I placed an order (and paid) for a brand name SFF computer, RAM and display adaptors on 18/12/17. I then added an additional item on 22/12/17. The total order is valued at $1,600.
I have followed them up repeatedly only to be first told my order had been dispatched, then they'll get back to me, then they'll despatch it that same day … only to discover it is all a load of rubbish. I understand we've just had 3 public holidays. However, I am appalled at the total disregard for customer service. Do what you say you're going to do when you say you're going to do it and keep the customer informed. Don't blatantly lie to them! Unfortunately, I didn't see the dreadful reviews regarding service and lengthy delivery times until after I started experiencing issues.
Has anyone had a similar experience or have any suggestions as to how I can resolve this?
PS: I am tempted to cancel my order and demand a refund, but imagine how long that will take or if I'll even receive my money back?
How should we know? Don't get why people sign up to Ozbargain for this. Scotty should make a new website called www.ozwhine.com.au