This was posted 7 years 2 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

40% off Traditional and Premium Pizzas for Students (Must Have UNiDAYS Account) @ Dominos


Just saw this on the dominos website and seems like a good deal for students. mind you not much more than what you can get with other codes though.

T&C’s, courtesy of tassieeagle

Discount is available to verified UNiDAYS members only and excludes:

Value Range, New Yorker Range, Chicken, Bacon & Avocado Pizza and Hawaiian. Discount excludes Promotional Pizza and $2 surcharge applies for each additional topping for half ‘n’ half pizzas

$2.95 surcharge applies for "Cheesy Crust", "The Edge", "Gluten Free", “Vegan” Pizzas. No half ‘n’ half allowed on the Value Range, Vegan, New Yorker pizzas. No substitute toppings allowed on Value Range. Premium Pizzas $2.95 more than Traditional Range.

Not valid with any other coupon or offer. Only available at selected stores.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Thanks OP, good discount. not much difference between this and 50% either.

    • +28

      Yeah about 10% :)

      • You must be a student ;)

        • +1

          Pure maths!

  • +14

    40% isn't much. Here's my voucher 177687237225, first come first served.
    It has a button to generate a new code too, my private messages are open if anyone needs one.

    • Good on you

    • I can't provide codes anymore, they've suspended my account.

  • +4

    Valid until 31 January 2018

  • +1

    Discount is available to verified UNiDAYS members only and excludes:

    Value Range, New Yorker Range, Chicken, Bacon & Avocado Pizza and Hawaiian. Discount excludes Promotional Pizza and $2 surcharge applies for each additional topping for half ‘n’ half pizzas

    $2.95 surcharge applies for "Cheesy Crust", "The Edge", "Gluten Free", “Vegan” Pizzas. No half ‘n’ half allowed on the Value Range, Vegan, New Yorker pizzas. No substitute toppings allowed on Value Range. Premium Pizzas $2.95 more than Traditional Range.

    Not valid with any other coupon or offer. Only available at selected stores.

    So pretty much good for traditional or premium pizzas

    • thank you, saw on mobile and didn’t catch the t&c’s will update it now.

      • +1

        Np, prob put traditional and premium pizzas only in the title. Pity, I really like the New Yorker ones

        • Done and yes it's a shame that its so limited.

  • +2

    Here's my code if anyone wants it. I'm on a diet :(

    Can generate codes every 1 hour.

  • Juz fr students :-(

  • +2

    just so people know traditional should be cheaper here

  • +5

    Here's a code:


    • +5

      Also; 543291725125

      • +4

        And here: 086096082366

        • +3

          over there: 955636011406

        • +3

          And here: 086096082366

          Thanks, just tried that code and got free fluffy pancakes with my order.

  • +1

    What ever happened to eagle boys ?

    • +1

      They all closed down

    • +2

      Bought by the group that owns Pizza Hut

    • +1

      some got bought by Pizza Hut

  • +2

    I posted this on the forums too, but if you aren't a student, you should be able to get similar codes just by googling the term pizza or even pizzahut (lol). More here:

  • +9

    If this was for 31st December, I would’ve ordered it at 11:59pm and when they come deliver it, I would’ve said

    “I ordered this pizza last year, dammit!”

    Then throw my hat on the ground

  • +1

    Code: 504019064596

  • +2

    question, have dominos reduced the size of their standard traditional pizzas again?

  • Is there any way to join unidays without a student email address?

    • I've been able to acquire an American .edu email address, acquiring an Aussie address has proven to be difficult.

      • Once the unidays account is verified, is there any need for a student email?

        • Not really, maybe promos will come to it, but that's about it.

  • +1

    Code: 460760013186

  • Anymore code please?

    • +3


      • Man you are fast

        • +4

          Got to help out my fellow bargainers in record time if they’re hungry.

        • +2


          I'm still hungry.

  • Any codes please?

  • +1

    799031127602 enjoy!

  • Code please, would be much appreciated.

    • +2

      341204782003 - I've replied to the person below with the code too - one of you will get it

      • Looks like I just missed it to the below person. ("No uses left.") Thanks though.
        Anyone else able to help me out?

        • +1

          851421571260 - whoops may have accidentally not generated a new one - try this…

        • @blighst: Thanks for the help. Can I get a PM please? It was working but when I got to final payment the same error came up. Seemed someone else redeemed it while I was checking out.

        • @LymeLychee:

          Must have been used by someone else while you were at it - can't generate another one for another 50 mins so you're out of luck unless you want to wait or someone else here delivers

        • @blighst: Thanks anyhow. If anyone else could help me out - PM preferred, would be much appreciated.

  • anyone can generate one please? cheers

    • +1

      851421571260 (but person above also has this code + lurkers so may be used already)

  • Can anyone kindly share me a code, please.. via PM… thank you

  • If anyone could please pm me a code. Much appreciated. Thank you!

    • +1


      Be quick 😝

  • Another code if anyone's looking: 912536027568

  • Please pm me a code. Thank you 🙂

  • $6.95 code is cheaper for Traditional pizzas.

  • Can someone kindly send me a code?

  • Cheers OP, probably the first time I've had a 40% off discount work on the Melbourne range. Comes down to $5.97 from $9.95

  • Anybody want a code? 524009336564

  • Can someone please send me a code? Would be much appreciated.

  • Hey people

    Can anyone pm a valid code lol need to order 40 pizza for birthday this Sunday

  • Any codes to ping me pls?

  • Please pm me a code

  • +2

    Hmm my unidays account has been suspended… The last thing I did was post some dominos codes.

    Guys be careful!

    • +3

      Mine did as well lol! I never used it anyway so I guess it doesn’t really matter, guess they’ve got an ozb snitch

      • Not sure if this fixes it, however I received an email back in Dec stating that my student membership was expiring soon. Had to re-verify my student email via the link provided and it renewed my Unidays membership for another year :)

        • +2

          Got that too but didn't fix it.. Just tried to log in and says account suspended, guess it's over lol, can't be bothered arguing with them to get it back.

        • +2


          I copped a ban too but emailed back them their terms of service asking to clarify as I can't see the part their referring to regarding "misuse of codes" (tbh it was anything but misuse as Domino's still makes a nice profit)

      • +1

        Yeah same here!

        ''We received reports from one of our Retailers that codes were being used suspiciously on their site. We were able to use the codes provided to us by the Retailer to locate the UNiDAYS accounts which the codes were issued too. ''


  • When you generate the code on Unidays, down the bottom it states all the T&C of the code. Towards the end it states "…codes cannot be shared on any 3rd party websites." So if you share it on OzBargain, you are breaking the T&C and they can probably suspend your account.

    • Yeah happened to me, I signed up for undays 4 years ago, but never used them once. I don't care, but I feel sorry for those who shared their codes.

  • +1

    Those who shared their codes, their accounts are suspended.

    • +2

      Yes its unfortunate. Happened to me too and I only shared one code. Ironically I hadn't used any of their discounts before (always found a better deal). A warning would have been nice, I mean its not like we sold them or made any sort of personal gain from it.

      • +1

        I agree, a warning should have been issued out. Not a full on ban, then again, I have never used their codes once. But for those who do, damn :(

        But lucky for my Uni, I can have up to 5 emails. So I can create another account easily. But since I never used them, no chip on my shoulder.

  • just used the code hehe

  • +1

    Hey all. If you're keen to get a unidays account just sign up for one of the free courses that i previously posted. Go to taster courses. Also good for free MS office.

  • Hey guys, anyone able to create a code for me please. Much appreciated. Cheers.

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