This was posted 7 years 2 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] and [XBONE] GTA V - $39 @ Big W

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GTAV, the game we all know and love, now on sale at Big W, time to get your heists on!

They also have it on PS3 for $20.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Why has its price remained so high?

    • +12

      It's a game that continually gets free content updates?

      On PC at least it is consistently played by a large number of people?

      If time since release must lead to lower prices, should Nintendo have been handing out the SNES mini for free?

      • +2

        Not sure why you got downvoted, all you did was answer the question with your opinion. That would be my thoughts too of why it hasn't dropped.

        • +2

          The online game contains IAPs and a progression that makes getting it for free an arduous task. Single player has no free or paid additional content.

        • +2

          Still annoyed they never followed up with single player DLC. Guess the cash cow of IAP halted that.

      • +2

        The content is "free" in that the in-game cash prices for every new feature are massively inflated to the point where you can't expect to ever get the content from gameplay alone. You have to buy shark cards (real life/digital purchases that give you in-game money) to get access to the new features. On the bright side at least a lot of it you can get invited to by a friend so you don't have to pay for it if you know someone with a fat wallet.

    • +2

      As IceCreamBandit has pointed out, for a game that gets as much free content as it already has and continues to do so, it's not really too much to ask.

    • +2

      It's been in the Steam Top 10 continuously since release on PC - so probably because people keep buying it. The single player alone is worth it, it's an amazing game.

    • People still buy it, pretty much a standard when you buy a new console

    • Think of it like the best Nintendo games - popular, in demand, and as it doesn't have yearly iterations like FIFA, it keeps its value. It's for that reason it would not surprise me if Rockstar decided to milk it once more and release it on the Switch for full price.

    • Sales for gta v are still fairly high

  • +6

    $39.95 on PSN for those who prefer digital copies.

    • +3

      Zero resale value?

      • yes

      • Two copies, dude.

        As much as I don't care for GTA Online, it's a good idea buying it digitally if you're trying to lure a friend to play with you.

  • Rockstar big wigs needed the cash for their gold cars.
    Oh and Red Dead 2, and GTA 6 development.

  • -1

    Can be 2nd hand for $20 to $25 off facebook groups

  • Never purchased any sharks cards and have accrued a few million in game dollars purely by messing around.

    I enjoy all of the different things you can do and am completely content without buying a gold jet or whatever people buy.

    There's lots to do without resorting to IAP.

    Not to mention the stellar single player game!

    No brainier at this price.

    • I love stealing the jet fighter and tearing up the town :)

  • I played through it once already on PS3, but am super tempted to get it again for my XB One (better graphics/load times/FPS mode)…

    Maybe I'll check out local FB groups first…

  • Thanks OP..local Big W (Ellenbrook, WA) was out of stock…but price matched at EB Games.

    • Gotta get those eb carrots!

      • +1

        And burn up those gift cards from Christmas!

  • It's (profanity) crazy to think this is a last gen game. Honestly beautiful on the PS3 even.

    I mean, (profanity) your in app purchases, (profanity) online in general, (profanity) still being 40 bucks, (profanity) the lack of single player DLC, (profanity) this, that, and the other.

    But damn if it ain't a pretty, huge, sprawling game, especially in it's original form.

    • Damn that's a lot of (profanity)

      • +2

        (profanity) that you (profanity) think there's too (profanity) much (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) and also (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) snotty nose (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) but I do like that one Silverchair song, (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) walking in straight (profanity) (profanity) (profanity)

        • Got me at Silverchair lmao
          You (profanity)

        • @airal3rt: (profanity) Silver (profanity) Chair, mother (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) with a side of roast potatoes. (profanity)

  • -1

    PS3? PS3frames with this game more like.

  • Just to confirm how's in practice - I need a PSN membership to play online, true? No P2P games or something?

    • +1

      I need a PSN membership to play online, true?


  • Somehow have received /bought this game 3 different times. (4 if you include the ps3 version)

    Still think Online loading times are too long on Ps4, and im one of the guys that put an SSD in my console.

    Anyone on PC have that issue? I assume its much better loading times on PC's with most people running SSDs.

    • The initial load times still aren't great on my PC (game installed on SSD), but I don't know if the time is because of loading actual game files, or finding a server to connect to.

      Once I'm in the loading times are fine

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