still get this deal?

      • yes, you can change plan anytime.

  • 28% off here thru one big switch (with origin) :


    The tariffs after discount were cheapest for me using this after comparing with other providers

    Edit: didn't notice the 50$ off.. Guess need to work out if that's worth it.

    • +1

      Yep called them regarding the meter plan and ended up signing for the 28% which would be better off than 26% with credit.

    • big switch is better than a 25% disc (website) and $50 rebate, over a year if you spend over $1667 in usage.

      OR use the campaign linked at the top for 26% and $50 rebate. The big switch woukld require $2500 usage over a year to beat that

  • +2

    WAY TOO MUCH!! I pay about 24 cents per Kilowatt and about 80 cents per day of Supply Charge and this is all INCLUDING GST (http://elocals.me/LimeEskie).

    • What State and energy supplier?

      • NSW - Energy Locals (Link: http://elocals.me/LimeEskie)

        • +2

          Energy Supplier = Endeavour, Ausgrid or Essential?

          Looking at the price sheets for NSW energy suppliers, none of them have a 80 cent supply charge.

          Is that an old price or some further discount?

          Can you provide a direct link to the price sheet of the plan you're on?

        • @MrRevhead: Yes getting nothing like what Varun has posted - NSW Ausgrid

        • Based on the Energy Locals NSW Endeavour prices, with Origin Maximiser and discounts, the daily supply charge is the same but the usage rate is less directly with Origin once discounts applied.

          Solar Feed In tariff is higher with Enery Locals though.

        • +1

          Even on the EnergyMadeEasy website the supply charge is 90c excl GST
          The website reports 23c/kWh & 90c/day (excl GST - NSW & AusGrid).

          FYI: I used a sample size of 1500kWh + 91days = Origin 28% ends up being $422.29 vs the current Locals price of $469.59
          If I take your 24c and 80c supply (GST inc), that's $432.80. Origin 28% still wins out.

          (2500 kWh + 91 days)
          Origin 28% = $648.17
          Locals Current = $740.08
          Locals Varun1 = $656.90

          (3500 kWh + 91 days)
          Origin 28% = $874.05
          Locals Current = $1004.08
          Locals Varun1 = $886.90

          (If my numbers are off, please let me know. I've written a quick spreadsheet for my NSW Ausgrid Single Rate Meter - not as advanced and flash as @adam)

          edit: grammar

        • @ajamedor:

          They have $50 credit for referral

          on flip side, Energy Australia gives you 5k velocity points when you link them.

    • I signed up recently to Energy Locals for the Endeavour region (NSW). It is:
      Peak: 22 cents per kWh
      Daily Supply Charge: 82 per day
      Signed up because I am over the whole discount BS from other providers making it really difficult to compare deals.

  • Cheers. I am currently with AGL. Even after the discount expires Origin will still be cheaper than my current AGL plan.

    • +1

      Do electricity porting

      Energy aus was giving $100 credit

      Amaysim was giving $125 credit

      While discount should fetch more benefits if applied on daily supply charge , no harm if we get higher discount on usage as well

  • Good deal. Just signed up.

  • +3

    Might be worth noting that this is only a discount on usage. It does not include the daily supply charge for electricity or gas.

    • Correct. That could be the killer…

  • +2

    Thanks OP for reminding me, I just renewed few months ago in NSW with discounts of 21% elec/17% gas. They said to call every few months and if they have better discounts they can just update me to it. Just called them and easily updated plan to 26/17 discounts.

    • Did you also get the $50?

      • Good to hear :)
        Send me BTC :)

  • +1

    No love for WA

  • Was 3% better than my current AGL deal (same base rates) and $50 on top = a win in my book. Thanks!

  • When does this expire? I’m currently overseas so can’t call them. When i log in online and change it only offers 25% off.

  • Just moved house and got Origin electricity and gas 2 weeks ago…. anyway I can still get this offer?

  • Thanks everyone.

    I agree rates are very tricky indeed! https://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/

    I personally found that Q Energy was cheaper in one case… But if you are with Origin and don't want to change provider, but want a bigger discount. I hope this helps.

    Thanks everyone for updating the post.

  • Bit off topic, do you guys use single flat rate or time based i.e. Peak/off peak rates?

    • Dopn't you need a special meter for this ?

  • Best discount for ACT customers?

  • oohhhhh. Have to tell u about my experience with Origin. I signed up for a certain rate with a comparison site (yep warning bells should have sounded). Was given a good rate, gave verbal approval the received a letter from Origin around ten days later saying they made a mistaken couldn't honour the agreement and would charge me a higher rate. I haven't contested it yet but when I get the time. I'm going to let them have it. Fancy signing up a new customer and then telling them they made a mistake and can't honour their offer? Caveat emptor. Walk away from Origin.

  • Origin's rate is Peak = 58.3110 and Off-peak = 15.8620 cents per kWh.
    Supply charge = 106.5350 cents per day.
    Seems very high copared to Peak of 22 cents per kWh.

    Looking at www.energymadeeasy.gov.au, the cheapest I can get for postcode 2000 is AGL Peak = 59.40 c/kWh with 16% discount.
    Next best is People Energy 52.547 c/kWh.

    How are people getting 22 c/kWh peak?

    • Standard time billing, not smart meter.

      • So 22 c/kWh at all times? Not peak/off peak/shoulder?

  • +1

    I am in Sydney (Ausgrid).
    AGL just reduced my discount to 15% from 25%. Called them and they can offer 24% discount going forward.
    On that basis I will take up the Origin offer.
    many thanks

  • Hmm after sign up I only got 25% (Not 26%) in NSW. Gas discount was correct though.

  • All Usage
    28.5200 c/kWh
    With 25% discount
    21.3900 c/kWh

    Seems pretty good. I'm currently at 27.4 c/kWh with Red

  • Might be wise to check One Big Switch. I know they're a broker, but you can put in a random email and there's no verification and it doesn't ask you for further details.

    I'm now on 28% with Origin and their rates are rather low in comparison to AGL who're charging around 3 cents more per kWh.

    • The rates before discount seems higher going through them:

      Domestic Unit Excl GST Inc GST
      All Usage cents per kWh 28.52 31.372
      Daily Supply Charge cents per day 83.39 91.729

      If I add 28% discount it's higher than my above quoted rate.

      • That rate is exactly the same as what you posted above :?

        • Hmmm the above has a sneaky exclude/inc GST option (I thought it was already included). With GST its

          All Usage
          31.3720 c/kWh
          With 25% discount
          24.2420 c/kW

        • @TheJoshy:

          Just found this website, https://wattever.com.au/compare/

          Cheapest for me is with amaysim although they don't make it easy to compare …. Not sure if it's still possible to get the $250 signup bonus either.

        • @tlai: True, trouble is their profit comes from missing due date. Their discount is 42% however their rates before pay on time discount are so exorbitant that it's almost extortionate. If you miss the due date, you'll be paying hundreds above other retailers.

        • @TheJoshy:

          Yep, as long as you can make the payments on time, otherwise the rate is almost double everyone else.

  • If you're on Dodo, get out now

    Just notice friend who is on its bill. Pre gst, previosuly they were on 26c and 20% off, since Jan 1 its jumped to 31c and 20% off usage.

    This is for NSW

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