This was posted 7 years 1 month 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Madman Summer Clearance: up to 80% off Anime/Manga/TV/Film/Merch


Free shipping on orders over $50

Lots of different categories:
Anime/Manga Merch
National Geographic

Ping Pong The Animation DVD $5 / BLURAY $10 (normally $30/$35)
K-On! (Season 1) BLURAY $10 (normally $50)
Love Live! (Season 1) Collector's Edition DVD $5 (normally $50)
Love Live! Movie DVD/BLURAY $10 (normally $30/$45)
Yurikuma Arashi DVD/BLURAY $10 (normally $50)
Various Fairy Tail Collection parts DVD/BLURAY $10 (normally $60)
Various Love Live Sunshine figures are $7-$9 off
Adventure Time Season 1-5 Boxset DVD $39 (normally $130)

Related Stores

Madman Entertainment
Madman Entertainment

closed Comments

  • +6

    Highly recommend Ping Pong. One of the best I've seen.

    • Shall add it to my long list of things to watch

    • Definately one of the best anime i've ever seen.

    • On my top list as well but I can imagine some people'd be put off wih the animation style.
      The Tatami Galaxy by the same studio is also pretty great.

      • it's been sitting on my to do list for so long. is it similar story?

        • Story isn't similar but it's directed by the same guy. He also did Devilman Crybaby which just released on Netflix.

        • I'd say it's a completely different universe and theme.
          You'd need to stick till the end due to the structure of the story/anime.
          Don't be put off by repetition.

  • +1

    I loved Ping Pong The Animation! Sort of an unconventional look for anime, but a story, artstyle and scoring well worth its discounted pricetag.

  • how much is shipping?

    • Mine showed as $7 to NSW when l was adding items to my cart yesterday

    • +2

      Shows as $7 to Brisbane. Free shipping if you order more than $50.

  • +2

    Shame Kimi no Na wa is not on sale.

    • +2

      Such a good anime. I was crying in my room while watching this.

  • +1

    "If the day comes where there is no more internet in this world will be the day I start buying DVDs again :P"

    ^^ Straight on the mark ;)

  • +4

    if you haven't seen Dead Man by Jim Jarmusch, I am not talking to you. do yourself a favour, get a copy at least while it's on sale!

    • +2

      You had the last Philistine. This one's mine.

      • +1

        How'd you get your hair so soft?

        • +1

          I don't smoke

  • Thanks for posting! Bought a full basket!

  • +2

    Fully recommend The Raid for only $6 on bluray!.
    The sequel is even better too.

  • +1

    Some of these figures making me wish I watched one piece

    • imo it's highly overrated. 20 minute episode, 5 minute actual content.
      i cant drop it cause i've been watching for too long. have to see it through.
      if u haven't started, i'd recommend give it a miss. those 800 episodes could fit like 30 animes.

      • i cant drop it cause i've been watching for too long

        I feel the exact same way and the worst part is that the show is nowhere near done. Wish I invested this time into another series instead.

        • Another series like detective Conan lol

  • +3

    Would recommend The girl who leapt through time, and Porco Rosso for those who haven't seen them.

  • +5

    OMG OMG OMG Samaurai Pizza Cats!!!!!

  • todokete

  • Hm. Anything else good in anime on bluray? Dunno if i can hit $50. I haven't seen anything.

    • +1

      Kill la kill and Psyco-pass have good reviews.

    • +1

      I'd recommend Psycho-Pass, Eden of the East, Terror in Resonance, and Blood Blockade Battlefront.

  • i havent watched anime in years. some good recomendations here. did some googling and "your name" & "ping pong" look interesting.

  • Must watch Attack On Titan (Anime) Every episode its intense.

  • ….alas collection 23 of fairy tail is still not available….

    I hate that "up to 80% off" statement…….go and check and the one you want is only like 1% off and the ones you don't want are 80% off….lol

    • +2

      upto 80% off 1% of the stock!

  • Lots of great titles under $10. Some good live action movies to get:

    The Trip (if you like the ol' British humour)
    The Trip to Italy (sequel to above)
    The Raid (brilliant action movie)
    The Raid 2 (even better sequel)

  • I really recommend Spice and wolf and it's the complete collection for only $19.99

    I also really enjoyed Hozuki's Coolheadedness and for only $4.99 its a steal! The humour might not be for everyone - there're heaps of Japanese cultural references but I loved it all the same

  • -2

    Great suggestions in here for newbs like me.
    Why do some of them have such stupid names though? Samurai Pizza Cats!?

    • Devilman Crybaby!?

    • obviously not a 90's kid

      • 80's kid, guess I just missed out.

        • Samurai Pizza Cats definitely in your range as a 80s kid

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