I missed out on previous deals for the LG but got a pleasant surprise today when I called JB to confirm price and the salesperson knocked another approx $150 from the current sale price of $2796. However only applicable if you come in store he said.
LG 75 Inch TV 75UJ657T $2796 @ JB Hi-Fi

Last edited 02/01/2018 - 17:05 by 1 other user
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That analysis tho.
Your my hero
good analysis except for failure to consider 50c pieces
as mentioned last time beware of rgbw panel
Is that applicable to this model?
Think so
Not sure but may have experienced some vertical banding. Currently watching The Dark on Netflix at high definition and there's a few scenes in a dark cave where the characters use a cigarette lighter to aid them. Basically whenever the light is shown there is a vertical band going up and down from the light about 15cm in width which causes the existing blacks to be shown as a lighter shade.
Can you explain this a bit more for us?
Not full 4k as some sub pixels (red, green blue or white) are shared between pixels which can lead to colour banding on solid colours and a lack sharpness:
It will be more visible on a 75" screen. Check out the display in store to see if it is something you will notice or care about.
I assume your referring to DSE.
However there are a few good reviews.
I have the 43” inch version of this model. Picture is super clear and crisp in 4K so RGBW isnt much of issue here when watching videos.
Not suitable as a monitor here: https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16280/4k-chea…
So confusing, is this better than hisense 75n7?
Agree. I would actually goto the store and have a look and a play. The LG o/s and remote was what convinced me to get it rather than Samsung or tcl.
Wouldn't the Hisense N7 have a better picture quality due to their ULED tech, which is similar to OLED. This TV is just LCD. Right?
I'm waiting for the next 75 Hisense N7 sale…
Yeah maybe, not many reviews around tvs
The last 75n7 deal is $1100 over the 65n7, is it worth it?
ULED is nothing like OLED. ULED sucks the same as LCD, that Australian reviewer was the only guy to claim it was any good (where he raved about it like a bloody idiot) and it was for a model in 2015 or 2016, not the current N7 series. He was probably paid for it under the table, or was drunk.
I wasn't making a statement, but asking a question… Thanks for the neg…
It's $1 cheaper at tgg online
How long is warranty on Lg
Just 1 year
LOL I'd like to see LG get out of a warranty claim if their $2796 TV failed after 13 months.
Yep for sure
Fair trading let you claim the warranty for a REASONABLE lengthy period.
Nobody expects $2800 TV would break within 1-2 years. I'd say you can claim upto 3 years.
Remember you can claim past 12 months. ACL states something like lasting less than a reasonable person would expect. Im guessing you could even claim after 2 years.
I think you could reasonably expect a tv to last at least 5 years really.
Who would pay $2500+ for a tv if you will only have to replace it in 2 years?
Yeah I agree mate.
60 inch Kuro is going on 11 years now. Probably time to start looking for an upgrade.
I had a terrible experience with LG and their incorrect interpretation of ACL, it's put me off the brand
Oh right, Australian Consumer Law. I thought you guys were talking about the brand ACL. Isn't there a generic Chinese TV brand called ACL or something similar? Or maybe I'm thinking of anterior cruciate ligament…
Edit: I was thinking of TCL
I’m currently going through the same experience with my 3 year old Sony. When I brought up ACL, the Sony rep told he “didn’t want to dwell on that” and “I won’t be discussing that any further with you”. That was it. End of discussions.
The problem is, who do you get to enforce it? The ACCC will only give general advice and will not take any actual complaints and the state “Fair Trading” will only accept complaints about retailers and not manufacturers.
That site shows who enforces it. Not sure which state youre in as each state has a different body to enforce it. In WA, for example, i imagine you use the contact they have on the website below and discuss with them about how to pursue it further? I think you would write your complaint about sony australia as they are the representative body of sony.
heres the WA site; https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/consumer-protection/consultat…
I’m in QLD. I’ve spoken to them and they will only accept complaints through the website and only about retailers that are based in QLD. As I’m dealing directly with the manufacturer, they claim they are unable to do anything.
Yeah Sony are xxxxers to deal with. You should really try to deal with the retailer if possible.
