Hi all, bought this parcel box as per link https://imgur.com/a/pdPel from Masters last year. Anyway, lost the keys, think I threw it in the bin with the catalogues.
Any chance I could buy a replacement key? Don't really wanna break the lock without trying all methods first.
There's usually a number stamped on the front of those locks (and on the keys). If you contact the manufacturer, they should be able to provide you with a matching key. However, I suspect the key itself would probably cost more than the lock itself.
Those locks are very rest to pick. Even with a bent paperclip. Once it's open, unscrew from the back and get a replacement from Bunnings for $10-$15.
Like these ones >
If the cam (that locking plate) isn't the right size, replace the new one with the old one. They come apart by using a large philips head screwdriver.