Moderators at OzBargain have decided to run yearly polls to decide the best products in popular categories that get asked repeatedly in the forum. Our aim is to have a central thread where users can vote on the items, suggest options and also change their vote throughout the year. The polls will end once the year is over.
Once again we revisit this topic of "the best headphones under $400" for the year 2018. The results for last year's poll shows that Bose QuietComfort 35 (first Gen) took first place by an overwhelming margin, while the Sony MDR-1000X took second and Sennheiser HD 600's came third.
What is the best over-ear headphones (under $400) for the year 2018?
Over-ear headphones are bulkier than their in-ear or on-ear counterparts, but the benefit of having headphones sitting over, rather than on or inside your ears means they're much more comfortable to wear for long periods of time.
Some of the things you need to look out for in a pair of headphones apart from their sound quality:
- Open back or closed headphone types
- Wireless or Wired
- Built in microphones for smartphone usage
- Active Noise Cancelling features
- Sizing of the earcups and their materials (affecting comfort)
- Will they require a headphone amplifier to sound good?
So what's your favourite over-ear headphones under $400 for 2018? Make your suggestions below, and be sure to justify why it's the best one for you.
- You are allowed to change your vote throughout the entire duration of the poll — in case you've changed your mind!
How to Suggest a Poll option? Simply type into the textbox above your Comment box and then submit your comment. Be sure to ALSO click on the + button to vote after suggesting.
Which headphones are best depends on where you use them. For example many gamers prefer open headphones because of the large soundstage. But these are unsuitable for using in public due to no noise isolation.
I think you should have at least two categories:
-audiophile (can be open and annoying to others)
-travel (must provide sound isolation)