If it was an expensive set I would pay them to look at it, get the repair price - only correspond with them formally in writing, but call and annoy everyday. Record calls and tell them you are recording the call and that you want a remedy under consumer guarantees provisions of the ACL.
After giving reasonable period of time, pay to have the tv repaired. Take them to small claims to recover all costs. Make sure you keep a log of time used on calls, arranging repair, transportation costs.
Only way to get your soul back. Rage against the machine.
BIng lee seem to have matched it (a dollar cheaper infact)
That’s a great deal. Hope we see 85 & 95. && 105” deals soon :-$
Must have a really large lounge/Tv room to consider this. I remember a rep telling me once, optimal viewing is achived when seated 3 times the distance from the screen as the screen. So in this case approx 6m.
Yep lounge is big 😀
This is a good point to consider, but is 6m really the right answer? 4m might still be ok?
Where did you hear the 3 times of the screen size?
AFAIK, the viewing distance (For projector) should be 1.5 ~ 2 times of the screen WIDTH not the diagonal length.Was like 15 years ago. Went into a retail store to look at a new TV. Just happened to be a rep from Sony or some company there & he told me about viewing distance and how our eyes need x amount of distance to take in all the detail and how pixels worked. I guess in that time tv's have improved, with 4 k and all & by the looks of above link 4m might be good.
in my home theater room, I sat 3.8 meters from 130" at 1080p and it was glorious.
LOL 6m. No way. If you were sitting 6m away from the TV, a 85" would be more suitable.
For a 75", if you're sitting 3-4m away, it'll be ideal.
Just got this yesterday (bought from Videopro Online when the 20% ebay sale was on, price was $2547 including delivery, not including cashback rewards etc.).
Can confirm this is an excellent TV. Takes a while to power on but otherwise very responsive.
Upscaling is a bit of a problem but it's expected of a 75 incher. Just ensure you stick to HD quality or better content .
Mine comes on within 2-3 seconds. I think there is a fast turn on option you can select.
I was led to believe the majority of tvs are uhd. Some monitors and cinema are 4k.
Whats the best 75" going around?
Just a note regarding JB Hi Fi price negotiations. The staff get commissions and from my experience they will tell you any lies they think they can get away with.
I negotiated deal on their own brand 'Soniq' tv a few years back now. The first couple of time/stores I asked said "there is no way we can reduce it, its already cheap as possible, we dont make any money on these etc" .
Jb hifi store I ended up buying it from, had about 5 other tv retailers in the same small suburb, and I had told them i am going round to all, and am looking to buy a 40 inch , full HDTV today. Jb hifi in that suburb reduced the price $50 . Went back and spoke to exact same worker, same store, week or 2 after (asking for a friend) and the worker that took $50 off the $500 Tv a week before , lied and said "There is no way we can possibly reduce this tv" lol.
I would not trust or believe them at all. Buyer/negotiator BEWARE !!!I worked at jb a few months ago. The thing is we did all the work to organise the sale, and actually sell the product. So if a salesperson says I can't go lower it's because they are getting paid for the work they have done for you which as far as I was concerned was well deserved. Also a side note the minimum price we can drop to varies depending on how low a specific management team is willing to let you go.
But there was no sales work done in my circumstance. I had $500 cash which I won on a free poker thing at club.
I went out looking for best deal I could find that day for about 40 inch Tv $500 or less. I did my own research on all televisions involved, only 'assistance' the saleperson gave, was to negotiate on price.
Also, if it was the stores management team that decides their minimum price for each store, that does not explain why the exact same worker in the exact same JB hifi store, lied and said the speil to me later "we cannot possibly reduce this tv". He must have forgotten that I was the guy he sold for $50 cheaper week or so before. Not blaming him for forgetting me, but I do blame him for blatantly lying to my face in order to make more commission for himself.
a JB Hi-Fi near me has the 65" of this on a further reduction of $1896, I think it's for the display model.
anyone think this is worth it or what?Is this deal still on?
This TV $1.28 per square inch whereas a $1 coin is more expensive at $1.33 per square inch so buying this TV actually makes you money.
Bargain IMHO.