This was posted 7 years 2 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Music for 30 Days Spotify Premium Trial @ Spotify ($11.99/Month after*)


Honestly need some encouragement to post more often. : )

Hope this post will go together well with my fellow ozbargainers who invest on the new Google Home mini, with all the posts of twin deals going on.
Unfortunately Good Guys is yet to pay our time and effort to order (which did not eventuate) with a $10 credit voucher.

Go Premium. Be happy.
Try Premium free for 30 days. Only $11.99/month after.*

New Year party at our place with fam yesterday.
Can't have party without Music. So try to set up Music on GH mini with Spotify,
GH only plays random music on stations with free Spotify account.
If you want to ask Google to play songs you like, need to go premium.

Hit myself when finding out the ninety nine cents for three months subscription was gone overnight,
Glad to find free one month premium.

I had trouble to get GH mini to recognise the account upgrade from free to premium.
Troubleshooting half an hour with different advices. Was about to give up then stumbled across the answer which works.
Go top LH on Spotify app. Drop down list. Account preference. Unlink account, then link the account again. Do this even if it marked premium account active (after upgrade).

Best of luck and Enjoy Free Music.

"Ok google. Set reminder to cancel subscription in 30 days."

[Edit] As expected, moderator please delete if not a deal.

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closed Comments

  • +24

    This isn't a deal. This is the standard offer they have year round.

    • that's not enough reasoning

    • +3

      Have a read of the voting guidelines

      Any negative vote that falls into any of these reasons will be revoked by a moderator.
      No explanation of the vote
      “Not a bargain.”
      “No deal”

      Any chance of a meaningful contribution?

      • -3

        Thanks honey.

        • +1

          That’s rich coming from someone with 0 posts 👎🏼

    • That’s rich coming from someone with 0 posts

      • +2

        The first comment in this post that said this wasn't a deal is on +11, also by someone with 0 posts. The only difference between mine and his is that I negged. I have since been rightly corrected that I should not have negged as per rules of OzB.

        Thanks for your help though. I'll keep on contributing to OzBargain with my comments, whether I have 0 or 97 posts.

        • I'll keep on contributing to OzBargain with my comments

          But no Neg votes !!

        • @OzSikh:

          Unless it complies with the rules, like my other neg votes.

          Not related to post count though.

  • Well. There are a bunch of other long running Deals for Spotify here

    You can see that there is also a deal where you sign up to Philippines version of Spotify but you'll need a VPN. However, it seems Spotify are now cancelling accounts on the basis that you're overseas for more than 14 days so this might not work anymore.

    Perhaps a cheaper way would be to acquire discounted Wish cards from Cashrewards portal and then use the cards to buy Spotify GC's from Woolworths. But this only results in a 5 percent saving.

    • -1

      Was there any deal that Free on Premium?

  • New account only?

    • "Terms and conditions apply. Open only to users who haven't already tried Premium."

  • +3

    I am offered 99 cents for three months all the time. It maybe better to use that deal if you are going to continue and pay than this one month free.

  • You could also band together with other ozbargain users and create a family account.

    Does $36 a year for premium sound like a good deal for you?

    • yes. need to be able to trust the others not to change the password or share your account info? can pm me.


        Do we share one Premium account, or each get our own?
        Each family member gets their own, unique Premium account. If anyone has Spotify already, they’ll keep all their saved music, playlists and recommendations.

        You don't share account credential. Each person registers for their own account. One person is the payer, the others are able to use premium as part of the plan.

        So, yes, there's some level of trust, because you have to transfer the amount over to the payer first.

        You could always become a payer yourself and find 5 other ozbargain users.

    • +1

      There is also a big thread for Spotify family sharing

      • thanks, new to this as wasn't interested before,

  • If you're on Android download Spotify Dogfood, its basically Bootleg spotify premium for free.…


    • Do you have experience with this? I've read about it and will give it a go if there is good feedback!

      • Lots of good feedback on the forum link provided.

    • Is it really Premium, or just ad free?
      Reading it seems to be an ad free version, that would mean you can't choose individual songs etc like premium.

      Ads don't bother me but would be great if you could play individual song in order, skip unlimited etc.

      • Unlimited songs and skips but no downloads

        • can download songs and listen offline.

        • @eatwell365:
          This cannot download songs to listen offline and no high quality song but ads free and no shuttle play

        • @superforever: screenshots of songs downloading and shuffle play button.

        • @eatwell365:

          Are you sure you are not on premium trial?

          Mine asked me if I want to go to premium

        • @superforever: sorry did not follow the conversation properly. you were talking about the Spotify Dogfood, not the Premium I referred to,

    • It is only ads free not premium, no high quality sound, offline music, etc.

      • You can choose individual songs and play albums not on shuffle?

    • Thanks for this mate.

  • +5

    So everyday offers are bargains now?

    • +2

      Whatever you do, don't neg.

      • Because I genuinely don't know. What's the correct way to handle this?

        Do we just have to deal with, what is essentially spam, until a mod comes by and remove this?

        • +2

          Not sure. I had this dilemma myself (see second comment from the top).

      • -1

        I know right, can't have any negging of no deal or the mods get all pissy. Must upset the traffic and therefore ad revenue declines.

        • I know right! Everyone knows the rules for this site are in place for everyone but you.

          Guidelines for negs have some room for movement but are fairly clear. If you think there is another problem with the deal then the report button is easy to find.

        • @OzBragain:

          Sorry you said deal, what deal, I don't see any deal here…Which is the whole point.

        • @BexForHeadache:

          That's the attitude that'll get you far in life champ.

          If you're unhappy with how this site is run and unwilling to help the mods improve it…don't let the door hit you on the way out

        • @OzBragain:

          Glad to see you addressed nothing there. But you did use the the word champ in sentence on the internet, makes sense.

  • +1

    Wtf, I tried this deal and thought it worked, but turns out I got charged for it!

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